Hearing these majestic and indifferent words, Xuan Guan and Leng Lie both trembled.

The majesty of the Lord is getting heavier and heavier!

Xuan Xuan nodded and thought to himself, the respect that shone in his eyes became more intense. At this moment, the demonic power of the Xuan Cha Demon was much more powerful than what he had seen at the beginning.

Leng Lie's heart was also shaken. He was worthy of being the master of heaven. Just one word made his heart shake. Such majesty made people fear and admire. When could he reach this level?

"Master Leng, let's go!"

"Don't be presumptuous in front of adults."

Xuan Guan glanced at Leng Lie and said aloud.

Hearing the reminder about the entrance, Leng Lie nodded, put away the distracting thoughts in his mind, showed a respectful attitude, and followed the entrance into the glorious hall in front of him.

As soon as he stepped into the hall, Leng Lie felt the terrifying demonic power coming from all directions, making his whole body tense up, his soul trembling, and an inexplicable fear rising in his heart. He vaguely saw the figure on the throne in front of him. That tall figure and its majesty made him lower his head involuntarily.

Is this the power of the one who controls the sky?

Leng Lie clenched his fist tightly and was in awe. The power of this Heaven Master Demon was far beyond what his master and the Heaven Master Demon could compare to. The terrifying demon power almost made him suffocate.

On the throne, after Leng Lie and Xuan Guang entered the hall, the Great Demon Xuansha was also observing Leng Lie. For some reason, he felt a familiar aura from Leng Lie. As Leng Lie walked in, this aura More and more intense.

However, Leng Lie lowered his head so that he could not see his face clearly. Although he felt familiar, he could not remember who this person was, which would give him such a strong feeling of familiarity.

"Leng Lie, the direct disciple of the Yuan Master of Heaven, pays homage to Lord Demon!"

Leng Lie bowed ninety degrees, bowed respectfully, and said loudly, his voice echoing in the entire hall.

Hearing this voice, the Great Demon Xuan Cha narrowed his eyes slightly. The word "Leng Lie" brought back the long-dusted memory in his mind. The eldest prince of the Hidden Sun Holy Dynasty that he had killed in the Holy Realm seemed to be the same. Call it Leng Lie?

It should just be the same name.

The Great Demon Xuan Cha shook his head slightly and said secretly.

How can a dead person be resurrected?

"Raise your head and let me take a good look at how amazing and talented it is to have Yuan Shou as your direct disciple?"

The Great Demon of Xuan Cha narrowed his eyes slightly and said in a deep voice. The powerful voice resounded throughout the entire hall, containing endless majesty, making Leng Lie and Xuan Xuan's heads tremble.

As a high-ranking heaven-master, he rarely accepts disciples, and even if he does, he will be a heavenly slave. This coldness must make the so-called heaven-master Yuan accept his direct disciple, which must be extraordinary.

If possible, we can win over him and plant a hidden secret next to Yuan, the one who controls the sky.

While the Great Demon Xuan Cha was in deep thought, Leng Lie did not dare to neglect, and quickly raised his head to look at the Great Demon Xuan Cha. When he saw the majestic face of the Great Demon Xuan Cha and the demonic aura that filled his body, his soul trembled, and his eyes trembled. The awe he exuded became even stronger.

How... how is it possible?

Is it really him?

How can a dead person be resurrected?

When he saw the cold face, the Great Demon Xuansha was so horrified that he almost couldn't help but scream. His face was filled with uncertainty, and he suppressed the fear in his heart and maintained a majestic posture.

He never expected that this so-called direct disciple of Heaven Controller Yuan was actually Leng Lie, the eldest prince of the Hidden Sun Holy Dynasty whom he killed back then.

But at that time, he was the one who killed Leng Lie with his own hands and confirmed that Leng Lie was dead. Now, this person actually appeared in front of him and transformed into the direct disciple of the Master of Heaven?

This person's resurrection is probably indispensable without the handiwork of Yuan, the one who controls the sky.

The Great Demon Xuan Cha suppressed the shock in his heart and thought to himself, is that Yuan who controls the sky really terrifying, that he can bring the dead back to life? Impossible, maybe when Leng Lie was fighting with him, he had already been tricked by Yuan, the master of the sky. At that time, Leng Lie was probably not really dead, but was rescued by Yuan.

"The third level of divine ban! Yes, you have achieved such achievements at such a young age. No wonder Yuan Hui accepts you as his direct disciple!"

The Great Demon Xuan Cha looked indifferent, glanced at Leng Lie, and murmured softly.

Although he wanted to slap this Leng Lie to death in order to eliminate future troubles, for the sake of the overall situation, he still endured it and did not dare to reveal any flaws.

Fortunately, fortunately!

At this moment, the Great Demon Xuancha couldn't help but feel extremely happy, if not for the fact that he was transformed into a remnant soul of the Demon Master of Heaven, and after accepting the cultivation inheritance of Demon Master of Heaven, his face had changed into that of Demon Master of Heaven. His appearance was such that he might be recognized by Leng Lie.

"My lord, this is ridiculous. Leng Lie still has a lot to learn."

Seeing Leng Lie's respectful look, the Great Demon Xuan Cha sneered in his heart, Boy, I'm afraid you don't know that the enemy who killed you is right in front of you.

"It's not easy for you to reach this point from the Holy World. Stay with Yuan carefully. In the future, there may not be a place for you in all the worlds!"

Hearing the words of the Great Demon Xuan Cha, Leng Lie felt a chill in his heart. He was indeed the Demon Master of Heaven. Not only could he see his cultivation at a glance, but also his origins. He was really terrifying.

For a time, Leng Lie became more and more awed.

"Old ghost, since you're here, why don't you show up and see me?"

But at this moment, the eyes of the Great Demon Xuan Cha were as dark as ink and flickered with a faint light. His eyes seemed to see through many obstacles and see the pitch black box inside Leng Lie's body.

"Jie Jie, you devil, your eyesight is still as sharp as ever!"

When the great demon Xuan Cha finished his words, a cold laughter suddenly sounded in the hall, causing Xuan Guan's expression to change. He raised his eyes and when he saw the burly figure stepping out of Leng Lie's body, his pupils shrank. He quickly bowed and said respectfully: "See you, Lord Ghost!"

The ghost who controls the sky did not pay attention to the entrance, but looked at the demon who controlled the sky. His white eyes flashed with sighs. Thinking back to the past, how magnificent and heroic they were? Now, they are all down here.

Sensing the ghostly gaze of the Heaven Master, the Great Demon Xuansha's expression did not change, and he kept warning himself in his heart that he must be steady and not expose his secrets.

This is the first time he has faced the real Heaven Master. If even this unrecovered Heaven Master ghost can't get away with it, he should stop being an undercover agent and just go back to the Shenxian Sect.

If he hadn't sensed the ghostly aura of the Heaven Master and knew that he had not yet reached his peak, the Xuan Cha Demon would not have dared to risk calling him out. He also wanted to rehearse it so that when he faced the Peak Master in the future, Able to take my time more.

The Great Demon Xuan Cha also knows that the other party must know that he can sense him. If he does not speak, it will arouse the other party's suspicion.

"I didn't expect you, an old ghost, to be worse than this demon!"

After some thought, the Great Demon of Xuan Cha looked at the ghost holding the sky with a half-smile, and teased.

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