Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 960 Beliefs gather in the sea, gods in the cauldron

While the Great Demon of Xuan Cha was talking to the Heaven Master Ghost, Leng Lie and Xuan Guan stood aside respectfully, not daring to make any move. The conversation between the two Heaven Masters was beyond their ability to interfere.

"One day, I will make them pay the price!"

Hearing the words of the Great Demon Xuan Cha, a cold light flashed in the ghost's eyes, and the power burst out from his whole body, making the whole hall tremble violently. He said in a cold voice, and the cold and murderous intent swept through the whole hall, making everyone on the side Leng Lie and Xuan Guan tremble. .

Leng Lie's heart trembled, and there was endless awe in his eyes. The Heaven Controller was worthy of being the Heaven Controller. Even if he only had the peak of immortality, his strength was far beyond what he could match. He originally thought that he had reached the third level of divine ban. At this peak of immortality, There was no opponent among them, but in front of the one who controlled the sky, just a trace of murderous intention made his whole soul feel like falling into an ice cave.

There is heaven outside the world, and there are people outside the world. There is still a lot for him to learn!

"Yes, one day they will pay the price!"

An inexplicable light flashed in the eyes of the Great Demon Xuan Cha, and he spoke with an emphasis on his tone.

"What are your plans next?"

Then, Xuan Cha Demon looked at the ghost and asked in a deep voice.

"Since you are here, let's go with you and recover!"

Hearing this, the ghost barely hesitated and said directly. He had no choice but to stay in that chaotic space before. Now that the devil is cultivating here, he simply stayed here. There are entrance halls and many costumes for preparing heaven slaves. The treasures they have collected in the Imperial Realm over the years will help him recover his cultivation much faster.

"Yuan is still sealed, so you stay with me!"

"Don't worry, this demon will teach you 'well' before the Yuan is unsealed!"

Then, the Great Demon Xuan Cha looked at Leng Lie and said with a half-smile.

Fortunately, he got the memory of the devil. Otherwise, how would he know this devil?

"Yes, thank you Lord Demon!"

Hearing the words of the Great Demon Xuan Cha, Leng Lie suppressed the excitement in his heart and quickly bowed and thanked him, saying how lucky he was to be taught by such a figure as the Demon himself?

Fortunately, he did not hesitate to worship Yuan as his master, otherwise, how could he be like this? How could we see so many great people?

Seeing Leng Lie's respectful look, the Great Demon Xuancha secretly smiled, "Boy, I can't kill you, but I have the means to torture you."

Let me torture you first, and when the time is right, I, the old devil, will kill you again. This time, you will not be so lucky. Not even Yuan can save you!

The Great Demon Xuancha sneered in his heart, but it didn't show anything on the surface. He said to Leng Lie: "Now that you have reached the third level of the Divine Forbidden City, you have to rely on yourself for understanding. This demon can't help you. Next, this demon will I will help you temper your body until your body is tempered to the limit!"

"Many practitioners think that the more power in the body, the better, but they don't know that the body's carrying capacity is limited. If it cannot withstand the powerful force, it will be as vulnerable as a mirror, a flower in the water, a moon in the water."

"You are so lucky to have the old devil teach you body tempering in person!"

"Old Demon is the number one person in the demonic path in all the worlds. There are very few people who can compare with him. Looking at all the worlds, there are very few people. In the demonic path, body refining is even more unique. If we can get some of the true inheritance from the old demon, It’s enough to allow you to roam in all directions without any rival!”

The ghost on the side heard this and smiled towards Leng Lie.

Leng Lie's heart trembled, and his eyes looking at the Great Demon of Xuan Cha were full of awe and gratitude. How terrifying is the number one demon in the world? If he wasn't really strong to the extreme, how could he have such a title?

With such a strong man personally teaching him how to refine his body, he will definitely reach the nine heavens in the future.

Behind Leng Lie, Xuan Guan also looked at Leng Lie with envy. Even if he has reached his level of cultivation, he is eager to receive personal guidance from the Master of Heaven, even if the cultivation of demons and ghosts has not yet returned to its peak. But even if they have never returned to their peak, they once stood at the top of the God Realm, but their understanding and knowledge of cultivation are not comparable to that of ordinary people.

Just a little bit exposed from under their fingernails can benefit many people for life.

However, it didn't take long before the envy in the entrance hall turned into happiness.


Leng Lie's pitiful howl resounded throughout the secret realm. The mysterious master who was originally teaching some preparatory Tiannu couldn't help but tremble when he heard the continuous howl.

That kind of heart-wrenching scream, you can feel the tremendous pain just by listening to the sound.


In the God Burial Forest, the Li Tianding in front of Wang Feng was still trembling, and bright golden light shone out from it. It had been a long time since the Li Tianding had changed. Wang Feng could feel that the changes in the Li Tianding had reached a critical moment. It seemed that There was something that was about to be born from Li Tianding, which gave Wang Feng an inexplicable feeling of palpitations.

Wang Feng stared intently at Li Tianding, which was glowing with brilliant golden light. He had a vague hunch in his heart that the changes in Li Tianding would be of great use to him one day in the future.


Suddenly, the vibration of the entire Li Tianding stopped, and the bright golden light that originally bloomed from the Li Tianding seemed to be pulled and suddenly retracted into the Li Tianding.

The whole world returned to calm again, and before Wang Feng could tremble, wisps of mysterious runes emitting a faint golden glow suddenly emerged from the top of Li Tianding, like little golden dragons breaking out of their shells, full of spirituality.

Immediately afterwards, under Wang Feng's shocked gaze, the mysterious runes suddenly intertwined and intertwined. Not long after, a golden figure suddenly appeared on Li Tianding, hovering like an ancient Buddha. , the body is filled with mysterious golden patterns, and just one glance is enough to shock people.

What surprised Wang Feng was that he felt an extremely familiar and friendly aura from this golden figure, as if this figure was his incarnation.


Suddenly, two golden lights were projected from the golden figure. The two golden lights rushed towards Wang Feng at extremely fast speeds. Before Wang Feng could retreat, the two golden lights had already landed on his eyebrows. , forming two golden lines connected head to tail, like a Tai Chi diagram.

With the appearance of this picture album, a strange feeling suddenly appeared in Wang Feng's heart, as if a childish voice sounded in his mind, calling him the master.

"System, what's going on?"

Wang Feng held back the shock in his heart and asked secretly. After this picture album appeared, he faintly felt that the four strange things in his body were trembling in unison, forming a perfect match with the golden pattern picture album between his eyebrows. What a strange resonance!

"Faith gathers in the sea, the gods in the cauldron!"

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