Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 975 Yin and Yang complement each other

Hearing this, Gui took a deep breath and said with a wry smile: "I don't know what madness caused me to believe that you are a lunatic!"

After the words fell, Gui slowly closed his eyes and adjusted his whole body to a perfect state of calmness.

Looking at the ghost with his eyes closed, the Great Demon Xuansha also took a deep breath and secretly said in his heart: "Demon, you must not lie to me, otherwise I will be killed by you!"

In fact, the idea of ​​the fusion of demons was inspired by the memory left by the demon.

At the beginning, the demon was suppressed in that secret realm. For countless years, while he was looking for a way to break through the seal, he was also thinking hard about how to go further.

It has to be said that the devil can become the one who controls the sky and is the supreme being of the demonic path of purgatory. His understanding is really amazing. He actually came up with the idea of ​​using the demonic path of purgatory as yin, using his own blood as yang, and fusing yin and yang into the path of heaven. He wants to use his own purgatory. The demonic path is the foundation, and it transforms into the yin and yang purgatory of heaven.

However, in the devil's memory, the success rate of this idea is less than one in a billion, so he has never dared to try it. He plans to consult with many heaven masters to see if this idea is feasible after breaking through the seal.

Unfortunately, it was later banned by the Great Demon of Xuan Cha.

After learning about this memory, the Great Demon Xuan Cha didn't even think about trying it. The success rate was even one in a billion. In the eyes of the Great Demon Xuan Cha, death was certain. He was a madman, but he was also crazy enough to Seeking death.

While he was recovering his cultivation, he was also thinking hard about how to improve this method and increase its success. Until the arrival of Leng Lie and the Heaven Master Ghost, an idea flashed in his mind.

The devil's path and the ghost's path have the same root and origin. They are both the path of the cathode. If they can be integrated, wouldn't it be a breakthrough? Yin and Yang are mutually reinforcing and restraining each other. Yin cannot grow alone and Yang cannot grow alone. However, the ultimate of yin is yang, and the ultimate of yang is yin. If the devil merges, he will be able to achieve the ultimate of yin, thereby giving birth to yang, and achieve the fusion of devil and yin and yang. The point of mutual growth.

In this way, although it is different from the devil's idea, if it can succeed, wouldn't it be another breakthrough?

As soon as this idea appeared, it was like a bone-eating insect that could not be driven away. He had a vague hunch that this idea was an opportunity for him, an opportunity to change his life against the odds!

During this period of time, he had never doubted that he would implement this idea. The reason why he had delayed it until now was because he was thinking about how to trick the man in charge of the sky without leaving any trace.

If it succeeds, the ghosts who are with him will also benefit. How can this work? He is an undercover agent, so he can only get the benefits himself, how can others?

"Old ghost, run your Shura ghost path, condense it into talisman patterns, pass through the Cloud Gate, enter the Heavenly Mansion, and reach Taiyuan, Shen Shaoshang!"

The Great Demon Xuan Cha closed his eyes tightly and shouted in a deep voice.


After receiving the instruction, the ghost master of the sky did not dare to neglect at all. The momentum of his whole body suddenly bloomed, and the gloomy Shura ghost path talisman was condensed in his body. It started from the Yunmen acupoint, passed through the Tianfu acupoint, and passed through the Taiyuan acupoint. Yuan acupoint, and sink into Shaoshang acupoint!


In an instant, the ghost's thumb of the one holding the sky glowed with a bright and cold light due to the large number of Shura ghost talismans converging on the Shaoshang point, as if there was a ghost shadow flickering on it, making the top of the mountain, Everything became spooky and terrifying.

"The Demonic Path of Purgatory, Kai!"

At the same time, the Great Demon of Xuan Cha let out a low roar, and the power in his body trembled crazily. Wisps of pitch-black demonic paths of purgatory emerged, condensing into runes as black as ink. Under the pull of the Great Demon of Xuan Cha, they entered The sea of ​​blood, passing through the Chongmen, holding Taiyi, sinking into this god!


Between the eyebrows of the Great Demon Xuan Cha, a jet-black light suddenly bloomed, like a tiny black hole. Just one glance was enough to make people tremble with fear!

"Old ghost, start a new Shura ghost path, condense it into runes, enter the sea of ​​blood, pass through the gate, hold Taiyi, and sink to the gods!"


The Heaven Master Ghost, who had been prepared for a long time, heard this without any hesitation, and directly condensed the terrifying Shura Ghost Dao talisman in his body again, and started operating it according to the Xuansha Great Demon's method.

At the same time, the Great Demon of Xuan Cha also condensed the talismans of the Purgatory Demon Path, passed through the Cloud Gate, entered the Heavenly Mansion, and reached Taiyuan, Shen Shaoshang!


The terrifying momentum, centered on the two of them, swept across the entire mountaintop, causing the mountaintop to tremble violently, and the entire sky was changing with stormy clouds.

Xuan Guan and others who had subdued themselves around the mountain peak felt this terrifying momentum. They all trembled and did not dare to neglect. The power in their bodies burst out crazily, gathering everyone's strength to form a huge protective shield, covering the entire central mountain peak. Covered and lived.

If anyone sees the Great Demon of Xuan Cha and the Ghost Master of Heaven, they will be surprised to find that at this time, two rays of light are faintly flashing on their bodies. One starts from Yunmen Point and ends at Shaoshang Point; the other starts from Yunmen Point and ends at Shaoshang Point. It starts from the Blood Sea point and ends at the Benshen point.

The blood sea of ​​two of them is opposite to the light of the god, and the light of Yunmen and Shaoshang is opposite, but there is some kind of strange connection vaguely!


As the two people continued to gather together, these acupuncture points in their bodies began to bloom with bright light, like stars, making both of them become misty and dreamy. If someone could see through their bodies, they would find that , these acupuncture points are filled with densely packed mysterious runes.

These runes are the result of the supreme mysteries of the Asura Ghost Path and the Purgatory Demon Path that the two of them have gathered together.

"Now, Shao Shang touches my god!"

In an instant, the Great Demon of Xuan Cha shouted in a deep voice, and his shining thumb touched the blood sea point of the ghost holding the sky, and the thumb of the ghost holding the sky also touched the big point of Xuan Cha. On top of the divine point on the demon’s forehead!


At this moment, the two people who were originally in contact with each other were suddenly and closely connected. The moment they touched each other again, both of them were shocked, and a terrifying storm swept over them with the two of them as the center and the west. In all directions, the void around the entire mountain top collapsed one after another, as if it was destroying the sky and destroying the earth.


This terrifying storm touched the protective shield set up by Xuan Guan and the others, and Xuan Guan and the others were all shocked. Blood spurted from their mouths, and they all flew backwards. Even Xuan Guan, a peak god like Xuan Guan, was not there. With no exception, his face turned pale as a sheet in an instant.

"Sir, what are you doing?"

Xuan Guan's face was horrified, and he couldn't help but exclaimed. The impact just now gave him a terrifying feeling of being on the edge of death. At that moment, he really thought he was going to die.


After saying these words, Xuan Guan's expression suddenly changed. He raised his head suddenly and stared at the two beams of light that shot up from the top of the mountain.

The two light pillars were pitch black, but if you look carefully, you can still find that the light pillars are completely condensed by mysterious runes. What shocked Xuan Guan was that he could clearly feel that this was the way controlled by the two adults. , but now, these two completely different supreme ways are slowly beginning to merge.

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