Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 976: Heaven’s wrath, world-destroying thunder and punishment

"What's this?"

Xuan Guan's face was horrified. When the two beams of light rushed up, he suddenly felt that the entire secret realm was shaking. He had a vague premonition in his heart, as if something bad was about to happen.

On the top of the mountain, the place where the Great Demon of Xuan Cha and the Demon Master of Heaven were sitting had become a restricted area. The terrifying demonic purgatory and the supreme talisman formed by the ghost of Shura enveloped the two of them, forming a terrifying storm. In this storm, everything was wiped out. Even space and time seemed to become fragile in this storm.

Two dark pillars of light rose into the sky with the two of them as the center. What was strange was that the runes transformed by the Shura ghost path were wrapped around the body of the Xuansha demon like black dragons, while the runes transformed by the demonic path of purgatory were Wrapped around the ghost who controls the sky.


In an instant, the runes formed by countless Shura ghosts suddenly vibrated, as if they were being pulled, and rushed straight into the Xuancha Demon's Benshen Point and Shaoshang Point, and went upstream to return to the Yunmen Point and the Blood Sea Point!


The whole body of the Great Demon Xuansha shook violently. The impact between the Shura Ghost Path and the Purgatory Demon Path in his body was like countless particles exploding in his body. The huge energy generated destroyed the vitality in his body and made his face shudder. He turned pale, and his whole face was twisted and hideous in pain.

"Damn it!"

"Refining the heart, refining the self, refining the demons, sealing the sky and the earth, entering the divine underworld, gaining access to the sea, returning to yin and yang, and uniting with all directions, this edict!"

He knew it wasn't that simple, so he didn't dare to neglect it. He suppressed the pain forcibly, and his whole spirit returned to tranquility, and he started to use the secret method left by the devil. This was a kind of magic that was derived from the magic ginseng when he realized the heavenly way of yin and yang purgatory. Secret method.


As the Great Demon of Xuan Cha operated this secret method, the two completely opposite principles in his body suddenly vibrated, as if being pulled by some strange force. The repulsion gradually weakened and merged at a slow speed.

With the fusion of these two principles, the whole world suddenly trembled, no, to be precise, the entire world. At this moment, all the creatures in the world seemed to have a feeling, that is, God, I'm angry!

Wang Feng and others, who were leading many elders of the Immortal Sect to the Yangsheng Divine Clan's headquarters, suddenly stopped and stared at the sky. Wang Feng's heart trembled, and he faintly felt an unspeakable anger, as if someone was there. Just like offending the law of heaven, the anger of heaven affects all living beings in the world, making them also angry.

"Sect Master, this...what happened?"

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult standing behind him looked shocked and exclaimed.

Wang Feng shook his head and said nothing, staring intently at the sky.

At the same time, all the old monsters hiding in various mysterious and strange places in the world were also alarmed by this terrible movement. They looked up at the sky one by one, with flashes of light in their turbid and deep eyes. The color of trembling.

In the God Realm, a strange place, Ye Muqing's beautiful eyes narrowed and she stared at the sky. She didn't know what she was thinking. Behind her, the faces of the Hell Forest Dragon and the Desolate Sky Demon God were trembling. Even those who have reached their level, they are inexplicably confused. A feeling of panic.

"Empress, what happened?"

"Heaven is furious, and the world-destroying thunder and punishment will appear!"

"What can cause the wrath of Heaven must be the birth of some terrifying existence that cannot be tolerated in the world. This kind of existence is even enough to cause a crisis for Heaven, so it is so angry!"

Ye Muqing looked solemn and said in a deep voice, at this critical moment, such a change occurred, who is it? How could it make Heaven angry?


When Ye Muqing finished speaking, the Desolate Heaven Demon God and the Hell Senlong all shrank their pupils and exclaimed.

Even when they were at their peak, they had reached the ultimate level of the gods. It seemed that they were only one step away from the way of heaven, but this step was actually extremely far away. Even at that time, they were so talented and beautiful that they were in awe of all the powerful people in the god world. The adults have never touched it, which is enough to imagine how difficult this step is.

Beings like them are not even qualified to attract the attention of Heaven, let alone make it angry. Even the adults back then were not able to do so. Who is it that is so terrifying?

"Empress, can you deduce what caused Heaven's anger?"

The Demon God of Desolate Sky asked with curiosity in his eyes. The empress's deduction skills were at the top of the world in all the worlds. The only one who could compare with her was the old monster Wu who controlled the sky.

Hearing this, Ye Muqing shook his head and said in a deep voice: "It cannot be calculated. Heaven is so angry that the whole universe is in chaos. If you try to calculate at this time, you are undoubtedly seeking death!"

"That kind of existence is beyond our ability to predict!"

After the words fell, the Desolate Sky Demon God and the Hell Forest Dragon were all shocked. Even the Empress could not figure it out. It seemed that it was impossible for them to know the origin of that existence.

I just hope that existence is not an enemy, otherwise...

"Tiandao is furious. In the next period of time, the secrets of heaven will be chaotic and difficult to predict. I am afraid that the Lost War Realm will open in advance. Let everyone be smarter recently and don't let those guys take advantage of the loophole!"


Hearing Ye Muqing's words, Hell Senlong and Desolate Sky Demon God both narrowed their eyes and responded in a deep voice.


In the endless star field, Master Wu sat cross-legged in the starry sky, rising and falling among the stars. Suddenly, he looked up at the sky, and a look of shock flashed in his eyes: "Is Heaven angry?"

"How is it possible? Who can trigger the wrath of heaven?"

A sound like a loud bell exploded throughout the star field, and the words could not hide the trembling meaning.

"Damn it! The chaos of heaven is unpredictable!"

After he pinched his fingers a few times, his face turned ugly. He suddenly had an unpleasant feeling that things were out of his control. As a dignified master of the sky, and relying on his deduction skills, except for that woman, he could Apart from being able to compete with him, he could do almost anything in the world, which made his mentality always aloof and calm, but now, this change made his heart agitated.


When Wu, the master of the sky, was uncertain, a misty ancient voice suddenly echoed throughout the starry sky, causing Wu's expression to change suddenly. He quickly stood up, bowed and saluted, and said respectfully: "See the patriarch!"

At this moment, Wu's heart was filled with turmoil. He never thought that this incident would lead to the leader of the Heaven Master clan coming out. This patriarch is the boss of all their Heaven Master clan, and also the leader of the entire Heaven Master clan. Among them, the most mysterious existence, even he has never seen its true form.

The clan leader did not participate in that battle. Otherwise, they would not have been defeated so miserably. They would have captured all the worlds long ago!

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