Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 978 Enlightenment and Transformation

"System, can you find out what happened?"

In the void, Wang Feng narrowed his eyes and asked secretly.

He felt the terrifying power of thunder just above the sky very clearly. Even from an unknown distance, it made his whole soul tremble, as if he was facing the god of death. It was hard to imagine what kind of existence it was. Only then can such a terrible thunder disaster be caused.

"Someone is trying to reverse the destiny of heaven, triggering the wrath of heaven, and sending down a thunderous punishment that will destroy the world!"

The cold voice that sounded in his mind made Wang Feng's pupils shrink, and a look of horror flashed on his face. Reversing destiny?

"Maybe we can find out where that person came from?"

Wang Feng suppressed the fear in his heart and asked quickly.

"The secret is chaotic and cannot be investigated. However, that person has the cause and effect of the host and should be someone close to the host!"

As soon as the system finished speaking, Wang Feng's heart was shaken, cause and effect? Can the system actually peer into cause and effect? It is indeed a system. It can even dabble in the extremely mysterious way of cause and effect?

What makes Wang Feng even more horrified is that that person is still someone related to him?

who is it?

Ye Muqing?

Emperor Qin?

Or that strange beast called the Hell Forest Dragon?

Apart from these few, Wang Feng never imagined that anyone else around him could do such an earth-shattering thing?

After guessing for a long time, Wang Feng still couldn't figure out the identity of the person. He shook his head, glanced at the sky where there was no movement at all, and then continued to lead a group of equally shocked elders of the Immortal Sect toward the sun. Go to the residence of the Holy God Clan.


In the secret realm, Leng Lie and Xuan Guan finally recovered from their injuries. Although they could not recover to their peak, they were able to protect themselves. The two looked at each other without hesitation, each took out a divine weapon and faced the terrifying Thunder, planning to find the Great Demon of Xuan Cha and the Ghost Master of Heaven.

As soon as Hajime stepped into the sea of ​​thunder in front of them, both of them couldn't help but tremble. Even if it was just the aftermath of the world-destroying thunder, it still had such terrifying power. If they were not each protected by a divine weapon, they would probably be seriously injured again.

The two of them did not dare to show any signs of neglect. They used all their strength to activate the artifacts in their hands, and walked towards the center step by step. The one with the highest level of cultivation and the strongest strength walked in the front and withstood most of the pressure.

Although the world-destroying thunder punishment affected a wide range, spreading to the entire secret realm, turning the secret realm into ruins, the thunder sea left behind by the aftermath was only a mere ten miles away.

With Xuan Guan and Leng Lie's cultivation, in normal times, they could cross a ten-mile land without even one step. But now, this ten-mile land is extremely far away for the two of them, and every step must be extremely difficult.

By the time they reached half the distance, the two of them were sweating profusely and panting. This mere five miles was even more tiring than a big battle for them. The terrifying thunder was surrounding them all the time. Wandering, like a killer, waiting for the moment they relax, to give them a fatal blow.

Therefore, the two of them not only pushed their strength to the extreme, but also tightened their spirits. Even those who were stronger than them could not withstand such a huge consumption.

The two of them stayed for a short moment, each took out the imperial medicine and swallowed it. After regaining some strength, they gritted their teeth and continued to delve deeper into the sea of ​​thunder. No matter what, they had to find the Great Demon of Xuan Cha and the Ghost Master of Heaven!

Leng Lie is thinking about his own future, while Xuan Guan is true loyalty.

Every Heavenly Slave has been trained since childhood. Their minds have long been instilled with the concept of loyalty to the Heavenly Master. Their lifelong belief is to serve the Heavenly Master, and their true thoughts have almost disappeared.

In this ten-mile area, Leng Lie and Xuan Guan walked for nearly five hours before they reached the very center. At this time, the two of them were sweating profusely, and their clothes were soaked with sweat. Their faces were as pale as paper, but the two of them ignored themselves and stared closely at the center.

When they saw the center, their pupils shrank, and their faces flashed with horror and disbelief.

I saw, in the very center, the Great Demon of Xuan Cha was sitting in the air, with a circular catalog floating underneath. Half of it was composed of the inscriptions of the Dao of the Purgatory Demon Path, and the other half was composed of the inscriptions of the Dao of the Asura Ghost Dao. It seems as if this catalog is holding up the Great Demon of Xuansha.

Not only that, the whole body of the Great Demon Xuan Cha was glowing with a jet-black light, and a halo appeared behind his head. Just one glance made Leng Lie and Xuan Zhen's heads tremble, and they couldn't help but have the idea of ​​worshiping them. .

At the same time, the skin of the Great Demon Xuansha was covered with densely packed devil lines and ghost lines. These devil lines and ghost lines also occupied half of the body of the Great Demon Xuansha, converging at the center of his eyebrows to form a mysterious The ultimate whirlpool.

When Xuan Guan and Leng Lie wanted to see the whirlpool, they couldn't help but feel a throbbing in their hearts. There was a feeling that they would die just one look at the whirlpool, which made them tremble physically and mentally and quickly lowered their heads. , dare not look at the whirlpool.

In addition to the weird Xuan Cha Demon, the ghost master of the sky collapsed not far away and fell into a coma. His whole body was pitch black, like a piece of black coal. If it weren't for the fact that he could still feel the Sheng Sheng and Leng Lie both thought he was dead.


After a moment, Xuan Guan suppressed the shock in his heart and stretched out his hand, wanting to touch the Xuan Sha Demon.

"Don't touch him!"

But at this moment, Master Yuan's voice sounded in Leng Lie's mind, which frightened Leng Lie and quickly stopped him at the entrance.


"He succeeded and really changed his life against the odds!"

"From now on, a truly terrifying existence will appear in this world, and my family of Heaven Masters may reach a higher level!"

"It's a pity that the old ghost not only failed to succeed, but also damaged his foundation. If he wants to recover to his peak, I'm afraid it will take even longer!"

Yuan Na's words full of exclamation and regret rang in Leng Lie's mind, making Leng Lie tremble all over and his eyes flashed with brilliance. He never expected that Lord Demon would actually change his fate against the will of heaven?

"At this moment, he is in a process of transformation, which can also be called destiny enlightenment, which is to understand his own destiny. When he wakes up, he will transform into a more terrifying state. However, the time of this awakening cannot be determined by the teacher. !”

"During this process, be sure not to touch him, otherwise, the two principles of his body that are merging with each other will explode instantly when they detect the foreign aura. The power that explodes at that moment will not be exceeded with your current cultivation level. , there is no way to stop it, you will definitely die!"

Hearing Yuan's words, Leng Lie was extremely frightened. Fortunately, the master spoke in time and blocked the entrance, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

"First take the old ghost out and help him recover, and then stay here and wait for the demon to wake up!"

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