Deep in the Yangsheng Divine Clan's camp, Huangfu Xuanling, the second elder of the Yangsheng Divine Clan, looked at the ancestors of the Yangsheng Divine Clan who had all appeared, and he was completely stunned!

Good guy, he didn't expect that the terrifying thunder just now blew up many ancestors without even having to wake them up. Even the strongest ancestor of the Yangsheng Divine Clan, Huangfu Tianlong, appeared directly.

Like other gods, the strongest ancestor of the Yangsheng God Clan has only one name from beginning to end, and that is Huangfu Tianlong. In the Yangsheng God Clan, the name Huangfu Tianlong represents the supreme, and is also the leader of the entire Yangsheng God Clan. Pillar, as long as he does not fall, the Yangsheng Divine Clan will not fall!

"Heaven is wrathful and the world is destroyed by thunder and punishment? How is that possible?"

Huangfu Tianlong ignored Huangfu Xuanling, or in other words, he was so filled with shock that he didn't notice Huangfu Xuanling at all. His eyes were fixed on the sky, his face full of horror.

Not only him, but also the other ancestors of the Yangsheng Divine Clan.

After counting, there are exactly five ancestors of the Yangsheng Divine Clan who were blown up. The aura on each one is as deep as the sea, hard to guess, and one glance is enough to make people tremble.

After a long time, Huangfu Tianlong and others recovered from the shock. It was only then that they noticed the appearance of Huangfu Xuanling. Huangfu Tianlong frowned and asked in a cold voice: "Xuanling, what are you doing here? ?”

This place is a forbidden area of ​​the Yangsheng Divine Clan. Under normal circumstances, not to mention the elders, even the clan leader Huangfu Yulong will not step in at will. The entire forbidden area is filled with many terrifying formations, both to shield the secrets of the sky and to prevent Outsiders break in.

It is worth mentioning that before Huangfu Tianlong retreated to death, all the formations in this forbidden area were activated. Except for Huangfu Yulong and a few elders, no one could step in. Because of this, even if the other elders Zu does not have a retreat. As long as no one enters here, they cannot know the situation in the outside world.

"Ancestor, the patriarch and the great elder are both dead. Our Yangsheng Clan is facing unprecedented changes. Please ask our ancestors to avenge the patriarch and the great elder!"

Hearing Huangfu Tianlong's words, Huangfu Xuanling suddenly came to his senses, knelt down directly on the ground, and cried that only in front of many ancestors would he show such a posture.


As soon as Huangfu Xuanling finished speaking, Huangfu Tianlong and others suddenly shrank their pupils and shouted in a deep voice. A terrifying anger suddenly swept through the entire forbidden area, making the entire forbidden space tremble uncontrollably. Even Huangfu Xuanling , all trembled.

"Back then...!"

Seeing the many angry ancestors, Huangfu Xuanling did not dare to neglect, and quickly told everything that had happened before.

"good very good!"

"I didn't expect that I, the Yangsheng Clan, would be deceived to this extent even after I haven't been born for a long time?"

Half a quarter of an hour later, after listening to Huangfu Xuanling's narration, Huangfu Tianlong laughed in a deep voice. He seemed to be laughing, but the coldness in his words made everyone present tremble.

"That old guy Tuoba Tiance went crazy, and you went crazy too? By colluding with the Nether Clan, how will we, the Yangsheng Clan, be able to gain a foothold in this imperial realm in the future?"

Then, Huangfu Tianlong's face turned cold, he glared at Huangfu Xuanling fiercely, and shouted coldly.

"Ancestor, Xuan Ling really has no choice. If we don't follow them, we, the Yangsheng Clan, may be abandoned and face the pressure of the Immortal Sect alone!"

Huangfu Xuanling trembled all over and spoke quickly.

"Hmph! I'll deal with you when the matter is over!"

Huangfu Tianlong snorted coldly, and before Huangfu Xuanling could speak, he continued: "Go and tell Tuoba Tianyuan that I have woken up, and let him struggle with his strength to directly destroy that Laoshizi Immortal Sect!"

"Ancestor, if the Shenxian Sect can withstand the impact of the Tianyuan Talisman, there must be a terrifying and powerful person hidden within it. Otherwise, Tuoba Tianyuan would not take the risk of colluding with the Nether Clan. If he wants to destroy the Shenxian Sect, he must be cautious!"

"Moreover, the two major divine clans, Xuanyuan and Fudao, are also moving towards the Shenxian Sect. Without a complete strategy, they cannot be destroyed at all!"

Hearing this, even though he was in awe of Huangfu Tianlong, Huangfu Xuanling couldn't help but speak.

"Do you think I'm shutting myself up to death for nothing?"

"I have already broken through to the realm of the Holy God. What does the mere Immortal Sect mean to me?"

Huangfu Tianlong snorted coldly, his face full of arrogance. In fact, he does have the capital to be proud. The highest state in the entire Chaos Emperor Realm is that their strongest ancestors have reached the peak of Qian Shen. .

Now, he has surpassed the other three old guys and become the first being in the entire Imperial Realm to break through to the realm of the Holy God. How could he not be proud? Anyone else would be so arrogant if they knew they were invincible.

At the beginning, if he had not been the last of the four ancestors of the gods to break through to the peak of Qian Shen, he, the Yangsheng God Clan, would not have formed an alliance with the Tianyuan God Clan. He knew very well that Tuoba Tianyuan was definitely a lunatic. It seems now , as expected, he dared to abandon the reputation that the God Clan had built up over countless years and collude with the Nether Clan.

"Ancestor, have you... broken through to the Holy Spirit?"

Hearing this, Huangfu Xuanling was stunned at first, and then his whole body started to tremble, and he couldn't even speak clearly. As the second elder of the Yangsheng Divine Clan, he naturally knew that the ceiling of cultivation in the Imperial Realm was the Peak of Qian Shen. Now that the ancestor has broken through the realm of the Holy God and looks at the Imperial Realm, who else can rival him?

Several other ancestors couldn't help but smile when they saw Huangfu Xuanling's excited look, and the anger in their hearts dissipated a lot. Weren't they so excited when they learned about it before?

Now, it's his turn for the Yangsheng Clan to dominate the Imperial Realm!


But at this moment, Huangfu Tianlong narrowed his eyes and gave a surprised sound, then waved his hand, and a picture suddenly appeared in the void. In the picture, it was Wang Feng and others who arrived outside the Yangsheng Divine Clan's residence.

"Who are these people?"

The question that came to his ears made Huangfu Xuanling excited, and he quickly went away after hearing the sound. When he saw Wang Feng and others in the picture, his pupils shrank and he exclaimed: "Ancestor, they are the people of the Shenxian Sect. , that person at the head is the master of the Immortal Sect, and the culprit who killed the great elder!"


As soon as Huangfu Xuanling finished speaking, Huangfu Tianlong and others were startled at first, and then they were filled with anger from the bottom of their hearts. The terrifying anger seemed to turn the world into a furnace, and the entire void twisted and cracked.

"You're so brave!"

"Looking at this posture, do you want to destroy our Yangsheng Clan?"

"I have been in seclusion for so long, but I never expected that such a brave young man would come out of this imperial realm!"

"It's just that today I want to see how you can touch our Yangsheng Clan?"

Huangfu Tianlong's eyes burst out with infinite murderous intent, and he said in a cold voice.

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