The Sun family.

In the hall, a huge round table is lined with a variety of delicacies.

On both sides, beautiful as flowers.

Sun Hai, the head of the Sun family, and Sun Jinyang, the eldest prince of the Sun family, are accompanying one person.

This person is in his early twenties, handsome, wearing a lilac robe, with a noble temperament and a proud demeanor.

"Being able to invite Tong Gongzi to our Sun family this time really makes our Sun family shine."

Sun Hai is over 50 years old, but there is not a single white hair on his head, and he is strong and energetic.

Sun Hai himself is a master of the Linghai Realm, and as the head of the Sun family, the first family in Yunlou City, he can be said to be powerful in Yunlou City, even if the city lord of Yunlou City sees him, he has to give three points of thin noodles.

But in front of such a young man who is dozens of years younger, he lowered his posture, and even with a little flattery, which shows the dignity of the identity of the purple-robed youth.

"Father, Senior Brother Tong Yu is the son of our Purple Yan Sect Elder. He is also a famous genius of our Purple Flame Sect, ranking eighty-seventh on the Great Xia Talent List. If it weren't for my face this time, I wouldn't have come to Cloud Tower City.."

Sun Jinyang opened his mouth and said.

"Ranked eighty-seventh on the Great Xia Talent List?"

Hearing Sun Jinyang's introduction, Sun Hai couldn't help but show a look of emotion on his face.

The Great Xia Talent List only includes young warriors under the age of twenty-four in the Great Xia Kingdom, with a total of one hundred positions.

Those who can enter the list are all geniuses who are one in a million.

Sun Hai hurriedly stood up, picked up his wine glass, and said to the purple-robed young man very politely: "Tong Gongzi is a dragon and phoenix, I will pay tribute to Tong Gongzi on behalf of the Sun family." "

The purple-robed young man nodded slightly, drank a glass of Chinese wine, and said lightly: "I left the sect this time to go to the Great Xia Royal Capital to participate in the trial of the royal secret realm, and by the way, I will meet the Great Xia Yingjie...

If possible, I might as well move my ranking up a bit."

As he spoke, the purple-robed young man Tong Yu exuded a strong self-confidence, which made people look sideways.

Sun Jinyang said with a smile: "Senior Brother Tong's retreat this time, Ziyan Xuangong has broken through the sixth layer, and his strength has reached a higher level, and he will definitely be able to get what he wants." In my opinion, it is not impossible to rush into the top fifty!"

The purple-robed young man showed a little smile on his face, but he said modestly: "The top fifty, how easy it is to say." Do your best.."

"Tong Gongzi will definitely be able to, I will toast you again!"

When the three of them were pushing the cups and changing the lamps, suddenly a noisy sound came from outside and reached the ears of the three people.

Sun Hai's face sank, and he scolded: "Who is making noise outside, don't you see that I am receiving distinguished guests?"

A housekeeper-like person hurriedly walked over, leaned down and whispered in Sun Hai's ear for a while.


Sun Hai's face changed sharply and he wanted to get up, but he saw the purple-robed young man beside him endure it again.

With a gloomy face, he said: "Let Xu Xianfeng take a few people to go, take care of the whole family, and leave no chickens and dogs." "

In the words, the murderous atmosphere was awe-inspiring.

The butler nodded and hurried away.

Seeing this, the purple-robed young man couldn't help but ask curiously, "What trouble is the head of the Sun family?"

Sun Hai said with a smile: "It's okay, it's just that there is a guy who doesn't have long eyes to deliberately provoke the majesty of my Sun family, and I have already sent someone to solve it."

We continue to drink. "

As he spoke, he took his glass and drank it all.

The purple-robed young man saw Sun Hai's relaxed face and didn't say anything more.

At the same time, the Gu family.

"What?!You picked Sun Jinnian's tendons, ruined his appearance, and killed the two guards of the Sun family's innate realm?!"

Hearing the news, Gu Zhenming was so shocked that the teacup in his hand fell to the ground and shattered.

Beside him, Gu Yan was also shocked.

The father and son looked at Gu Xuan in front of them in a daze, and the first reaction in their minds.

Gu Xuan was able to kill a congenital realm powerhouse, didn't this mean that he at least had the cultivation of the innate realm?

The Gu family has produced an Innate Realm martial artist!

And then the next thought was...

"You're in trouble!"

Gu Zhenming's face turned pale, and he sat down in his chair weakly.

"How dare you provoke the Sun family, even if you provoke him, you can do things so desperately.

This is... This is a catastrophe for our Gu family..."

Gu Yan also looked ugly, and said in a low voice: "Second brother, how can you be so impulsive..."

Gu Xuan said calmly: "It's okay, I can keep my Gu family fine." "

"How do you protect it?!"

Gu Yan shook his head and said: "There are a lot of innate martial artists in the Sun family, and there are several Linghai Realm powerhouses in charge, even if you are now congenital, compared to the Sun family, you are still like a little ant on the ground, and the Sun family can trample you to death with one foot at will."

Seeing that the explanation was useless, Gu Xuan simply shook his head, turned around and walked towards the door.

Gu Yan's expression changed for a while, he stepped forward to stop him, and said in a low voice: "Second brother, are you doing this for Yun'er?"

Gu Xuan glanced at him lightly, nodded and said, "My two brothers of the Gu family, someone has to come out and do something for her." "

After saying that, he left without looking back.

When Gu Yan heard this, the whole person was stunned.

Shame, guilt, regret...

All kinds of emotions finally turned into a deep sigh.

At this time, at the gate of Gu's mansion, many people had gathered here.

Gu Xuan, the second young master of the Gu family, made a big fuss about Leaning on Cuilou, invalidating the hands and feet of Sun Jinnian, the second son of the Sun family, and the disfigurement and lettering on his face had long been spread throughout Yunlou City.

Yunlou City shook, and countless people came to see the excitement.

Gu Xuan walked to the gate of the Gu Mansion and was not surprised to see a large group of people gathered here.

He took out his long knife and sat down on the steps in front of the door.

One person, one knife, guards the door alone.

Seeing Gu Xuan come out, the onlookers immediately discussed.

"This is the second son of the Gu family who has been studying art abroad for many years?

"No matter how handsome you are, you can't get into trouble but your brain, all with your enthusiasm, you can bring such a big disaster to the Gu family, it's really a straw bag!"

"Yes, with the Sun family's character of retribution, today the Gu family is afraid that they will be removed from Yunlou City!"

"The people from the City Lord's Mansion are here, it shouldn't be so serious. "

"Hehe, can the City Lord's Mansion manage the Sun family's affairs? Don't you see that the City Lord only brought a few subordinates, obviously he doesn't plan to interfere. "

"Yes. "

Many people's eyes were in one direction, and there stood a middle-aged man in brocade clothes who was not angry and arrogant.

This person is the city lord of Cloud Tower City.

"At a young age, he has the ability to cut the innate ability, one person and one knife to guard the door of the house alone, and the face does not change when the disaster comes. The Gu family's son is quite courageous and responsible. "

The city lord of Yunlou City looked at the young man on the steps, and his eyes showed undisguised appreciation, but it quickly turned into regret.

"It's a pity, it's the Sun family who got into trouble.

Even if I have a heart, I can't protect him. "

At this time, the guard next to him spoke: "City Lord, the Sun family is here!"

The City Lord of Cloud Tower City turned his head to look in one direction, and he could feel that a powerful momentum belonging to the Spirit Sea Realm was approaching.

His eyes were slightly condensed, and he said in a low voice: "It should be the Sun family who is here, wait a while, find an opportunity to protect the old and young of the Gu family, and at least leave them a little blood incense." "

"Yes. "


This book is a harem.,There will be a variety of templates of the heroine in the back.,If you have good ideas, you can also comment in the comment area.。

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