"Da Da Da..."

The crisp sound of horses' hooves sounded at the corner of the street, and the people gathered outside Gu's mansion raised their eyes one after another.

I saw a group of people riding horses.

Immediately, everyone's eyes were shining, their breath was powerful, and the worst one was born with a heavy one.

Especially the first middle-aged man, who exudes a terrifying and powerful aura, which makes people look sideways.

"It's from the Sun family!"

"I know, it's the Sun family's Xu worship. He is a strong man in the Spirit Sea Realm, and the Sun family has sent him out, and now the Gu family is finished. "

The onlookers talked a lot.

At the gate of Gu's mansion, I don't know when the figures of Gu Zhenming and Gu Yan appeared.

The two of them were still carrying a large number of family members behind them, but looking at the Sun family knights who were getting closer and closer, all of them showed pale and frightened expressions on their faces.

Only Gu Xuan's expression did not change, but slowly stood up from the steps.

Soon, someone from the Sun family came to the gate of the Gu Mansion.

The middle-aged man led by him grabbed the reins, looked at the people of the Gu family condescendingly, and said lightly: "The second son of the Gu family is bold enough to dare to hurt the young master of my Sun family and insult the name of my Sun family."

The head of the family, Sun Hai, has an order, take care of the whole family, and the chickens and dogs will not be left!"

The last eight words were murderous, and everyone on the field changed color.

The Sun family is going to kill the Gu family.

Gu Zhenming's body shook violently when he heard that the chicken dog did not leave four words, and he almost didn't fall down.

It was easy to hold back a breath, walked out of the mansion, walked in front of the middle-aged man, and said in a deep voice: "Xu Xianfeng, this matter is something Xiao'er did wrong." My Gu family is willing to apologize to the Sun family, at any cost, I just ask the Sun family to let us go. "

The middle-aged man snorted and sneered: "Apologize, joke, our second son is crippled and disfigured, can your Gu family afford to pay for it?" "

As soon as these words came out, the Gu family's faces suddenly showed a thick look of despair.

The Sun family didn't talk about it at all, and made up their minds to force the Gu family to death.

Just as the middle-aged man was about to give the order, a figure suddenly ran out of the crowd.


A woman wearing a white gauze hat ran to the door of the Gu Mansion, stretched out her hands to block the way of the Sun family, and said word by word: "This matter started because of me, it has nothing to do with the Gu family, what is coming to me!"

The appearance of a woman made everyone stunned.

"Nangong Yun?!"


Those who are familiar with the woman recognize her identity at a glance.

Gu Yan ran to Nangong Yun excitedly, and said in surprise and surprise: "Why are you here?!"

Nangong Yun didn't look at him, but turned her head to look at Gu Xuan, who was silent from beginning to end.

Looking at the handsome young man in front of him, Nangong Yun's eyes were as gentle as water.

[I want to save the Gu family! I want to save Gu Xuan! What can you do? Help me, I promise you everything!]

[I do have a way, which is to use the secret method to release part of the power of the Heavenly Spider Holy Body in advance. Once it is cast, don't say that the little cloud building city, the entire Great Xia, no one can stop you!]

[Then use it quickly, use your secret method quickly!]

[I have to remind you that although awakening the Heavenly Spider Holy Body in advance can allow you to gain strong strength in a short period of time, it will also speed up the festering and reshaping of your body.

Once this happens, the effect of the beauty pill that has just been taken will be lost.

In other words, you have to meet people with a half-human, half-ghost face for the rest of your life. 】

[-Okay.] 】

The conversation between the two faces on the way to Gu's mansion kept echoing in Nangong Yun's mind, and Nangong Yun's eyes became firm little by little.

"Xiao Xuan'er, you were in front of me every time before.

This time, Sister Changyun will help you block it once. "

Just when Nangong Yun made up her mind and was about to call on the ghost face to use the secret method, a smile suddenly appeared on Gu Xuan's face.

"Sister Yun, why are you here. "

Gu Xuan took a step forward, gently blocked Nangong Yun behind him, and whispered to her, "You stand behind, be careful and wait until you are splashed with blood." "

Nangong Yun was stunned.

Then, Gu Xuan faced the middle-aged man of the Sun family and said calmly, "You're done, right? "

After speaking, the snow spirit long knife was gently unsheathed.

In an instant, a brilliant sword light dozens of zhang long suddenly rose from Gu Xuan's hand.

The middle-aged man's eyes widened, and before he could react, he was slashed by the sword.


The terrifying light of the sword is devastating.

Wait for the knife to fade.

I saw a deep knife mark more than 100 meters long, stretching from the street to the end of the street.

The bluestone slabs and bricks under the bottom are all turned into powder.

The Sun family and his party on the trajectory of the knife marks.

Regardless of the people and horses, they are all divided into two, the flesh and blood are blurred, and the misery is unbearable.


At the gate of Gu's mansion, there was a deathly silence.

All the onlookers stared blankly at the scene in front of them with their eyes wide open and their mouths open.

The expression was in a trance, as if living in a dream.


Gu Xuan put the knife into the sheath, and the crisp sound woke everyone up.


Only then did the sound of inhalation sound sounded on the field.

"Damn, Lao Tzu is not dreaming, right? The second son of the Gu family killed everyone in the Sun family with one sword?!"

"Even the Sun family of the Spirit Sea Realm has not been spared?!"

"My God, what kind of strength is the second son of the Gu family, this is too terrifying!"

"Qilinzi! The Gu family has a Qilinzi!"

The city lord of Yunlou City was also stunned, his eyes almost didn't bulge out of his sockets, and his face was full of shock.

As the city lord of Yunlou City, he is still clear about the strength of the Sun family's several worshippers.

This Xu is enshrined, and his cultivation is the sixfold spiritual sea realm.

Although he is not as good as him, it is difficult for him to solve the other party in a short period of time, which is one of the reasons why he is so jealous of the Sun family.

But just now, this Linghai six-fold Xu worship was actually stabbed by the second son of the Gu family, and even the people and horses were cut into two pieces?!

The power of that knife is too terrifying.

Even if he was just a bystander, the city lord of Yunlou City also had a feeling of palpitations.

He knew very well that if it was him who had just faced Gu Xuan's knife, he would probably not be able to escape death.

This second son of the Gu family is really terrifying!

How old is he?

Proper martial arts demons!

The Gu family was also dumbfounded.

Their minds are still buzzing, wondering if they are dreaming.

The second young master of his own family slashed more than a dozen strong people of the Sun family with one sword, including one enshrinement?!

God, that's outrageous.

"My son..."

Gu Zhenming stood in place and muttered: "My son is a martial artist of the Spirit Sea Realm?..

Gu Yan was also stunned, looking at the scene in front of him and unable to say a word.

Nangong Yun's mouth was wide open, and her beautiful eyes were full of incredulity.

A grimace sounded in his ears and a low sigh: "This kid you like is quite a little strong." It seems that you don't need to worry about him, your face has been saved..."

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