The hundred-meter-long street in front of Gu's Mansion was destroyed with a single sword.

On both sides of the street, there were faces of astonishment and horror.

Some of the unfortunate ones were wounded by the falling stones, and lay on the ground wailing.

But no one sympathizes with the injured, and they have to take risks when they see the excitement, and they are unlucky, so they can't blame others.

"Big brother, take my father into the house to rest. "

Gu Xuan commanded lightly.

Gu Yan was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously asked, "What about you?"

Gu Xuan didn't look back, and walked all the way along the long street.

"I'll go to Sun's house, and I'll go back when I go. "

Hearing these words, everyone else was shocked and moved.

Looking at Gu Xuan's posture, he planned to take the initiative to go to the door to find trouble with the Sun family.

"It's really big now. "

Someone sighed.

Indeed, so many people died in the Sun family at once, and the second son of the Gu family's demon took the initiative to come to the door again, God knows what will happen next.

However, judging from the current situation, the Sun family seems to have kicked the iron plate.

"Follow along!"

"Let's go!"

The people of Yunlou City, who were not afraid of death, hurriedly followed behind Gu Xuan, and those who had a spirit even rushed directly to the Sun family.

"The lord of the city..."

Some guards hesitated to speak, "The Sun family pays us a lot of tribute every year, do you want to..."

The City Lord of Yunlou City shook his head with complicated eyes, and said, "Do you think this matter is still something that our City Lord's Mansion can meddle in." The Gu family's demon, although his cultivation is not high, even I am not sure that he will retreat under his knife.

The Sun family... Let them fend for themselves. "

The guard nodded, but did not speak again.

"Yun'er, do you want me to send someone to send you back?"

Gu Yan was about to talk to Nangong Yun, but Nangong Yun suddenly moved and quickly chased after Gu Xuan's back.

Gu Yan opened his mouth, but finally said nothing.

"I'm with you. "

Nangong Yun caught up with Gu Xuan, mustered up the courage of her life, and reached out to gently grab Gu Xuan's palm.

She whispered in a voice that only the two of them could hear, "Every time you stand in front of me, this time, I want to be side by side with you." "

Gu Xuan was slightly stunned, but soon a smile appeared on his face, clasped Nangong Yun's hand with his backhand, and nodded, "Okay." "


Sun Mansion.

Sun Hai and the three of them were drinking to the fullest.

Suddenly, the butler hurried in.


Sun Hai glanced at the housekeeper and said lightly, "Why, the matter was done so quickly?"

The housekeeper didn't know how to explain, gritted his teeth, and whispered a few words in Sun Hai's ear.


Sun Hai woke up instantly, and because he was too shocked, the wine glass in his hand was crushed by him.

"Xu Fengfeng and his entourage are all dead, and the Gu family has a demon?!"

Sun Hai's brows furrowed, unable to believe what he had heard.

His performance aroused the curiosity of the purple-robed young man next to him and Sun Jinyang, and Sun Jinyang couldn't help but ask, "Father, what happened?"

Sun Hai's expression changed for a while, and he opened his mouth to explain the ins and outs of the matter.

Finally, he said apologetically to the purple-robed young man: "It's all some bad things, which make Tong Gongzi laugh." "

Tong Yu's eyes flashed slightly, put down the wine glass and said: "Thanks to the Sun family master's hospitality, since the Sun family has encountered a strong enemy, Tong is here, if there is a place that can help, the Sun family master can speak." "

"Thank you, boy. "

Sun Hai thanked him: "A strong enemy is not counted, but there was just a small accident." I'll go out and arrange it and it will be solved soon. Jinyang, you drink with Tong Gongzi first. "

"Why don't we go and have a look. "

Tong Yu spoke.

Sun Hai hesitated, nodded and said, "It's okay, there is a boy present to suppress the formation, and it is foolproof." "

With that, the three of them left the banquet hall.

When I came to the gate of the Sun family's mansion, the Sun family's guards and several major offerings had already gathered here.

At the end of the long street at the entrance of the house, a young man with a woman wearing a white gauze hat could be seen walking slowly.

"Little brute, you dare to take the initiative to come to the door!"

Sun Hai snorted coldly, took out the majesty of the head of the clan, and ordered: "Zhao is enshrined, the king is enshrined, and the horse is enshrined." I'll leave it to you. "

"The head of the house is relieved. "

The three Linghai Realm worshippers of the Sun family responded respectfully, and then quickly led their guards to meet them.

"Kill my Sun family and worship, no matter what kind of genius you are, today I will let you live and not die!"

Sun Hai looked at Gu Xuan in the distance, his eyes revealing a strong killing intent and resentment.

Cultivating a Spirit Sea Realm to worship, the Sun family doesn't know how many resources and Yuan Shi will be spent on it every year.

Now that he is dead, he is dead, Sun Hai's heart is dripping blood, and he can't wait to arrest Gu Xuan and pull his skin and cramp.

He wasn't at all worried about what would happen next.

The one who died was the weakest of the four offerings of the Sun family, otherwise he would not have been sent over for nothing.

There are three people left, and their strength is all above the seventh level of the Spirit Sea, and no matter which one of them can beat that one.

The three of them joined forces to deal with a young boy who was no more than the fifth level of the Spirit Sea, and it was bound to be caught.

Sun Hai was already thinking about how to concoct the Gu family's people in his mind.

"Stand back!"

Gu Xuan let go of Nangong Yun's hand and took a step forward, with the Xue Luo knife in his hand.

Nangong Yun nodded obediently, but she was a little disappointed in her heart.

Said to be side by side with him, but in the end I still had to hide behind him.

The grimace seemed to see what she was thinking, and said in a low voice: "In a few years, you have to protect him, and no one in the whole world can hurt him in the slightest." "

"Boy, dare to provoke the Sun family, give me death!"

The three Sun family worshippers were like electricity, and their faces were fierce and rushed towards Gu Xuan.

The power formed by the three Spirit Sea Realm powerhouses joined forces, and before they arrived, they pressed the onlookers behind Gu Xuan to change color, and they involuntarily retreated.

The strong wind blew the robe on Gu Xuan's body, Gu Xuan's expression was calm, and he pulled out his sword from the sheath.


Brilliant sword light streaked across the sky.

The dark golden sword light ignored the distance, and in an instant, it was in front of a person.

Before the man could react, his body suddenly tore apart from it, and blood splattered all over the ground.


Behind him, Sun Hai, who witnessed this scene, blurted out in disbelief with his eyes wide open.

Even Tong Yu's eyes flickered when he was standing next to him.

At this time, Gu Xuan had already slashed out the second knife.

The dark golden sword light flashed, and it was also without warning, and the body of another Sun family worshipper cracked, turning into two pieces of rotten flesh and falling to the ground.

The pupils of the last person were constricted, and his face had long since lost his previous arrogance.

Fear ran away at him.

The light of the knife was so fast that he didn't even see it, and his companion was already dead.

He was frightened and began to turn around and run away.

But by this time it was too late.

Gu Xuan took a step.

The whole person seems to be frozen in place.

The next moment, another Gu Xuan had already appeared in front of the last person to escape.


Gu Xuan put the knife into the sheath, and there was not a trace of blood on the moon-white robe.

Behind him, a big head flew high.

Three knives.

Three Sun family spirit sea realm worship, dead!

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