This black thundercloud came so abruptly that everyone on the field was caught off guard.

Purple thunder and lightning rolled through the clouds, and the sound of rolling thunder was bursting, as if there were ancient thunder beasts lurking in them.

The crowd of onlookers began to retreat frantically, including the red-haired youth and the black-robed man.

They felt an indescribable terror in the thunderclouds.

Their intuition told them that if they didn't retreat, they would become fish in the pond that would be affected by the coming of heaven.

They will die!

The terrifying sight of the thunderclouds attracted more people's attention, and people from farther began to rush to this side, wanting to find out.


One figure after another appeared in the field.

At least six or seven people were not inferior in strength to the red-haired youth and the black-robed man.

One of them, a handsome man with a particularly powerful aura and a body that looked like a big day, asked the red-haired young man with a solemn expression, "What happened?"

The red-haired young man said in a harsh tone, "Someone... In Yutan. "


The eyes of the young giant of Da Zhou widened, and his face was full of astonishment.

This terrifying scene like the destruction of the world, you told me that someone caused it?

What kind of Dan is this?

Before they could ask questions, the great terror bred in the thunderclouds had already fallen.


A purple thunderbolt dozens of feet long fell from the thundercloud.


Then, there was another, even more powerful than the previous one.

Two thunderbolts fell, slamming into the mountain, almost flattening the area within a radius of several miles.

The earth shook violently, as if an earthquake had struck.

Everyone was stunned, staring blankly at the place where the thunder landed, unable to say a word.

At the same time, Gu Xuan was suffering from the baptism of terrifying thunder.

The ninth and tenth thunderbolts fell almost at the same time, especially the tenth thunder, which was so powerful that it could crush him into powder in an instant.

Fortunately, the Heavenly Pill is good enough, and he is protected from death in the thunder light.

The divine thought crystals in Gu Xuan's mind swelled up like blowing up a balloon.

The spread of divine thoughts continues to grow.

One hundred and twenty miles, one hundred and fifty miles... One hundred and eighty miles..

The thousand-forged flesh was destroyed and regenerated in the thunder light, and large tracts of arcane lines grew out under his newborn flesh and bones.

This pattern is like thunder, like fire, and like a dragon.

When all the thunder light disappeared, Gu Xuan's heart turned to the sky, and there was no place in the newborn physique that was not perfect, and there was no place that was not exquisite.

Under the white skin, mysterious divine patterns loomed, a bit like the prohibition on the magic circle, and like the root system of an ancient tree.

It is both mysterious and noble.

If Gu Xuan's previous physical body was a piece of thousand-forged treasure iron, then now it can be regarded as having the prototype of a divine weapon.

The treasure is complete!

The most intuitive improvement is that the strength of the original one dragon has directly skyrocketed to the point of two dragons.

Tear the void with your bare hands!

At the dantian, a flawless Xuandan swirled drippingly, and there seemed to be an invisible whirlpool under the Xuandan.

It is rapidly swallowing spiritual energy at a speed dozens of times faster than ordinary martial artists, continuously injecting into the Xuandan, improving Gu Xuan's cultivation all the time.

Gu Xuan felt that it didn't matter if he had the follow-up exercises of "Mixed Yuan Golden Body" now.

Because his physique has undergone many transformations, it has long been very different from the description in "Mixed Yuan Golden Body".

Of course, it's stronger than the original Mixed Element Golden Body!

Much stronger.

There is also the thunderbolt seed that has made great contributions.

From the original semi-illusory state, he absorbed the power of thunder and turned into a purple lightning bolt that was condensed like a substance, like a beating ball of fine purple jade.

The slightest touch of the divine mind can feel the terrifying power contained in it.

Three things in Gu Xuan's dantian.

Lightning Seed, Flame Seed, Blade of the Void God.

Now the thunderbolt seed has become the first of the three things, and it is pressed on the heads of the other two, so it is not majestic.

After checking his body, Gu Xuan raised his head, and his eyes showed a faint look of expectation.

He knew that after the thunderstorm, it would be a sunny day.

Heaven and earth send down a great test, and naturally there will be a great gift.

What he condensed was an unprecedented and superb Xuandan, and he didn't know what kind of gift he would get from heaven and earth.


Two thunderbolts fell, and the people who witnessed this scene were all in a state of blindness, and they did not come back to their senses for a long time.

When had they ever seen such a terrifying celestial vision?

What Ning Dan, even if they were told that this was an ancient fierce beast that was here to survive, they would believe it.

"The people of Ning Dan... I guess I'm dead..."

Someone muttered.

No one refutes.

Under such a terrifying heavenly might, let alone entering the Xuandan realm for the first time, even if it is the tenth level of the Xuandan, or even if the powerhouse of the god realm comes, it may not be able to withstand it.

Any one of them went up.

Before the thunder completely falls, it may have turned to ashes.

How can anyone else be able to carry it.

"If I was not mistaken, it seems that two thunderbolts fell in a row in the end..."

Some people wondered.

There is not only one person who has such doubts.

As we all know, the rounds of the Thunder Tribulation are related to the Xuandan grade.

The person who condensed the pill had already undergone the baptism of eight thunderbolts before, and successfully condensed the second-grade Xuandan.

Nine ways for one product.

What about the Ten Paths?

On top of a product?!

Is there more than one grade of Xuandan?


But now that doesn't matter.

People are dead, and everything is empty talk.

Just when everyone gradually walked out of the shock, suddenly....

The overcast sky suddenly brightened.

Everyone subconsciously looked up at the sky, but the next moment they couldn't help but widen their eyes.

I saw a bright pillar of light hanging down from the sky, and the landing point was the place where the thunderstorm had just struck.

"It's... The aura pillar after the Xuandan Thunder Tribulation?"

"The appearance of the aura pillar doesn't mean that person..."

Everyone only felt that their throats were dry, and they said the second half of the sentence in disbelief: "Still alive?"

Everyone was stunned.

stared blankly at the location of the landing point of the aura pillar.

In the haze, a slender and tall figure could be faintly seen standing.

A large amount of pure aura fell from the pillar of light, turned into white raindrops, and gathered into a small river, which flowed down with a bang, and the man bathed in it.

Everyone was dumbfounded, and there were gasps one after another on the field.

"Reiki River?"

"I've only heard that the genius who successfully condenses the Sanpin Xuandan can turn the aura into rain, but I've never heard that the aura can also turn into a river..."

"How much of a gift does this have to be, how rich is the aura cast by the heavens to achieve the point of transforming the river of aura?"

"It's outrageous.."

But that's not all.

After the aura pillar fell, I saw that under the feet of the person in the pillar of light, on the scorched earth that had been bombarded by thunder, a large area of flowers, grass and trees began to grow.

It even includes some elixirs that can be named.

At the same time, strange Dao sounds sounded in the void, and one by one multicolored magic conches appeared from the void....

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