Gu Xuan was bathed in the surging river of aura.

The countless pores of the whole body were all opened, greedily absorbing this rare pure aura.

When his Xuandan was first formed, it was the time when his body was the most "empty", and he just needed a lot of spiritual energy to replenish it.

The Mixed Yuan Treasure Body was frantically devouring the aura at a speed fifty times faster than that of ordinary martial artists, nourishing the physical body, and at the same time, it was also constantly filling the Xuandan.

Xuandan is the foundation of martial arts, just like building a house, you have to lay a good foundation first, and then build it step by step.

What Gu Xuan has achieved is an unprecedented superb Xuandan, and this "foundation" is also unprecedented, and every time he improves his realm in the future, he needs to consume dozens or even hundreds of times the resources of ordinary martial artists.

The aura contained in the river of aura is enough to push ordinary lower third-grade or even middle-grade Xuandan martial artists to several realms, but for Gu Xuan, it is still a question whether he can be promoted to the second level of Xuandan by absorbing all of them.

"Is that all?"

Gu Xuan thought in his heart while silently absorbing the aura.

You must know that what he condensed was a superb Xuandan, and the terrifying Ninth and Tenth Thunder Tribulation behind him, if it weren't for the Heaven Replenishing Pill to protect his body, he would have died as scum I don't know how many times.

Compared with the dangers he has experienced, this gift from God is inevitably too "stingy".

Facts have proved that Gu Xuan is "living the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain".

With the appearance of the long river of aura, a golden light fell from the pillar of aura and shone on Gu Xuan's eyebrows.

In an instant, Gu Xuan's divine thoughts seemed to have been magnified countless times, and they quickly spread out to all directions.

His body also seemed to be constantly rising, rising to an extremely high place, overlooking the common people.

In a trance, Gu Xuan seemed to see the trajectory of all things in heaven and earth, the alternation of the four seasons, the withering of plants and trees, and the cycle of life and death...

A large amount of detailed and complicated information poured into Gu Xuan's mind, and his eyes reflected the phantom of the vicissitudes of life and the sun, moon and stars.

Gu Xuan suddenly woke up.

He had come into contact with the Tao!

Avenue of Heaven and Earth.

I can't say it, but it does exist.

Countless people have spent their lives chasing it, but they have not even been able to capture its shadow.

The superb Heavenly Pill was even amazed by the heavens and the earth, so Gu Xuan got a chance to "meet" it.

Gu Xuan kept his mind awake, and he found that he could easily see and understand everything he wanted to see.

Ignoring the limitations of space, time, and distance, as long as Gu Xuan wanted to know, he would naturally present something in front of him.

As soon as his mind moved, a picture appeared in front of him.

It was a huge pool with bursts of white mist rising from the water.

The mist is made of aura, and the water in the pool is also made of pure aura, and even the pebble-like objects scattered at the bottom of the pool are all priceless gemstones.

A little girl of thirteen or fourteen years old, petite and delicate, with a little red on her eyebrows, was immersed in the spiritual pool, her eyes were closed, and she sat cross-legged, as if she was practicing.

Gu Xuan felt that the girl was so familiar, and he looked at it fixedly.

A flash of light flashed in my mind.

Although her appearance and temperament have changed greatly, isn't this girl the Anu who was taken away by the Holy Lord of Yaotai in the first place?

Gu Xuan was overjoyed in his heart, and was calling out to Anu, but everything disappeared without a trace.

At the same time, Zhongzhou, the Holy Land of Yaotai.

Anu, who was in the spirit pool, suddenly opened his eyes and exclaimed, "Childe!"

When she saw the scene in front of her, she found that everything was as usual, how could there be the figure that haunted her soul.

Anu had a look of loneliness on his face.

"Just now, I felt like Childe was looking at me, as if he was once guarding my cultivation, but it turned out to be another dream..."

Anu gently stroked a storage spirit ring hanging from his chest, and muttered, "Childe, Master promised me that as long as I can meet the cultivation standard she expects, I will be allowed to come out to find you...

Childe, you wait for me. "

Anu's eyes gradually became firm, and he closed his eyes again and continued to practice.

When the scene in front of Gu Xuan's eyes stabilized again, he found that he had "arrived" in a new place.

It seems to be a secret place.

But unlike any secret realm that Gu Xuan had ever visited, this secret realm was dim and skyless.

There is a thick black mist everywhere, giving people an extremely oppressive, distorted, and evil feeling.

In the black mist, there are terrible monsters roaring.

Gu Xuan followed the prestige and saw a peerless woman fighting against an ugly and hideous monster.

The woman's appearance is stunning, but from the neck down, her body seems to have some serious disease, and her skin is all in a state of ulceration.

"Nangong Yun.."

Gu Xuan recognized the woman's identity and was stunned for a moment.

Nangong Yun said goodbye without saying goodbye, but she didn't expect to hide here.

Gu Xuan saw black silk threads shoot out of Nangong Yun's hands, easily killing the terrifying monster.

The dead monster turned into a cloud of black mist and merged into Nangong Yun's body.

And after Nangong Yun absorbed the black mist, the ulceration on her body seemed to have improved a little.


Nangong Yun suddenly turned her head and looked at Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan's eyes flickered, and the picture disappeared again.

"I just sensed that Xiao Xuan'er was looking at me..."

Nangong Yun turned her head, her face full of doubt.

I don't know when the grimace that has been transferred to the back of her hand said: "It's because you miss Xiao Qinglang that is causing a disaster, this secret realm is absolutely impossible for a second person to enter except you, how can Gu Xuan appear here.."


Nangong Yun nodded.

She took out a yellowed marriage book from her arms, and a gentle color gradually appeared in her eyes, and she whispered softly: "Little Xuan'er, when my Heavenly Spider Holy Body is fully awakened, I will come to you and be your most beautiful bride..."

After speaking, Nangong Yun put the marriage book back close to her body, her expression returned to coldness, and she quickly rushed into the black mist to kill the next monster.

Gu Xuan saw a lot of things with the help of the power of the Dao.

To use an inaccurate analogy, Dao is like a supercomputer, and Gu Xuan can get any information he wants to know from it as long as his mind moves.

Suddenly, Gu Xuan suddenly came back to his senses.

"Yes, such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, I should use it to deduce the exercises, how can I waste it in vain..."

Gu Xuan was remorseful, and directly took out a hundredfold comprehension pill, and then began to deduce - Infernal Sword Technique!

As his mind shifted, a flood of information related to sword techniques and the Infernal Hell immediately flooded into his mind.

With the blessing of the hundredfold comprehension pill, Gu Xuan's perception of the sword technique has improved like a leap.

The Infernal Knife Method has also been rapidly improved, promoting...

The first type of killing move, bitterness.

This killing move, Gu Xuan, originally thought it was quite perfect.

But under the analysis of the avenue, it was found that it was rough and full of loopholes.

He looked at the suffering of the world, the evil of the world, and the first killing move was quickly perfected...

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