Gu Xuan did not stop Xiao Chen from coming in.

This kid has a bunch of opportunities, he can't fight, he can't kill, he is Gu Xuan's "pearl in the palm".

He came in and came in, as long as the greatest opportunity in this secret realm was not taken away by him.

The moment he stepped into the secret realm, Gu Xuan was shocked by the scene in front of him.

He saw Qionglou Yuyu, Langya Immortal Pavilion.

The spiritual spring is like a stream, flowing freely in the mountains.

The elixir is like a weed, growing wildly everywhere.

If there really is an immortal family, then at least it should be based on the scene in front of them.

It's a pity...

Everything was ruined.

The former immortal style is now only a ruined ruin.

The scene that Gu Xuan saw before was just a fantasy of a glimpse in a trance.

Countless corpses fell in the ruins, and because of their age, they had long since turned into wreckage, and the grass and trees were allowed to grow wildly on them.

The spiritual stream dried up, the elixir withered, and there was a sense of sadness, dead silence, and mourning lingering in the entire secret realm.

After being in the meantime for a long time, people can't help but feel the urge to cry.

However, the aura in this secret realm is very strong, at least twenty times more than that outside.

If you retreat here, it's pretty good.

At this time, Xiao Chen also entered the secret realm, and his face showed a hint of shock, but he quickly regained his calm.

Gu Xuan found that the golden line of chance on his body led to a certain direction in the depths of the secret realm, so he coldly dropped a sentence: "I won't drive you out, but you don't have to follow me, if I find you within a hundred zhang of my body, I will kill you!"

The cold killing intent hung between Xiao Chen's eyebrows like a blade, Xiao Chen's face turned pale with fright, and he instantly flew back a hundred feet away.

Gu Xuan was slightly satisfied, and went straight to the depths of the secret realm.

For the many bones and ruins lying on both sides of him, the side light never glanced at it.

"It's too domineering, this is obviously my chance!"

Xiao Chen looked at Gu Xuan's distant back, gritting his teeth angrily, but his eyes showed more helplessness.

There's no way, who can't beat Gu Xuan.

Don't say that this person is domineering, although he is domineering, he is also kind.

At least he didn't kill him like many people.

After all, if ordinary people encounter this kind of secret realm of chance, and the person who comes in with you happens to be not your opponent, ninety percent of people will definitely choose to kill each other and swallow the opportunity alone.

"It must be a noble-born Tianjiao person, who disdains to do those despicable things, and is used to it..."

Xiao Chen thought secretly in his heart.

Because Gu Xuan didn't allow him to follow the other party, his eyes could only be on the broken walls and corpses in front of him.

"I remember that in my previous life, after the opening of this secret realm of Lingxiao Pavilion, a large part of the ancient Lingxiao Pavilion's martial arts inheritance flowed out, and there were some cherished pills that only ancient times had. Haha, now it's all mine..."

Xiao Chen's eyes flashed with anticipation and excitement, and he quickly approached a corpse that he had already taken a fancy to.

Although these former disciples of Lingxiao Pavilion have died, the storage spirit rings they carry with them are still there.

With so many corpses, each of them has been collected, plus the elixirs and the like left in the secret realm, what a treasure it should be.

"With these opportunities, coupled with the abundance of spiritual energy here, maybe I can choose to condense the pill here!"

Xiao Xuan glanced in the direction where Gu Xuan disappeared again, and sneered: "Although it is a place of death, it is not without danger, the people who entered the secret realm of Lingxiao Pavilion at the beginning have a large number of casualties."

Most people think that there are heavy treasures in the center, but they don't want to think about why Lingxiao Pavilion collapsed.

The more you go to the center, the more dangerous it is. "

Xiao Xuan sneered, and searched carefully with confidence.

At this time, Gu Xuan had already come to the depths of the secret realm.

The closer you get to the center, the more dilapidated the surrounding buildings become.

Two forces are intertwined in the void.

One is sword qi, and the other is sword qi.

These two forces form an invisible web of lore, strangleholding anything that enters.

Gu Xuan spread the sword qi all over his body and walked in step by step.

At the beginning, Gu Xuan's sword qi could be protected to the range of ten zhang around him.

Gradually, it shrank to eight feet.



One foot...

In the end, only a thin layer was left attached to Gu Xuan's body.

Gu Xuan's skin appeared with a Dao God pattern, and the treasure body was fully opened.

Rao is like this, and there are still bursts of pain like swords and stabs all over his body.

Gu Xuan took a deep breath, and his deep eyes were gradually covered in pitch black.

Infernal Intent!

After casting the Infernal Knife Intent, the pressure suddenly lightened.

And then it's a new cycle.

Seamless sword intent...

Twenty percent of the infernal...

Thirty percent of the infernal...

When Gu Xuan's infernal sword intent was exerted to seventy percent, he finally reached the center point where the sword qi and sword qi were intertwined.

At this time, Gu Xuan's upper and lower body was full of divine lines, black qi was entangled, and blood was dripping.

His heart was full of shock, but his eyes were amazingly bright.

I don't know how many years of sword qi and sword qi have been left, and it is still so powerful today, so you can imagine what kind of powerful person the owner who left them would be.

Gu Xuan sat down cross-legged on the spot.

In front of him, there were two huge stone tablets.

It is said to be a stone monument, but it is better to say that it is a plaque.

It's nothing more than a broken plaque.

The plaque reads - in the sky, the sword into the underworld.

The eight big characters contain an indescribable sword intent.

It gives people a feeling of being high in the clouds and overlooking the common people.

The sword qi that Gu Xuan has endured along the way is also derived from these eight big characters.

And it was like an eight-character plaque like a monument to the way of the sword, but it was cut in two by someone.

A huge knife mark ran through the middle of the plaque, Gu Xuan's divine thought touched the knife mark, only to feel that the infernal knife intent on his body suddenly collapsed, and his divine thought was in pain, and a mouthful of blood spurted out directly.

"What kind of sword intent is this?!"

Gu Xuan gently wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth, his eyes full of horror.

From the scar marks, he felt a terrifying sword intent that cut through the ages.

The sword intent on the plaque is excellent enough, but compared to this sword intent, it is a small thing, no wonder it will be cut in two.

"Swinging this knife should be the person who destroyed this secret realm inheritance, and the corpses you saw on the road are estimated to have been killed by the aftermath of this knife..."


"What a terrifying sword path attainment this is!

Gu Xuan's expression was shaken, and then a great joy appeared in his heart.

I was fortunate enough to understand such a knife intent, and it was indeed a great opportunity for him.

At that moment, Gu Xuan directly took out the hundredfold comprehension pill that he had just gotten in his hand, swallowed it in one gulp, and then mobilized his divine thoughts to probe towards the knife marks without hesitation.

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