When the divine thought touched, it was instantly dispersed.

Gu Xuan spat blood from his mouth.

Then I tried again and was shocked again.

After repeating this several times, Gu Xuan's face was as pale as paper, and his divine thoughts were also seriously damaged, and even the crystals of divine thoughts in his mind were shocked by the sword intent that traversed the eternities in the knife marks.

But Gu Xuan didn't look discouraged at all, but thought quickly.

Taking a hundredfold comprehension pill, his comprehension is close to a demon, which is enough to beat more than ninety-nine percent of the martial arts geniuses in this world.

He had no doubt that he could comprehend this sword intent, but the process could be painful, and the price he paid was something he didn't want to see.

So Gu Xuan was thinking about how to comprehend it in the fastest way.

"If you want to learn a knife technique as quickly as possible, you should not look at the marks of its knife technique, but should look at the action of the knife maker..."

Thinking of this, Gu Xuan only felt that there was a sudden brightness in front of him.

He understood that the best way for him to comprehend this sword intent that spanned the ages was to trace the stream.

Reenact the scene when the knife fell.

In other words, the first thing he should do now should be to comprehend the sword intent on the plaque first.

And then with the sword intent, you will be able to get twice the result with half the effort!

Gu Xuan's eyes were extremely bright, like stars in the sky.

"The Ling Xiao intent in this sword intent happens to be in line with the Heavenly Sword I envisioned, and it can be integrated into the Heavenly Sword..."

The Heavenly Sword that Gu Xuan originally envisioned was not much different from the sword intent contained on this plaque.

High above the nine heavens, in charge of thunder and fire, overlooking the common people.

But now, after seeing this sword intent that spans the ages, his mind has changed a little.

Gu Xuan couldn't wait to start trying.

The knife marks are difficult to comprehend because the knife marks contain killing intent and are extremely aggressive.

But the sword intent on the plaque is for people to admire, and it is not so terrifying.

With the addition of a hundred-fold comprehension pill, the sun, moon and stars were reflected in Gu Xuan's eyes, and he quickly comprehended the sword intent on the plaque.

Every point is gained, every moment is gained.

And on his body, there is gradually a trace of the meaning of being high in the clouds and overlooking all living beings.


"Lingxiao Sword Technique, Ground Rank Medium Grade!"

Xiao Chen collected a technique from the storage spirit ring in his hand, and he was overjoyed.

Then he took out a bottle of elixir, poured out one, and carefully threw it into his mouth.

The aura on his body suddenly skyrocketed, and his expression suddenly became even more happy.

"It is worthy of the ancient elixir, although the aura has been lost, the effect is still much better than the current elixir. "

Xiao Chen took the storage spirit ring into his arms.

During this period of time, he collected a lot of good things, and his cultivation foundation rose again and again, greatly exceeding his original expectations.

"It won't be long before I can break through the Twelve Layers of the Spirit Sea!"

Xiao Chen's spirit was radiant, and his eyebrows were full of confidence.

"In my previous life, I had a shallow foundation, and I didn't even know that there was an extreme realm above the ten layers of the Spirit Sea, and when I condensed the Xuandan, I knew that those Tianjiao people would try to break through the eleventh level of the Spirit Sea in the Spirit Sea Realm, and even the twelfth level of the Spirit Sea...

This is the key to condensing the three grades of Xuandan. "

"Now I am expected to break through to the legendary Twelve Spiritual Seas, at this point, I am no longer weaker than the top Tianjiao, and then the chance of condensing the third-grade Xuandan will also become greater, which is exactly what I want. "

Xiao Chen was happy in his heart, and couldn't help clenching his fists.

It's a great feeling to rewrite your destiny step by step.

Of course, if you don't meet that guy... Maybe it would be more perfect.

Xiao Chen subconsciously turned his head to look in a direction in the depths of the secret realm, and his face also showed a little curiosity.

"That person has been in for a few days, why hasn't there been any movement at all, shouldn't he die inside..."

Just thinking about it, the corpse in front of Xiao Chen suddenly trembled slightly, so frightened that he almost didn't withdraw ten zhang away.

But soon, he realized that it was not the corpse that moved, but the long sword that had long decayed in the corpse's hand.

This sword weapon, which had been decayed by the long river of time, suddenly bloomed with a strange brilliance for some reason.

Not only the corpse in front of Xiao Chen, but as far as the eye could see, countless long swords in the huge secret realm began to tremble.

Some are stuck in the ruins, some fall into the dust, some are held in the hands of corpses...

At this moment, these sword weapons were all inspired by a mysterious power, and slowly flew up, flying towards the center of the secret realm.

At the same time, at the center of the secret realm, a shocking sword intent rose up.

Xiao Chen's pupils contracted, and he exhaled in a low voice: "Ling Xiao Sword Intent?!Sword Dao Ten Thousand Years Dawn?!No.. Not true!"

Xiao Chen quickly came back to his senses.

This is not sword intent at all, but sword intent.

Although it contained the meaning of Ling Xiao that he was quite familiar with, it was not just not.

Xiao Chen had seen one of the protagonists of heaven and earth more than once in his previous life, and he was known as the dawn of kendo for ten thousand years, so he confessed his mistake.

"How did Ling Xiao's sword intent become sword intent?

A light flashed in Xiao Chen's mind, and he thought of a possibility.

"Isn't that person, after entering the depths of the secret realm, he comprehended the meaning of Ling Xiao Pavilion from the ruins of Ling Xiao Pavilion's building, and even integrated it into his own sword path?"

It seems that there is only one possibility.

Thinking of this, Xiao Chen's face was full of shock, and he whispered to himself: "This guy has only been in for a few days, and he can comprehend Ling Xiao's sword intent, this comprehension is inevitably too demonic..."

Just when Xiao Chen was shocked, at this time, there was suddenly another sword intent coming out from the direction where Ling Xiao's sword intent came from.

This sword intent is as red as fire, like a fire in the sky, giving people an incomparably explosive and untamable feeling.

Xiao Chen's eyes widened.

"Second sword intent?!"

Before the exclamation could be spoken, another sword intent surged out.

This sword intent is more domineering and more powerful than the previous two sword intents.

It is like the thunder of the Nine Heavens, containing the meaning of heavenly might.

"Thunder Sword Intent..... The third kind of sword intent?!"

Xiao Chen was completely stunned, looking at the direction in the depths of the secret realm in a daze, his mouth grew and he couldn't say a word.

He watched as countless long swords swirled and flew around those three sword intents.

And the three kinds of knife intent are also slowly fused into one, and a new kind of knife intent is born!

This sword intent contains thunder and fire, higher than Ling Xiao, as if it only existed above the Nine Heavens.

It's called - Heavenly Sword!

Suddenly, the long sword trembled in the sky.

It's like cheering, it's like being afraid, it's like surrendering...

At the same time, Gu Xuan, who was sitting cross-legged in front of the plaque, opened his eyes.

There seemed to be two earth-shattering swords shooting out of his eyes, stabbing the void in front of him for a while.

The heavenly sword has been made!

"Congratulations to the host for the success of the Hu interception and the reward: Dao Insight Pill*1"

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