Above the nine heavens, thunder is honored.

Gu Xuan's Heavenly Sword Intent is based on the Lingxiao Sword Intent, the Thunder Sword Intent is the main one, and the Flame Sword Intent is the icing on the cake.

The thunder that came out of nowhere was absorbed into Gu Xuan's body, analyzed, and perceived...

The Heavenly Sword Intent was quickly consummated, and he soon comprehended the realm of Yicheng.

"It's a pity that the twenty percent Martial Dao Comprehension Pill was used by me early, otherwise it would be perfect to use it at this time."

Gu Xuanzheng sighed, and suddenly sensed that there was another more powerful thunder brewing on his side.

The lightning seed sent out a calling power, and the thunder flew straight towards him.

The sword intent skyrocketed.

Instantly reach one and a half.

And then the second, the third....

Gu Xuan was surprised and delighted.

"God really helps me, isn't it that God is anxious to see this amazing sword technique in the world, so he specially gave me the opportunity?"

The Heavenly Sword Intent skyrocketed.

Twenty percent...

Twenty and a half...


Thirty and a half ...

Seven thunderbolts fell in a row, each stronger than the other, directly pushing Gu Xuan's Heavenly Sword Intent to the realm of forty percent.

Gu Xuan waited for a while, and found that there was no thunder falling, so he swallowed the Great Dao Insight Pill that had just arrived.

In an instant, Gu Xuan's comprehension was directly raised to the Great Dao level.

The feeling of knowing everything and doing what you want is back.

Gu Xuan didn't procrastinate, and immediately put his divine thoughts on the eight-character plaque in front of him, "Being in the sky, the sword is in the green underworld".

The deeper Lingxiao sword intent contained on the plaque was easily excavated by Gu Xuan, comprehended, absorbed...

The Heavenly Sword Intent skyrocketed again.

Forty and a half...

Fifty percent...

Fifty and a half ...

It has reached the realm of sixty percent, and the eight-character plaque displayed in front of him suddenly collapsed, but the Ling Xiao sword intent contained on it was almost completely absorbed by Gu Xuan, and it could no longer resist the erosion of the sword intent and turned into decay.

Now, only the last and most critical step remains.

Gu Xuan, who has avenue-level comprehension, seems to reflect the starry sky, the sun, moon and stars, and the changing seasons in his eyes.

At this time, he looked at the earth-shattering knife mark in front of him, and the knife intent contained in the knife mark had no secret in his eyes.

Under the avenue-level comprehension, Gu Xuan could even deduce the scene when the knife fell.

It was a majestic figure like the sky, standing on the Lingxiao Pavilion, and slashed it down with a single sword.

The sword light shattered the void, disturbed the yin and yang, and the huge Lingxiao Pavilion secret realm was directly split under this knife.

The terrifying knife marks were divided into two sections from the entire Lingxiao Pavilion, and under the aftermath of the sword light, countless Lingxiao Pavilion powerhouses were shocked to death...

This is a knife that has broken through the ages, and it is indescribably terrible.

The light in Gu Xuan's eyes became more and more vigorous, and the sword intent on his body became more and more vigorous.

He understood.

He finally grasped the essence of this knife.


Nothing can be chopped!

Incomparably pure knife.

One knife breaks ten thousand laws, one knife is under the sky, nine days are in the sky, time is long, everything in the world must be cut in two sections!

The Heavenly Sword Intent formed by the fusion of Lingxiao Sword Intent, Thunder Knife Intent, and Flame Knife Intent is like a fairy palace building erected above the Nine Heavens, Lingxiao Treasure Palace.

What Gu Xuan has to do now is...


In an instant, Gu Xuan had already comprehended that sixty percent of the Heavenly Sword Sword intent had suddenly collapsed.

And in this disintegrating sword intent, a new sword intent metamorphosed out.

This sword intent carries a monstrous momentum that cuts everything, ignores the heavens, and cuts through the ages, and it is several times more powerful than the previous heavenly sword intent.

New Heavenly Sword Intent, the Real Heavenly Sword Intent!

At the same time, the Heavenly Sword Technique in Gu Xuan's mind was also rapidly deducing.

Gu Xuan's eyes were scorching, and he suddenly rose up with a knife and slashed towards the void in front of him.


The knife slashed at the terrible scar without any fancy face, overlapping it.

Although the sword qi is not as good as what if, the sword intent is purer, more intelligent, and more domineering.

Gu Xuan's eyes flashed with a strange brilliance, looking at this knife, he whispered to himself: "This knife, the name is - Shattered Nantian!"


Breath shivering cold.

Xiao Chen couldn't describe his current mood in words.

He has never been so angry and speechless in his two lives as he is now.

His good third-grade Xuandan was "castrated" by force for inexplicable reasons? !

Xiao Chen didn't know what grade his Xuandan was.

You say it's a nine-grade Xuandan, but it has the heritage of a third-grade Xuandan, which is stronger than the ordinary third-grade or even fourth-grade Xuandan.

You say it's a third-grade Xuandan, but its power is far inferior to an ordinary third-grade Xuandan, and there are nine cracks that are clearly visible on it.

This is an extremely awkward situation.

Less than the above, more than the bottom.

How to divide it?

Three-point five-product?

Tineema is outrageous.

And the culprit of all this is the person in the center of the secret realm!

It was the man's means that led him to his current situation.

Anger, unwillingness, resentment...

Xiao Chen couldn't wait to rush in on the spot now and find that person to reason properly.

If he condensed the upper third-grade Xuandan, maybe he really dared.

But now this three-point-and-five-grade Xuandan made him hesitate.

Just when Xiao Chen was entangled, "boom"-

A surge of sword intent attracted Xiao Chen's attention.

Xiao Chen subconsciously raised his eyes to look.

In a trance, he seemed to see that above the nine heavens, in the golden clouds, an incomparably majestic and majestic ancient portal stood in the clouds.

The golden dragon was entwined on the two jade pillars of the portal, thunder and flames intertwined, and the words "Nantian" were faintly revealed in the flow of clouds.

This portal exudes an ancient and vast atmosphere, as if symbolizing the majesty of the supreme and noble heaven and earth.

"It's .... Artistic conception of the sword!"

Xiao Chen's eyes widened, and his face showed great emotion.

This is definitely the most terrifying and magnificent sword artistic conception he has ever seen in his two lives.

It's horrible.

Under this sword intent, Xiao Chen felt as if he was a mortal man prostrate on the ground, looking up at the immortal gods in the sky.

The incomparably majestic ancient portal made him have the urge to bow and worship.

"This kind of sword intent, should it be top-grade, or is it a masterpiece?!"

Xiao Chen's heart was shaken, and just when he was shocked by this magnificent sword artistic conception, suddenly...

Mutations are born!

A peerless sword light that fell from the sky, with the momentum of cutting everything and cutting through the ages, directly cut off this portal.

The ancient portal is collapsing, the southern sky is shattered, the golden dragon is bleeding, and the thunder and fire are disintegrating...

It seems that even those nine heavens have been slashed by this knife!

Xiao Chen's pupils contracted suddenly, and his whole person was hit like never before, and even his heart swayed.

That's when he understood.

It turned out that everything in front was foreshadowing, and the terrifying sword light that fell from the sky at the end was the real image of this knife.

This is an indescribable shock, a horror, a horror, and a great disrespect.

Xiao Chen's whole body froze in place, his brain buzzing.

There was only one thought left in my mind: what kind of knife technique is this? A big rebellious stab?!


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