"Such a rebellious and unparalleled sword intent, if I have seen it, I will definitely have an impression in my mind, and I will never forget..."

Xiao Chen's expression was shocked, and he thought in his heart: "And with this person's age, cultivation, and talent, even if he can't become one of the protagonists of heaven and earth, it must be easy to become famous."

Why have I never heard of it..."

Xiao Chen's previous life was a great world, where hundreds of boats competed for the current and thousands of sails raced.

stepped into the royal realm at a young age, and there is more than one protagonist who was born to uphold the general trend of heaven and earth.

There are countless demons that rise like comets.

In Xiao Chen's opinion, the person in front of him, with this hand alone to cut through the ages and rebellious sword intent, is enough to leave a name in the world.

But he didn't have any memory, which was strange.

"There are only two possibilities. "

"Or, this person is a proud person who was born after my death, and I have no chance to see him. "

Either that, or the man fell halfway through and didn't live until the beginning of the great world. "

The second possibility is very small, after all, a top-level Tianjiao like Gu Xuan, who is shockingly talented, must be burdened with great luck, and it is normal to live a boat in a river, and turn evil into good fortune and the like.

Wanting to fall before they grow up is even harder than killing a King Realm powerhouse.

"I didn't expect that there was still a Tianjiao of this level hidden in the Southern Regions, and it was very likely that he would become one of the protagonists of heaven and earth who would determine the direction of the great world in the future...

This information is too crucial, even more than the value of this secret realm itself. "

Xiao Chen's expression was complicated, if he still had a certain amount of resentment towards Gu Xuan in his heart before, now these resentments have long since disappeared.

turned into a thick helplessness.

With this kind of character who has the opportunity to become the protagonist of heaven and earth, unless you are an existence of the same level as him, once an ordinary person gets close, he will either become a dry bone under his feet, or he can only become nourishment for his growth.

Unfortunately, he became the latter.

At this time, the sword qi in the center of the secret realm gradually dissipated, and a figure slowly walked out of it.

Gu Xuan, who had not yet subsided in the Dao-level Perception Pill, looked as deep and distant as the starry sky in Xiao Chen's eyes, and he couldn't help but bow his head humbly.

Gu Xuan's eyes fell on Xiao Chen, and he felt the Xuandan Realm aura surging from Xiao Chen's body, and was stunned for a moment.

He now finally knew where the thunder that suddenly appeared when he comprehended the Heavenly Sword Intent came from.

The look was a little strange, and there was a slight shame in my heart.

His previous operation was equivalent to taking away a part of Xiao Chen's martial arts.

Gu Xuan thought for a moment and said, "With the help of other thunder power refining, you may be able to make up for some of Xuandan's shortcomings." "

Xiao Chen was stunned, his eyes lit up quickly, and he immediately replied respectfully: "Thank you." "

The man in front of him obviously snatched his own martial arts, causing irreparable regrets to his Xuandan, and he also had to thank the other party for his guidance, I have to say that it is really a bit ironic.

But it's also something that can't be helped.

Xiao Chen and Gu Xuan stood together, only to feel that there were countless sharp knives against their skin all the time, under an indescribable huge pressure, they couldn't stand it, so they left in a hurry.

Gu Xuan didn't follow.

His gains this time are huge enough, and it will take time to digest them slowly.

Moreover, if Xiao Chen is pushed too hard, it is not good that this guy will run away without saying a word when he sees him in the future.

Gu Xuanke was still thinking about the seven-colored opportunity on the other party.

He wasn't worried that he wouldn't be able to meet Xiao Chen in the future.

Martial arts is a process of natural selection and continuous selection, and the higher you go, the fewer people there are.

Xiao Chen has so much light of chance, it is inevitable that he will come forward.

Sooner or later, the two will see each other again.

Right now, Gu Xuan still has to go back and gather the remaining resources in this secret realm.

There were a lot of remnants of disciples left in the secret realm of Lingxiao Pavilion, and almost every one of them had a storage spirit ring on it.

Before, Xiao Chen had only gathered a small part.

Because they didn't die in a fight to the death, the resources in these people's storage spirit rings were relatively intact.

This is a tremendous asset that is difficult to estimate.

Gu Xuan spent three days searching the entire Lingxiao Pavilion Secret Realm.

In the end, two hundred and eighty-two storage spirit rings were found, including more than 5,000 top-grade yuan stones, tens of thousands of high-grade yuan stones, and countless middle and lower grades.

There are also thousands of bottles of pills, most of which Gu Xuan doesn't recognize, and can only barely identify which ones increase cultivation according to the medicinal power, which ones are healing, and which ones dare not be used indiscriminately.

There are also more than 30 non-repeating ground-level exercises, and hundreds below the ground-level.

Then there are some elixirs from the previous year, weapons that have not been damaged, magic weapons... There are so many of them that I don't know how many.

Putting all the gains together, Gu Xuan suddenly became a huge rich man in the cultivation world with thousands of dollars.

"It just so happens that there is not much time left before the dynasty gathering, so take advantage of this last time to retreat here, how much can you improve?"

Gu Xuan made up his mind and began to retreat in the secret realm.


Time flies by like flowing water.

On this day, the royal capital of Great Xia.

Thousands of royal forest troops, as well as palace maid guards, formed a mighty guard of honor.

Guarding the luxurious chariot, it was parked outside the royal capital.

The people of the royal capital also flocked out, all of them watching this grand event.

Several huge and ornate flying boats hovered in mid-air, and many people stood on them.

Among them, you can see a lot of familiar figures, Ling Yue, Sima Xian...

They are all young heroes who are at the top of the Great Xia Talent List.

Ji Shaokang was wearing gold armor, standing with Ji Yurou, who was dressed in full costume, and was looking into the distance.

"Why hasn't Champion Hou come yet?"

"The Spirit Sword Sect said that he went out to travel, didn't he forget the time?"

"Hey, I came specially to practice for the Great Xia, mainly to see the champion Hou. I don't know if I'll see you today.."

"A character like Champion Hou is like a real dragon in the sky, his whereabouts are ethereal, and it is already a great blessing for ordinary people to see it last time. "


The group had been waiting for a long time, and some people couldn't hold back and came to the luxurious chariot to ask.

"Your Majesty, the champion Hou doesn't know if he can come..."

A faint voice came from inside the chariot, "Wait, I'm not in a hurry." "

"Yes. "

Even the big summer son is willing to wait, and the people below dare not say anything.

From this point, it can also be seen how much this famous champion Hou of Daxia is now valued and appreciated by Daxiazi.

I don't know how long it took, but suddenly a streamer crossed the sky. ,

I saw a jade-colored flying boat flying quickly in the direction of the royal capital.

On top of the flying boat, a man was standing at the bow of the boat, looking straight ahead.

Seeing this person, everyone's eyes suddenly lit up.

Ji Yurou shouted even more happily: "It's Gu Xuan, he's here!"


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