The phantom of the saint brought by Eguanbo took the ring ruler and beat it hard.

Where the ring ruler fell, ripples rippled in the void, and invisible fluctuations spread out, because there was no barrier from the formation prohibition, which shook the onlookers and kept retreating.

Many people even have the light of Yuan Force on their bodies, and they need to struggle to resist in order to maintain it.

The power of this sword shows the horror.

And Gu Xuan, who was at the point where the sword light fell, his expression was still calm, and his eyes were like Gu Tan that had not changed for thousands of years.

He rested his hand lightly on the hilt of the snow knife.

Out of the knife.

A round of sword light bloomed.

It was as if a small sun was rising in the square.

The sword light collided with the sword light, and Bai Zhiqiu's falling sword momentum was forcibly stopped.

"It's blocked..."

Everyone was stunned.

With the next breath, I saw that there were countless fine cracks on the top of the ring ruler in the hand of the sage phantom with the crown and the broad belt.


Everyone's eyes widened, as if they couldn't believe what they were seeing.

"Bai Zhiqiu's sword intent is unexpectedly invincible?!"

"This person's sword intent is stronger than Bai Zhiqiu's!

"What's that?!"

Someone exclaimed!

Everyone stared at Gu Xuan's sword light, which seemed to contain a black hole.

When the gaze is turned up, the soul will be sucked in.

Inside the black hole, it can be seen that there seem to be countless hideous ghosts and countless twisted human forms.

Ling Chi, beheading, waist beheading, skinning, cannon branding....

It turned out to be a living scene of Infernal Purgatory!


Everyone gasped, and their faces showed horror and emotion.

Many people came back to their senses, only to feel sweating profusely and palpitating.

"Desperate knife intent, painful knife intent, torture knife intent... I feel at least four or five kinds of knife intent on this knife, what kind of knife is this?!"

"It's terrifying, don't say face it, just by looking at it, you have the feeling of falling into an infernal hell!"

"This person's sword intent is close to the best! And the level of comprehension far exceeds the realm of Xiaocheng!"

"It's unimaginable..."

Countless people exclaimed.


There were more and more cracks on the ring ruler in the sage phantom's hand, and they quickly spread to his body.

In an instant, the phantom of the mighty and righteous saint was full of cracks, like a broken clay statue.

Bai Zhiqiu's face was pale, and the sword in his hand could not fall for a long time.



The saint's phantom exploded, the sword light collapsed, and the sword light burst out.

Bai Zhiqiu spurted out a mouthful of blood, stained the Confucian shirt on his body, and was shocked by the huge anti-shock force and flew out.

Bai Zhiqiu, defeated!

At this moment, almost all the people in the spectator table stood up and looked at the scene in front of them with incredulous eyes.

On the subjective battle seat, the veiled Princess Youyue also sat up straight, and her beautiful eyes were full of brilliance.

"This son is really a demon!"

Beside him, a Divine Realm powerhouse waiting on the left and right spoke in a deep voice.

"I saw the rudiments of a supreme sword path from this knife, and he had already found his own way!"

Another Divine Realm powerhouse also said with a solemn expression: "I have only seen it in my life to be able to form my own Dao at this age, even if it was the first night to solve the heavenly clothes, it was a little worse than him."

If this son does not fall, there is a great possibility that he will set foot in the royal realm in this life!"

Princess Youyue listened to the words of the two of her subordinates, and the brilliance in her beautiful eyes was even brighter.

At the same time, the audience in the audience could no longer describe the shock and shock they had suffered in their hearts.

With one enemy against nine, defeat them all!

Among them, there are also the princes of Youguo, the prince of Shang, the Xuandan Shang, the third-grade Tianjiao, and even Bai Zhiqiu, who is qualified to become the immortal genius of the Twelve Nights Whetstone.

"This son is only seventeen years old, he is on the third grade of Xuandan, Wang Dao martial arts, the comprehension of sword intent is more than Xiaocheng, and the sword skills are superb.... This qualification is understanding, close to the demon!"

"This person is really a martial artist from the lower country, and it is unbelievable that the lower country can give birth to such a character!"

"If I am a native of the Lunar Moon Dynasty, I should have a seat for this person on the twelfth night of the lunar month!"

The geniuses of the Yin Moon Dynasty were shocked, not to mention the geniuses of the Thirteen Kingdoms.

These people are completely stunned.

Especially the warriors of the Great Qian, Dashang, and Dayou Three Kingdoms, they have not been able to come out of the shock until now.

The Tianjiao figures in their own country who were not born in the world were defeated one by one by Xia Guotianjiao, who was ranked at the bottom of the thirteen countries.

With the momentum of destruction and decay, there is no suspense, and it is defeated head-on.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn't have believed that it was real.

On Xia Guo's side, Ji Shaokang and the others were also sluggish.

Ji Shaokang remembered what Gu Xuan once said-

"My trip must be amazing, how low-key!"

This is not only amazing, this is simply overwhelming the countries and glorifying the audience.

Thinking that after today, Xia Guo's ranking in martial arts potential would be the first of the thirteen countries in one fell swoop, Ji Shaokang was so excited that he almost trembled.

Ji Yurou's face flushed, and her fists clenched tightly.

She can't wait to announce to everyone on the field now: that man who is radiant and like the scorching sun in the sky is her man, and he is the concubine of their Great Xia Kingdom!

Ling Yue and the others only had deep awe and admiration for Gu Xuan in their eyes, and they had no heart to catch up and compare.

The real dragon in the sky, you can only look up, you can only follow, how to catch up?!

At this moment, Gu Xuan was in the spotlight, with countless halos added to his body, and his demeanor was even better than the sun in the sky.

The referee in charge of the competition came back from his trance and hurriedly announced: "Gu Xuan of the Xia Kingdom, for this gathering of the Celestial Empire, the first in the Thirteen Kingdoms!"

"Congratulations to the host for the success of the Hu interception opportunity and get the reward: Martial Arts Artistic Conception Comprehension Pill (20 Cheng)*1"

Gu Xuan also got a system prompt.

The opportunity of this competition can be regarded as all of it was in his pocket.

Because of Gu Xuan's sudden table lifting, the competition fell into a rather embarrassing situation.

Looking at the genius duel of the thirteen countries, the first one has been decided, but the ranking battle from the second to the ninth has not been compared.

But it was only ten days ago that Gu Xuan was all overturned, and almost all of them were injured, and they couldn't compare with each other.

The referee could only helplessly ask Princess Youyue for instructions, and Princess Youyue said lightly: "Since this is the case, then let many talents from the lower country recuperate for three days, and then continue after three days." "

"Yes. "

Today's result was beyond everyone's expectations, and countless people looked at Gu Xuan on the field with extremely complicated eyes.

It was this young man, starting with a knife at the gate of the imperial capital, that completely disrupted the arrangement of this grand event.

Tianjiao, who has risen as strongly as a comet, will be famous as the imperial capital and the fourteen countries after today.

After Princess Youyue announced her decision, her eyes fell on Gu Xuan, looked up and down, and suddenly said, "You, very good." "

Gu Xuan was slightly stunned, but the geniuses of the Yin Moon Dynasty on the field looked at him with rather jealous eyes.

As the princess of the moon on the third night of the twelfth night of the lunar month, she has a noble status, a strong talent, and a beautiful appearance.

I don't know how many young and handsome goddesses are in their minds.

During the twelfth night, several people openly expressed their admiration for Princess Yuyue.

But Princess Yuyue has never been a lie.

So far, everyone has only heard of Princess Darkmoon expressing her appreciation to one person.

That person is the head of the twelve nights, the peerless Tianjiao of the Yinyue Dynasty who has not been encountered for thousands of years, and the first night to untie the heavenly clothes.

Now, Gu Xuan has become the second.

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