After Princess Youyue finished speaking, she took the people away.

The geniuses of the Yin Moon Dynasty and the Thirteen Kingdoms also gradually dispersed, and they were still talking about today's competition.

It is conceivable that after today, the name Gu Xuan will cause a sensation in the Yin Moon Emperor.

"Gu Xuan..."

Ji Yurou walked up, hugged Gu Xuan hard, and looked up at him, her eyes were full of stars.

But he quickly said sourly, "You are not allowed to look at that woman." "

She was referring to Princess Youyue who had just expressed her appreciation for Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan rubbed her head amusedly.

At this time, Ji Shaokang solemnly saluted Gu Xuan: "Shaokang, on behalf of the Great Xia royal family, has thanked Brother Gu in advance." "

Gu Xuan waved his hand slightly and said, "For the matter, His Royal Highness Seventh doesn't need to be polite." "

Ling Yue and the others were quite embarrassed, compared to Gu Xuan, they were more like they had come to make up the numbers.

"Gu Xuan, now that you have won the first place in the Thirteen Kingdoms, in the next three days, can you accompany me to visit the Lunar Moon Imperial Capital?"

Ji Yurou grabbed Gu Xuan's arm, her face full of anticipation.

The light in Gu Xuan's eyes flickered, and he said lightly: "Next time, these three days... I still have a lot to do. "


A restaurant in the imperial capital.

This is the best Tianzi No. 1 private room on the top floor of the restaurant, where several young warriors drink, each of them is strong and has a good temperament.

"Gu Xuan, the first of the thirteen countries in this gathering, is really amazing, he is only less than seventeen years old, and he has such strength, which is surprising!"

"It's a miracle that such a character can be bred in a small country and a lack of resource inheritance. "

"The Xia Kingdom used to be the top power in the Southern Regions, and at its peak, the Kingdom even surpassed our Yin Moon Dynasty.

Although he is lonely so far, there are still one or two points left in the background, maybe it is the opportunity for Gu Xuan's rise. "

"Anyway, this person can definitely be called a top demon. "

Everyone talked about the name of Gu Xuan, the hottest person in the imperial capital recently, and there were exclamations in their mouths from time to time.

At this time, someone suddenly smiled and said: "Actually, no matter how powerful Gu Xuan is, no matter how demonic he is, how can he compare to one-tenth of any person in the twelfth night of the lunar moon of our Yin Moon Dynasty."

He's so powerful, it's just for the Thirteen Kingdoms, and for us, that's just it.

yes, twelve nights. "

A few people looked at a young man at the wine table who hadn't spoken much.

The young man has a body like a dragon and eyes like an eagle falcon, and just by looking at his appearance, he can see that he is far beyond ordinary people.

This man was the twelfth of the twelve lunar nights.

Hearing his companion's words, the young man snorted coldly and said, "That Gu Xuan is just a good whetstone screened out, and at the assembly in three days, I will personally come to the stage on the twelfth night and stomp him under his feet."

Let those untouchables who are proud of Gu Xuan see what is the real gap between the lower country and the upper country!"

"Well said!"

"When the float is white!"

After listening to the words of the Twelfth Night, the companions cheered one after another, and raised their wine glasses to push the glass to change it.

At this moment, a cold voice came into everyone's ears.

"It won't take three days, I think it's going to be a good day. "

The voice came so abruptly that everyone looked around.

The door of the private room opened silently, and a young man with a striking demeanor and a noble temperament was calmly watching them at the door.

"Gu Xuan?!"

When everyone in the private room saw this person, they were shocked and suddenly stood up from their positions.

"Gu Xuan, you still dare to eavesdrop outside our door?

Twelve Nights stepped forward, with a look of anger on his face and a cold look in his eyes.

Gu Xuan said lightly: "Didn't you say that you want to trample me on the soles of your feet? I will stand in front of you now, give you a chance, and let the horse come." "


Twelve nights were filled with shame.

He was talking behind his back with a few friends, but he happened to be overheard by the main owner, which was really embarrassing.

But more importantly...

The strength Gu Xuan showed at the rally was too strong, even if he was one of the twelve nights of the lunar moon, the twelve nights were not too sure that he could defeat Gu Xuan.

"Don't dare?"

Gu Xuan frowned, and suddenly stepped forward.

"Then you're welcome. "

"Gu Xuan, you are so daring! I am really afraid that you will not succeed?!"

Frightened and angry, Twelve Nights roared, slammed a hole in the wall, and came out into the open space.

This movement attracted countless people in the restaurant to run out to watch.

Hovering in mid-air at the twelfth night, he looked down at Gu Xuan condescendingly, and said coldly: "I don't know the height of the earth, the mud legs of the countryside, I really think that if you take the first place in the Thirteen Kingdoms, you can be compared with us?

"Thousand-Armed Shinra!"

Twelve Nights roared angrily, and a phantom seemed to suddenly appear on his body, and the phantom slapped countless palms in all directions.

The arm shadows and palm prints overlapped and changed, and the whole person seemed to have countless arms.

And the power of each palm was comparable to the full force of an ordinary Xuandan Realm powerhouse.

The terrifying power hit the void like a pond in the rain, rippling countless ripples and shaking endlessly.

Someone below recognized it and exclaimed: "This is Twelve Nights' famous martial arts, who are you fighting with?"

"Whoever it is, if he gets into trouble for twelve nights, he's going to be unlucky. "

Before the words fell, I saw a stunning knife light in the private room at the top of the restaurant.

Knife pulling!


The light of the sword flashed away, like a meteor across the sky.

Twelve Nights' body in mid-air suddenly froze, and the countless waving arms around him suddenly stopped and collapsed.

Then the whole person fell from mid-air like a stone and slammed into the ground.

In an instant, the audience was silent.

On the top floor of the restaurant, a figure fell.

casually threw a piece of war book on the face of the twelfth night, and said lightly: "There are bells and whistles, and it is vulnerable." "

After speaking, Gu Xuan turned around and left.

When Gu Xuan was gone, everyone on the sidelines slowly recovered from the shock and shock.

"That guy just now... The first Gu Xuan of the Thirteen Kingdoms!"

"He stabbed... Defeat Twelve Nights!"


On the streets of Changle, Gu Xuan, the first person in the Thirteen Kingdoms, defeated Twelve Nights with one sword.

Within half an hour of the incident, the news spread like a hurricane throughout most of the lunar moon imperial capital.

Countless people were shocked.

But before they could digest the news.

Bigger shocks followed.

Listen to the Rain Pavilion, the eleventh night of the twelve nights of the lunar moon was defeated by someone with a knife, the loser, Gu Xuan!

Leaning on the Red Mansion, the tenth night of the twelve nights of the lunar moon was defeated by someone with a knife, the one who shot it, Gu Xuan!

Wanbao Pavilion, who was buying pills on the ninth night, was challenged on the street, defeated with a knife, and defeated his...

It's Gu Xuan again!

In just half a day, Gu Xuan defeated the four people in the twelfth night of the lunar moon with one knife and one sword.

The Imperial Capital is shaking!

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