"Great Xia Gu Xuan defeated four people in a row in the twelfth night of the lunar month, and gave everyone the rest a low battle book?!"


Under the peach tree, Bai Zhiqiu threw away the ancient scroll in his hand and got up quickly, pacing back and forth with joy on his face.

The Qingxiu disciple next to him was puzzled: "Senior Brother Bai, that Gu Xuan defeated you, and now you are still so beautiful, why are you not angry at all, and you are still so happy?"

"You know what. "

Bai Zhiqiu said with a smile: "Gu Xuan defeated me with strength, upright, I lost with my heart, why should I be angry."

The saint has clouds, shame and courage.

I was too shun before, but after this defeat, my martial arts heart was more stimulated, and my cultivation was more motivated, so I was not angry with Gu Xuan, but I wanted to thank him.

And Gu Xuan did what I wanted to do, but I didn't dare to do, and I wanted to do but couldn't do it.

I have nothing but admiration for him in my heart. "

Bai Zhiqiu's eyes bloomed with a strange brilliance, and he said, "Hurry up, lead me over, I want to witness every battle of Gu Xuan's trip." "

"Oh. "

The Qingxiu disciple didn't seem to understand when he heard it, scratched his head, and walked out of the small courtyard with Bai Zhiqiu.


"Ignorant! ridiculous! arrogant!"

In the Great Youguo Station, the prince of Youguo lying on the sickbed had a pale face, and he listened to the report of his subordinates with a sneer on his face.

"Dare to hand over a war book to everyone in the Twelve Nights, does he really think that the strength of the Twelve Nights is as indiscriminate as the last four nights?

The prince of Youguo sat up from the sickbed with his body bold, his eyes flashed with disgust, and he gritted his teeth and said, "I want to witness Gu Xuan's fiasco with my own eyes!"


The Great Business Station.

Prince Shang sat high in his seat and listened to the report of his subordinates with a blank face.

His broken arm by Gu Xuan had already been refilled with the best ointment, and it would take some time to fully recover, so half of his body looked a little stiff.

"Gu Xuan, who practices royal martial arts, is the enemy of his life, and sends people to pay close attention to his situation... Oh no, go alone. "

Prince Shang got up directly and walked towards the door.


And the people who received Gu Xuan's war book in the twelve nights had different performances.

Someone disdains, someone sneers, someone simply ignores ...

"Fun and funny..."

Princess Youyue looked at the challenge book written by the blade in her hand, and the light in her beautiful eyes flowed, and she couldn't help laughing.

"This Gu Xuan is really getting more and more interesting. Someone..."

"In. "

One of the guards walked up to Princess Dark Moon and knelt down.

"Go back and tell Gu Xuan, just say that the palace is waiting for him to come to the door to challenge in Youyue Mansion. "

"Yes. "

Gu Xuan's astonishing move caused an uproar in the huge Yin Moon Imperial Capital.

The Quartet moved because of him.

At this time, he was standing at the door of the mansion on the eighth night of the twelfth lunar month, waiting to enter.

Outside the door, many geniuses from the Thirteen Kingdoms, as well as the native geniuses of the Lunar Moon Dynasty, surrounded the place.

Everyone is waiting to see the outcome of this battle.

Ji Shaokang and Ji Yurou and other people from the Xia Kingdom were also mixed in the crowd.

Several people had complicated eyes, and they didn't know what words to use to express their inner thoughts at the moment.

"It turns out that Gu Xuan said that there is something to do, which is to challenge the twelve nights of the lunar month. "

The development of the Celestial Empire gathering has far exceeded the expectations of Ji Shaokang and others.

After leaving Great Xia, Gu Xuan was like an arrow, shooting into the air that they couldn't grasp.

"If the news here is transmitted back to Great Xia, God knows how my father will react."

Ji Shaokang thought silently in his heart.

At this time, in the mansion on the eighth night, a servant with an indifferent expression came out and said to Gu Xuan respectfully: "Uncle, please ask Gu Xuan and Gu Gongzi to go in." "

As soon as these words came out, all the onlookers on the sidelines were shocked.

"On the eighth night, I agreed to Gu Xuan's challenge!"

Gu Xuan nodded slightly, followed behind the servant, and walked into the Eighth Night Mansion.

And people outside the house had a heated discussion.

"On the eighth night, I fought with Gu Xuan, and I don't know which one is stronger or weaker?"

"Gu Xuan has defeated four people in the Twelfth Night, no one can stop him, his strength has not been exhausted, and I don't think the Eighth Night is necessarily his opponent. "

"No, you're wrong. The eighth night was not the last four. "

"The twelfth night of the lunar month, the first four nights, the middle four nights, the last four nights, and the eighth night are a watershed of strength, and the fourth night is also a watershed of strength.

On the eighth night, many people were over twenty-four years old, and the accumulation of strength far exceeded that of those behind them. "

"Yes, the strongest in the last four nights is only the Xuandan Fivefold, but on the eighth night, the weakest one also has the Xuandan Sixfold. With so many years of accumulation, all aspects such as skill and martial intent have reached a small peak, and the comprehensive strength of the eighth night is far beyond that of the ninth night.

The two are not the same concept at all. "

"Unless it is an existence like Xie Tianyi and Princess Youyue, who is talented enough to erase the age gap, ordinary Tianjiao is not qualified to be their opponent at all. "

While everyone was discussing, they suddenly heard an earth-shattering sound from the Eighth Night Mansion, accompanied by a sword aura that soared into the sky, which surprised everyone.

"It's started?!"

Everyone's expressions perked up, although the eighth night didn't seem to want others to see the battle between him and Gu Xuan, there were still many geniuses who were ready to move and wanted to enter the mansion to take a look.

But before they could rush in, they saw a figure walk out of the mansion.

The pupils of the crowd shrank.

It's Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan's expression was indifferent, and there was not even a trace of wrinkles on the moon-white martial robe, so it was exactly the same when he followed up.

"What's the result? Who wins and who loses?"

Gu Xuan didn't pay attention to these people, turned around and left.

After Gu Xuan left, a group of extremely curious martial artists glanced at each other, and finally had the courage to rush into the Eighth Night Mansion.

After a few moments, the men came out dejected, their faces full of shock.

"Who is winning and losing?

"Hey, I'm really in a hurry!"

The people outside who were waiting for the results were constantly urging.

A warrior who had entered the mansion muttered, "Eighth night, defeated!"

Everyone was stunned.

Someone added in an astringent voice: "Gu Xuan, from beginning to end, there was only one knife. "


Suddenly, the audience was shocked.

Everyone looked moved and froze in place, their faces full of disbelief.

"Even the eighth night was defeated by Gu Xuan's sword, how strong is Gu Xuan's real strength?!"

"This son is a big outlier, Twelve Nights wants to use him as a whetstone, how can he not use Twelve Nights as his own whetstone!"

"Stepping on the shoulders of the twelfth night step by step, I seem to see the process of the rise of the first night of the day is reappearing!"

"Gu Xuan, this person, may become the second Xie Tianyi!"


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