Gu Xuan narrowed his eyes slightly.

Challenging the Twelfth Night of the Lunar Moon, the fourth night is the first person to threaten him so far.

The fourth night twisted his neck slightly, making a crunching sound.


In the fourth night, he let out a low cry, and in a blink of an eye, he was in front of Gu Xuan, and the speed was so fast that it was difficult to catch with the naked eye.

The battle begins!


On the fourth night, he punched Gu Xuan, and Gu Xuan's figure shattered abruptly, leaving only a trace of electric light.

It turned out to be just a phantom, and the real Gu Xuan appeared dozens of feet away.

Vertical mine light!

Gu Xuan's self-created method.


Unable to strike a blow, the fourth night snorted coldly and deceived himself again.

With one punch, Gu Xuan disappeared again, and it was a phantom again.


It's a phantom again....

Gu Xuan's speed was incredible, far exceeding the fourth night, and he couldn't even touch the corners of his clothes on the fourth night.

"Damn it!"

The fourth night roared angrily and stomped on the ground.

The bluestone shattered, and the entire long street shook with it.

"Are you just dodging?

Gu Xuan stopped, and there was a trace of cold light in his eyes.

"As you wish!"

This time, when the fourth night struck again, Gu Xuan did not dodge, but directly met it with a punch.

The fourth night's eyes burst into a blazing light, and he laughed wildly: "It's good to come!"

The onlookers saw that their pupils contracted for a while, and they couldn't help but whisper: "Why doesn't Gu Xuan use a knife?!"

"He is all cultivating royal martial arts, and his physical body is also strong, so he wants to compete with the fourth night in physical strength!"

Many people looked moved and said complicatedly: "Give up your most powerful means, want to defeat the opponent in the field that the opponent is best at, and use your own shortcomings to fight the enemy's strengths."

Gu Xuan is so proud!"

In the crowd, Prince Shang's eyes were scorching, and he said in a low voice: "What a Gu Xuan, he deserves to be Lone's lifelong enemy." Lonely and unjust. "

The power of the five dragons!


Fist to fist.

Two terrifying physical forces collided together, and at the place of the collision, the void trembled violently and collapsed directly.

The air was extremely compressed and overflowing, and the houses on both sides of the long street were blown over, and the stone houses collapsed like papier-mâché.

In the first head-to-head confrontation, both men retreated.

Gu Xuan took three steps back, but on the fourth night, he took more than a dozen steps back, stepping on countless big pits on the ground one by one.

Fourth Night was slightly less so.

The onlookers gasped and looked shocked.

"Gu Xuan's physical strength is even stronger than the fourth night?!"

"Oh my God.."

On the fourth night, instead of being angry, he laughed and rushed up again like a mad tiger.

"Okay, it's kind of interesting, it's been a long time since I've met an opponent who can fight with my physical body... Haha, come again!"

The fourth night punched out, and this punch was stronger and more powerful than before.

Gu Xuan also met with a punch.


The long street shook, and the two of them retreated separately.

This time, Gu Xuan took five steps back, but the fourth night only took seven steps back.

"Come on, come again!"

The fourth night shouted and another punch followed.

Gu Xuan's brows furrowed slightly.

The strength of the fourth night is stronger than the punch, and the power of the four dragons at the beginning is slowly increasing.

By now, he is close to the power of the five dragons, and he can already compete with him.

It is worthy of being extremely refining, and his strength is amazing.

"Quick Fix!"

Gu Xuan didn't want to entangle with the fourth night anymore, so he took a deep breath.

The dragon qi in his body surged, and the dragon qi affected the leylines and frantically raised Gu Xuan's fist momentum.

With Gu Xuan's fist as the center, invisible veins emerged in the void.

"Imperial Dragon Fist!"

This punch was struck, and even the face of the fourth night changed.


The body of the fourth night flew upside down like a cannonball, smashing down the walls of countless houses.

The onlookers were stunned.

Fourth night, defeated?

As soon as this thought arose, the collapse of the ruins exploded, and a fiery figure rose into the sky.

"Divine Power Dao Palace, open it for me!"

The fourth night roared, and the scattered black hair raised without the wind.

On his body, the green tendons bulged up and the muscles swelled.

The majestic body built of steel and copper seems to have hidden dragons, and the whole person directly "grows" in a circle, like a little giant.

Beneath the exaggerated flesh contains unimaginable explosive power.

With a single move, the void was torn open with black cracks.


Everyone present felt a great sense of crisis from the fourth night.

It was a feeling of being firmly locked by a wild beast, and it made people feel cold and fried.

Someone whispered with a pale face: "This is the true strength of the fourth night..."

"The rumors are true, the fourth night got part of the inheritance of the ancient body refining power, and took the path of ancient body cultivation. It has opened the human body's divine treasure, the potential is endless, and the power can tear the sky.."

"It's horrible...."

The fourth night, who had a hideous posture and looked like a fierce beast, looked at Gu Xuan condescendingly, grinned, and said in a cold tone: "So far, you are the first person to use your physical strength to force me to open the Divine Power Dao Palace.

At this point, you can't even untie the clothes, you are proud enough. "

Gu Xuan's eyes were slightly condensed, and he also felt a great sense of threat and oppression from the fourth night.

This feeling of oppression made him feel the urge to give up his fist and draw his sword.

But Gu Xuan quickly vetoed the idea.

He smelled chance on the fourth night.

It's not the light of real chance, it's the pressure.

The huge pressure between life and death is also a great opportunity.

"It's over. "

On the fourth night, the figure disappeared with a "bang", and the speed increased several times compared to before.

Gu Xuan had never caught the figure of the fourth night with his naked eyes, but his divine thoughts locked it firmly.

Royal Road Dragon Fist!

A punch that induces the leylines is no fancy to the fist of the fourth night.


A terrifying force surged in.

Gu Xuan's expression changed abruptly.

Eight Dragons?

No, at least the power of Kowloon!

After opening the so-called Divine Power Dao Palace, the power of the fourth night has increased by more than double!


Gu Xuan was involuntarily blown out and smashed into a large area of houses.

The terrifying power raged in Gu Xuan's body, Gu Xuan's throat was sweet, and he spit out a few mouthfuls of blood.

But he felt that there seemed to be some power in his body gradually awakening.

"Is that the limit there?"

Looking at Gu Xuan on the fourth night, he couldn't stop sneering.

He disappeared into shape, and another punch.

Gu Xuan stepped back again, blood oozing from the corners of his mouth.

Next, Gu Xuan was completely disadvantaged, and was used as a sandbag by the fourth night and hit wildly.

The onlookers were shocked and their eyelids jumped.

Some people even looked unbearable.

"The fourth night is the fourth night after all, this strength is too strong!"

"I don't know whether to say that Gu Xuan is proud or stupid, he is in such a situation, and he still refuses to use the knife, hey.."

"Maybe he didn't have a chance to go out at all, and the fourth night was too tight. He wanted to come up with a knife, and it was already too late.."

"It's a pity that Gu Xuan stopped here, thinking that he could still witness a miracle. "

"After all, I am young and too proud. If you had used the knife technique from the beginning, it might have been a completely different ending."

Countless people sighed, and they had already decided that Gu Xuan had failed.

The fourth night also looked arrogant, and his mouth was constantly mocking.

"Fight back, rubbish!"

"Why don't you hit me? Do you only have that little strength?"

"Just you, you still want to use me as a whetstone? ridiculous!"

And no one noticed that Gu Xuan, who was constantly suffering the stormy blows of the fourth night, had his eyes getting brighter and brighter.

"Give me death, untouchables of the lower kingdom!"

The fourth night looked hideous, and punched out with all his strength, as if he was planning to finish Gu Xuan completely.

Wherever he slipped through the long street, the houses on both sides of the long street collapsed and the ground cracked.

The style of boxing is like this, which shows the horror of boxing power.

Everyone in the audience changed color, and many people even turned their heads away, unable to bear to look at it again.

But when the punch was about to hit Gu Xuan's head on the fourth night, a white and slender palm was raised and gently pinched it.

Gu Xuan, who had been keeping his head down before, was in an embarrassed figure and slowly raised his head at this moment, his eyes as dazzling as stars.

On his body, mysterious divine patterns emerged, and thunder and fire intertwined around his body.

At this moment, Gu Xuan is like a god descending from ancient times, extremely majestic and noble.

"It's my turn. "

Gu Xuan pinched the fist of the fourth night, condescendingly, and spoke coldly.

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