The fist of the fourth night was tightly clenched in Gu Xuan's palm, and he was stunned to find that after opening the Divine Power Dao Palace, his strength soared to Jiulong, and he couldn't break free from Gu Xuan's palm.

Gu Xuan's palm seemed to contain a whirlpool black hole, and the surging fist power conveyed to the past, like a mud cow entering the sea, without any waves.

"This... How is that possible?!"

Gu Xuan didn't give him a chance to speak again.

The fist of thunder and fire was intertwined, and the divine pattern was extended, and a punch was thrown.

The terrifying force of the fist stirred the void, bringing up a brilliant tail flame and slamming it against the door of the fourth night.


On the fourth night, the huge body was tossed and flew upside down like a sandbag.

The power of the burst of thunder exploded on Fourth Night's face, splattering beautiful fireworks and a few broken teeth.

Gu Xuan's eyes were as bright as torches, thunder and fire were intertwined on his upright body, and his neck, arms, cheeks and even eyebrows that were not covered by his robe all had mysterious divine patterns emerging.

The whole person seemed to be wearing a pair of armor woven by thunder and fire, walking out of the ancient picture scroll, full of majesty and nobility.

The power of the fourth night's fist awakened Gu Xuan's sleeping treasure body.

After fusing the ancient dragon essence blood, the ancient Vermilion Bird essence blood, and being tempered by thunder, flames, and dragon qi one after another, Gu Xuan's physique had already undergone a wonderful transformation.

Far beyond the original power of the mixed ingots treasure body, it contains infinite potential, and even manifests mysterious patterns, as if weaving and giving birth to an earth-shattering body.

However, he has rarely used the power of his physical body, and his treasure body is covered with dust.

Now stimulated by the power of the fourth night's fist, Gu Xuan's mysterious treasure body finally bloomed with its dazzling brilliance.

Gu Xuan took one step, the thunder and fire on his body flashed, and he instantly crossed a distance of dozens of zhang and came to the fourth night.

Raise your hand.

Punch it.

There are no fancy punches, only the most primitive fighting skills.

On the fourth night, Gu Xuan smashed a fist in the chest, and his huge body fell into the masonry and mud, smashing out a large pit several feet deep, and the long street trembled.

The onlookers looked stunned, and Gu Xuan punched Fourth Night with one punch.

"Bang bang bang-"

It seemed to hit them in the heart all at once.

The situation on the field changed so quickly that everyone didn't react.

Gu Xuan, who was still at a disadvantage just now, suddenly turned into an ancient god-like existence, and directly pressed the invincible fourth night to the ground and rubbed it.

"It's... The power of a special constitution!"

Someone muttered.

Many people were moved and finally recovered from the shock and felt the huge impact.

"Gu Xuan even has a special physique?!"

"Being able to control the power of thunder and fire, it is impossible to be just a spirit body! at least a treasure body, and it may even be some kind of powerful Xuan body!"

"God, this son's sword attainments are so demonic, and he even has a treasure body, which is too perverted. How many hole cards he has, it seems endless!"

"Sword technique, martial intent, cultivation, body method, and physical body. This son's ability in every aspect is ridiculously strong, and there are no shortcomings at all!"

At this time, the fourth night had completely been reduced to Gu Xuan's sandbag.

Although his strength was strong, it was not enough to break the defense of the thunder fire and divine pattern on Gu Xuan's body, and he could only be beaten passively.

"No, this is impossible, I have opened the human body divine treasure and opened up the divine power Dao Palace, how can it be inferior to you?!"

The fourth night roared wildly, and suddenly erupted.

But as soon as he got up, he was ruthlessly pressed down by Gu Xuan's heavy punch.


The dull thud of a beating was like the stomp of a savage beast.

The long street in front of the mansion on the fourth night was almost completely destroyed.

It was like an eighteen-level gale crossing the country, and it was full of devastation.

Gu Xuan's expression was indifferent, and he punched one punch after another.

A fire burned in his chest, constantly stimulating the murderous intent and wildness in his veins, and even some fragmentary ancient images began to flash in his mind.

The fourth night went from anger and unwillingness at the beginning, trying to fight back, to later falling into a miserable howl, and then to the back...

Even the howls have subsided.

The muscles and bones all over his body were broken and broken by Gu Xuan.

The knotted body also doesn't know when it will shrink back to its normal size.

Gu Xuan could clearly feel that the breath of life on the fourth night was constantly weakening, but he had no intention of stopping at all.

The fourth night of the twelfth lunar month...

Kill and kill!

And how?!

In the process of constantly punching, the divine patterns on Gu Xuan's body were also constantly extending, and thunder and flames continued to erupt from every pore of his body.

His treasure body seemed to be rapidly improving in the nourishment of battle.

Thunder and fire raged in every inch of Gu Xuan's body, bringing boundless power while destroying his body.

Gradually, blood began to ooze from his skin, and his flesh showed faint signs of collapse.

Gu Xuan didn't seem to be aware.

Whoever steals the fire of the gods will be wounded by the fire.

At this moment, Gu Xuan was completely covered by thunder and fire, and his whole body was covered with divine patterns, almost no different from the gods in the ancient picture scroll.

But at this moment, Gu Xuan's fist stopped abruptly.

His fist hovered over the Fourth Night Door where there was only one breath left, and the whole person froze.

It wasn't that Gu Xuan noticed the abnormality of his body and reined in the precipice.


On the dying fourth night, a thick purple light bloomed on his body.

The light of chance!

On the dying fourth night, an inexplicable opportunity came.

Gu Xuan's brows furrowed, and a hint of doubt appeared in his eyes.

The purple edge line on the fourth night's body was close at hand, and the direction of communication was in his hand.

What does he have on his hands?

Gu Xuan's eyes moved, and he took off a beautifully shaped storage spirit ring from the half-dead Fourth Night.

The mind reached in and saw the fate line fall on a tattered scroll of animal skin.

took it out, and four big characters came into Gu Xuan's eyes.

"Nine Secrets of the Dao Palace"!

Gu Xuan read all the contents on the entire leather paper roll in a few breaths, and then...

His expression was shaking.

This is a supreme technique that records the inheritance of ancient body refining.

The exercises describe that the human body has a divine treasure, and once it is opened, even if it does not cultivate the yuan force, it can still have earth-shattering supernatural powers.

The god has nine, which is the palace of the nine avenues.

Therefore, it is known as the Nine Secrets of the Dao Palace.

It's a pity that this exercise is incomplete, and only the opening methods of the two Dao Palaces are recorded on it.

One is the Divine Power Dao Palace.

It's the secret technique that was just used on the fourth night.

Once the Divine Power Dao Palace is opened, the physical strength of the practitioner can skyrocket wildly.

This is also the reason for the sudden increase in strength on the fourth night.

The second is the Do'e Dao Palace.

Once this palace is opened, it can greatly increase the physical defense of the warrior.

According to the exercises, if the Doom Dao Palace is fully opened, it can block all the laws in the world and avoid all the disasters of swords and soldiers.

This is truly the supreme example of physical cultivation.

Gu Xuan looked at the fourth night lying on the ground, and a wave of realization was born in his heart.

The fourth night seemed to be dying, but in fact it was in a state where it was about to break and stand up.

If he had hit that punch just now, he might have helped him open the second palace.

That's a blessing in disguise.

Fortunately, I didn't continue.

Like now, stuck on the verge of half-death, both relieving and not achieving him, just right.

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