"The national teacher once said that Xie Tianyi has a clear sword heart, and his wisdom and understanding are more than ten times that of ordinary martial artists, otherwise it is impossible to penetrate the heaven-level sword canon that has not been cultivated by anyone in the Hanging Sword Pavilion for thousands of years, and comprehend the heavenly sword intent, which is unique in ten thousand.

In this world, there is no absolutely perfect martial arts, and any martial arts move will soon be seen by him in front of Tianyi's eyes, and he will easily break it with the smallest force..."

Princess Youyue looked at the battle group intently, and said in a low voice: "This is the real invincible and terrifying thing about Xie Tianyi, I told Gu Xuan that I will not necessarily be Xie Tianyi's opponent when I wait for the eleventh night."

Although the rhetoric is exaggerated, it is not entirely impossible. "

Another god-like powerhouse sighed: "I can only see if the killing move containing the spatial sword intent that Gu Xuan comprehended can have a chance." "

"It's hard..."

Surrounded by sword intent, Xie Tianyi's scorching demeanor once again reminded countless royal geniuses of the fear of being dominated by him.

This also includes people who are ranked in the twelfth lunar month.

Before Gu Xuan came to the Yinyue Imperial Capital, there was only one legend among the younger generation in the Imperial Capital, and that was Xie Tianyi.

Now, this legend is about to continue his glory again, and countless geniuses have complicated expressions.

"You can see through the weaknesses in my sword technique.."

Gu Xuan narrowed his eyes and looked at Xie Tianyi, and said, "No wonder Princess Youyue has great respect for you. "

Xie Tianyi said lightly: "Although your sword skills are strong, they are only grass creations, and it is not difficult to see the flaws." "

Gu Xuan nodded, "You're right, there are still many things that need to be perfected and deduced in my Infernal Sword Technique, and there is still a long way to go before it is perfect." "

"If you give you a few more years to deduce the sword technique, maybe I am not your opponent, but it's a pity..."

Xie Tianyi felt sorry for Gu Xuan, and then a strong sword intent rose from his body, and he said indifferently: "You were born at the wrong time." I will take the next sword, and you will not be able to take it.."

At this moment, Xie Tianyi's bearing belonging to the first generation of the younger generation of the Yinyue Dynasty was fully expanded.

Hunting in robes, like a young king.

Even many Divine Realm powerhouses and big figures admired it.

Gu Xuan smiled.

"Coincidentally, I want to say the same thing as you. Although you can see through the flaws in my sword technique, if I make the next sword, I will defeat you!"

Hearing this, Princess Youyue and the two god-like powerhouses beside her burst out with essence in their eyes, and their expressions were a little expectant.

They were the only ones who had seen Gu Xuan's Supreme Dao Second Killing Move, which was also where they thought Gu Xuan's chance of victory against Xie Tianyi was.

Now, it's finally time to verify.

Xie Tianyi heard Gu Xuan's words and slowly shook his head.

"Don't give up until the Yellow River. "

In Xie Tianyi's opinion, Gu Xuan had already used even a single move of seventy percent sword intent, and he had almost reached the limit of his strength.

Even if there are still hole cards not out, the strong will not be much stronger.

His cultivation was several realms higher than Gu Xuan's, plus his own clear sword heart and heavenly sword intent.

If you want to defeat Gu Xuan, it is not difficult.

Xie Tianyi thought about it, and was about to hand Gu Xuan a sword that would determine the outcome of the game.

But at this time, Gu Xuan's divine thoughts locked him first.

"Your Heavenly Skill Sword Intent can break my sword moves because my sword is not strong enough."

Gu Xuan's cold voice sounded in the audience.

"If my sword is strong enough, even if you can see the flaw, you can't break it..."

"It's like, if you have a stick in your hand, you can easily pierce a white piece of paper full of flaws, but you can't pierce a wall full of flaws..."

"I just need to increase the power of the sword technique to a strong enough level. "

"In the face of absolute strength, any calculation... It's all false!"

Gu Xuan's words sounded one by one, and everyone in the audience was stunned, and then their faces showed doubts and strangeness.

What Gu Xuan said was right.

But how?

His cultivation is several realms lower than Xie Tianyi, how can he cut a knife that Xie Tianyi can't crack even if he sees a flaw?!

This is clearly a paradox!

But at this time, Gu Xuan had already taken out the knife.

This knife, at the moment of slashing, the clouds and mist in the sky and the aura in the void all stirred.

An indescribable majestic aura emanated from Gu Xuan's body.

Princess Youyue frowned slightly, and whispered to herself, "It doesn't seem that Gu Xuan defeated the Phantom Shadow. "


The clouds are rolling and there is thunder rolling.

This knife just came out, and it triggered such a vision, and many people's faces showed surprise.

"What kind of knife is Gu Xuan's knife?"

Immediately afterward, everyone on the field saw it.

In the clouds and mist surging in the sky, an incomparably majestic, ancient portal slowly appeared.

Heaven and earth, golden dragons are entangled, thunder and fire are intertwined.

Two ancient and vast words "Nantian" appeared in the clouds.

This portal, as if it has crossed the long river of time and space, symbolizes the majesty of the supreme and noble heaven and earth.

In a trance, many people can't even tell whether this is real or just an illusion.

And a powerful person, but there is a look of emotion on his face.

"It's... The artistic conception of the knife technique, the prototype of another supreme knife path!"

A Divine Aspect Realm powerhouse's eyes shook, and he shouted in a low voice: "Second Gate! This son has actually comprehended two supreme sword path methods at the same time."


The god-like powerhouses on the field gasped one after another.

It is already very difficult for ordinary people to find a path to the supreme realm, and many of them have not found it in the realm of gods for half their lives.

Gu Xuan is good, he has comprehended two kinds at the same time, and one is stronger than the other.

It's really fucking more popular than people.

Princess Youyue also showed a look of shock for the first time, and whispered in disbelief: "Gu Xuan actually has any spare strength when he fought you, and he didn't use any of his strongest supreme sword path methods...

On Princess Dark Moon's side, a shadow shook violently, and it seemed to be extremely uncalm.

has always been calm and confident, and Xie Tianyi, who was light and breezy, finally changed color in the face of Gu Xuan's knife.

His eyes shone brightly, and there were many, many things slipping through them.

His left hand moved rapidly, as if he was calculating something quickly.

Xie Tianyi looked up at the ancient and vast Nantian Portal, and the light in his eyes became more and more vigorous.

Finally, a certain peak has been reached...


Xie Tianyi snorted and coughed up a mouthful of blood.

His face was as pale as paper, but his eyes shone like stars.

The smile reappeared on Xie Tianyi's face, Xie Tianyi let out a long laugh and greeted him with a sword.

"Gu Xuan, I can see through your knife!

Gu Xuan's face was expressionless, and he slashed down with both hands.

In an instant, a sword light that spanned the eons fell from the sky, and the Nantian Portal collapsed....

"No, you didn't see through it. "


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