
This sudden sword light directly shattered the incomparably magnificent and incomparably majestic vision of the Heavenly Gate that had been built before.

The ancient collapsed, leaving only a sword light that overlooked the heavens and the earth and cut through the ages.

Everyone on the field was caught off guard and was taken aback.

The big guys who watched the battle almost leaned out of the chariot.

In the void, a powerhouse of the Famous God Realm revealed his figure, his face full of astonishment.

Princess Youyue even covered her mouth violently, with a look of extreme disbelief in her eyes.

The strong are still like this, not to mention those ordinary royal geniuses and martial artists.

One by one, they were stunned, their brains were buzzing, and they fell into an incomparably huge shock.

Who would have thought.

The majestic sword intent that shocked and amazed countless people before, turned out to be just a foreshadowing.

Gu Xuan's real killing moves were all on the sword light that cut through the ages at the end.

It's like someone unfolding a beautiful hand-me-down painting in front of you.

As you marvel at it, the man suddenly reaches out and tears it up.

The huge impact and contrast almost collapsed.

And Xie Tianyi, who faced this knife directly, was the one who was hit the most.

Xie Tianyi's eyes widened suddenly the moment the sword light appeared.

Everything he had worked so hard to calculate before had all disappeared at this moment.

Under the huge mental impact, Xie Tianyi directly spurted out a mouthful of blood.


Then the light in his eyes quickly dimmed, and his face became extremely pale.

The first form of the heavenly sword, shatter the southern sky!

Gu Xuan slashed at Xie Tianyi with a domineering posture.

Xie Tianyi reacted, and the sword intent and sword light on his body burst out, but it only lasted less than a moment under Gu Xuandao's knife, and it was directly shattered, and the whole person flew out upside down.

Xie Tianyi fell from the air high, like a big bird with folded wings, crossing the eyes of countless people and falling to the ground.

The hearts of the onlookers also jumped hard with the fall of Xie Tianyi.

On the first night of the twelfth night of the lunar month, untie the clothes and lose!

Gu Xuan stood in the void, this was originally the position of Xie Tianyi.

Now, Xie Tianyi was seriously injured and unconscious, lying at his feet.

Everyone stared at Gu Xuan blankly, and they had a feeling of being in a trance like a dream about what was happening in front of them.

Xie Tianyi was defeated?

Why did Xie Tianyi lose?

How can Xie Tianyi be defeated?

In everyone's minds, thoughts were surging, and there were no words to describe the inner feelings at this moment.

Today happened to be the third day when Gu Xuan began to challenge the twelfth night of the lunar month.

The twelfth night of the lunar moon was defeated in three days.

This sentence, which was no different from the Arabian Nights three days ago, has now been fulfilled one by one.

"This son should be the pride of the world!"

A Divine Realm powerhouse said with a complicated face.

"Looking through the thousands of years of history of the Yin Moon Dynasty, it is difficult to find a second person who can compare with it. "

"One day, he will amaze the entire Southern Regions!"

"Living in the same era with such a demon is both fortunate and sad. "

"From the time Gu Xuan came to the Yin Moon Imperial Capital, the peerless knife at the gate of the city began. His brilliant achievements will be recorded in history by historians. "

Princess Youyue stared at Gu Xuan with her head tilted her head and muttered, "I didn't expect that he really did it."

Everyone was looking up to Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan defeated Xie Tianyi and replaced Xie Tianyi's position as a new legend.

From now on, the Yin Moon Dynasty and the Thirteen Kingdoms, the younger generation, should respect Gu Xuan!

It was noon and the sun was blazing.

But in the eyes of many people, Gu Xuan is more dazzling than the sun in the sky.


The Celestial Empire gathered with one enemy and ten, defeated the prince of Youguo, defeated the prince of Shang, and defeated the great Qianbai Zhiqiu.

Within three days, the twelfth night of the lunar month was lost.

The first person of the younger generation of the Yin Moon Dynasty!

Gu Xuan's brilliant achievements quickly spread to every corner of the Yin Moon Imperial Capital through the word of mouth of countless people.

The Celestial Empire gathering was still going on, but not many people were paying attention to this grand event at this time.

Everyone is discussing the same name - Gu Xuan.

This time the Celestial Empire gathering, up to the twelfth night of the lunar moon, down to the geniuses of the thirteen kingdoms, all became Gu Xuan's foil, and no one could compare with him.

It can be expected that when this Celestial Empire gathering is over, the geniuses of the Thirteen Kingdoms will return.

Gu Xuan's name will definitely spread throughout the Thirteen Kingdoms and the Yin Moon Dynasty.

One day, in a luxurious mansion.

Princess Youyue slowly walked into a secret room, took off the veil on her face with her own hands, revealing a peerless face that captivated the country and the city, and said respectfully: "Youyue greets the national teacher. "

"Youyue, you're here. "

An old woman's voice sounded in the room, and an old woman in a gorgeous costume slowly walked out of the room.

The old woman had gorgeous hair, and the skin on her face was like a wrinkled orange peel, and she was too old to look good.

But even so, Princess Youyue has always maintained a respectful attitude, and she does not dare to make any disrespectful actions.

Because the person she is facing is none other than the most noble and mysterious national teacher of the Yin Moon Dynasty.

Don't talk about her, even if it is her father, when she is the son of heaven, and even the old monsters of the life and death realm hidden in the dynasty, she must be in awe of the national teacher.

It is no exaggeration to say that the national teacher is the most noble person in the entire dynasty.

There are many legends about the national teacher.

Youyue didn't hear much, but she only knew that the national teacher was not a person from the Yinyue Dynasty, but came back with the monarch of a certain dynasty.

The national teacher has a mysterious background, has the ability to predict the future ghosts and gods.

It is said that on the first night of the twelfth night of the lunar month, when he untied the heavenly clothes and practiced the sword intent of the heavenly machine, he was instructed by her.

It is precisely because of her that the Yin Moon Dynasty has become stronger step by step to this point.

"Yuyue, what are you doing here?"

A hoarse voice came from the old woman's mouth, although she was old, her eyes were still quite clear.

Youyue said respectfully: "Youyue came this time to ask the national teacher to help test a person, it is related to the fortune of our dynasty, and it is also approved by the Son of Heaven." "

The old woman frowned and said, "Didn't I already test it for you last time?"

That is the best of the world, his life is noble, and there is no young descendant in the entire Yin Moon Dynasty who can surpass him, and there is a great possibility of entering the king realm in this life.

As long as he is firmly grasped in his hands, he can ensure the prosperity of the Yinyue Dynasty for hundreds of thousands of years.

I won't let you see the future of Xie Tianyi with your own eyes."

Yuyue nodded.

She had indeed seen the future that the old woman had measured for Xie Tianyi.

From the picture of the national teacher's encounter, Youyue saw the scene of Xie Tianyi's life and death and stepping into the royal realm.

This is also the reason why she has only expressed her appreciation for Xie Tianyi before.

"Youyue knows, but you also said that what you see is only one of the possible futures.

Destiny is unpredictable, and it is difficult to guarantee that there will be no variables. "

The old woman nodded slightly, and said coldly: "I said, what are you doing with this?"

Youyue respectfully knelt down in front of the old woman, presented a small jade bottle with both hands, and said, "Returning to the national teacher, the variables you said have appeared." "


Seven more to seek full booking~~

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