"What do you mean?"

The old woman's face changed.

Youyue replied: "Xie Tianyi, defeated." "


The old woman's eyes showed a little surprise, and she frowned and said, "But you meet other dynasties?"

Youyue shook her head, "No, it was defeated by the people of the Yin Moon Dynasty. is even seven or eight years younger than Xie Tianyi. "


She shook her head and said categorically: "Xie Tianyi's life is so expensive, no one in the Yin Moon Dynasty can match it, and no one can match it in a thousand years." How could he be defeated?"

Youyue handed over the jade bottle in her hand and said, "The national teacher lives in a simple place, but I don't know that this matter has now spread all over the imperial capital. Countless people in the imperial capital witnessed the failure of Xie Tianyi. I also bring the blood of those who defeat others, if the national teacher does not believe it, he can verify it himself. "

The jade bottle contained Gu Xuan's blood, which was left behind when Gu Xuan was cut by the Phantom Sword Qi when he fought with the Phantom Shadow of the Second Night.

"Is that really the case?"

The old woman's face showed a slightly moved look.

She reached out and took the jade bottle in her hand.

opened the jade bottle, and a drop of red blood with a hint of gold rolled out and landed on the heart of the old woman's middle finger.

Immediately, she slowly closed her eyes, her old body exuded a trace of mysterious aura, and gray air currents burst out from her body, forming the appearance of mysterious runes.

Youyue's expression perked up, and there was a faint look of anticipation on her face.

Youyue, who had seen it once, knew that this was the national teacher urging the secret method to judge Gu Xuan's life.

The old woman's eyeballs under the closed eyelids turned quickly, and she suddenly spoke: "This person's life is indeed unspeakably precious..."

The old woman suddenly opened her eyes, her eyes flowed with a strange brilliance, and she said movingly: "I have never seen such a noble personality, even Xie Tianyi is far inferior to this person!"

Youyue's beautiful eyes lit up, and she said, "National Teacher, can you take a look at this person's future?"

The old woman frowned, hesitated for a moment, and nodded: "I'll give it a try, but there is no guarantee that it will be successful." The more expensive the life, the more difficult it is to capture the heavenly machine on the body...."

"Please, the national teacher. "

The Dark Moon Salutes.

The old woman didn't speak, but silently took out a large number of strange things from the storage spirit ring.

Most of these things Yuyue didn't recognize, and the few things she could recognize were so precious and rare that even she was shocked.

The old woman laid out various materials around her, and then bit her fingers to draw a strange and mysterious circle on the ground.

The atmosphere in the room gradually became solemn and solemn.

Youyue's pretty face condensed slightly, sat up straight, and didn't dare to move.

Soon, the old woman finished arranging, and then dripped the drop of blood given by Youyue on her broken middle finger.

The old ballad was sung in a low voice, as if calling for something.

Gradually, a large amount of gray mist poured out from the magic circle on the ground.

It was as if the gray mist had a consciousness of its own, and it all gathered together and condensed into a clump.

The old woman stopped singing and whispered, "It's coming..."

In the next moment, the gray mist above the old woman's head surged rapidly, gradually showing a hazy picture.

Youyue instantly cheered up and stared intently at the picture in the gray mist.

It wasn't the first time she'd experienced something like this.

The last time the national teacher sentenced Xie Tianyi, she saw the scene of Xie Tianyi's life and death entering the king's realm from this gray fog.

"Gu Xuan, whether it is natural strength or destiny, is beyond Xie Tianyi. Xie Tianyi can enter the king realm, and where can Gu Xuan go?..."

Yuyue had a faint expectation in her heart.

The picture in the gray fog gradually became clearer, and a solitary peak slowly appeared.

This lonely peak seemed to be located on the top of the peak, surrounded by a vast sea of clouds, except for a large amount of golden light floating, there was nothing to see.

"Where's the person?"

Yuyue couldn't help but speak.

"Don't worry, I'm watching..."

The old woman's eyes that had lost focus turned rapidly, and the light in her eyes became brighter and brighter.

In the gray fog picture, the lonely peak of the sea of clouds is also constantly approaching.

Gradually, Youyue saw that above the lonely peak, there seemed to be a figure sitting cross-legged.


The old woman whispered, sweat rolling down her forehead.

"It's him, it's supposed to be him..."

Youyue stared at the person sitting cross-legged on the lonely peak and nodded.

The figure on the lonely peak is magnificent, his eyes are closed, his facial features are handsome, and his whole body exudes a great charm that makes Youyue's heart flutter.

Even if his appearance has changed, Youyue can still recognize that this is Gu Xuan.

"What strength is he now?"

Yuyue forcibly resisted the inextricable attraction of the man in the picture, and asked the question that made her the most curious.

What she saw in the picture of Xie Tianyi was the moment when Xie Tianyi broke through the king realm, so she clearly knew that Xie Tianyi could become a king in the future.

But Gu Xuan in front of him, although he was at the top of his body, the aura on his body was obscure and difficult, and he couldn't judge it.

"I don't know. "

The old woman shook her head and said, "That's all I can see, and the rest needs to be judged by yourself..."

The old woman was halfway through her words, and suddenly...

The majestic man in the picture suddenly opened his eyes, and two terrifying divine lights burst out from his eyes.

"Who dares to peep into this seat!"

In an instant, the image formed by the gray mist trembled violently.

The old woman's face changed greatly, with a shocked expression on her face, and she shouted: "Not good!"

Instantly, the gray mist exploded, and all the images vanished.

The old woman screamed miserably and fell to the ground.

Youyue was already stupefied by this sudden shock.

The moment the man in the picture opened his eyes just now, Youyue happened to look at him.

As soon as my brain buzzed, I lost all my ability to think.

It took a long time for Yuyue to gradually calm down, and then she found the old woman who had fallen to the ground.

"National Teacher!"

Youyue let out a low sigh and hurriedly stepped forward to check.

She carefully helped the old woman up, but the moment she saw the old woman's face, she was taken aback.

I saw that the old woman's originally clear eyes were only two shocking black sockets at this time.

In his eye sockets, two blood marks slowly flowed.

The old woman's face was full of sadness and fear.

She gripped Youyue's arm tightly with both hands, scratched deep blood marks on Youyue's arm, and roared fiercely and resentfully, "Mortal body, peep into the gods.

You're hurting me..."

Youyue was stunned for a moment, unable to say a word.

The heart has already set off turbulent waves.

can cross the long river of time and space, perceive the peep of the national teacher, and forcibly blind the eyes of the national teacher.

What terrifying height did she see Gu Xuan reach in the future?!

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