Then Ye Tian roughly told Gu Xuan about his experience in the past half a year.

Ye Tian said that since he separated from Gu Xuan last time, he deeply realized the importance of martial arts strength.

So he traveled from place to place, increasing his knowledge and cultivating at the same time.

Then when escorting a caravan across the Demon Beast Mountains, the caravan was attacked, and he was chased by a powerful demon beast, and he was about to die in Huangquan.

never thought that the road to the infinite sky would be broken into the territory of an underground remnant by him in a daze.

The underground remnant clan was extremely friendly to outsiders like Ye Tian, not only accepted him, but even helped him cultivate, helping him condense into a third-grade Xuandan.

It's just that there is one thing that is not good, that is, Ye Tian is not allowed to leave.

At first, Ye Tian was still beautiful, but as the date with Gu Xuan approached, Ye Tian became more and more anxious.

He didn't want to be a villain who missed the appointment, so he hooked up with a little girl in the bereaved family, and escaped from the ground together with the help of the sister.

"That's pretty much it, there are still some twists and turns in the middle, and I have a lot of opportunities because of this, and I'll talk to Brother Gu in detail when I go back.."

Listening to Ye Tian talk about his experience, Gu Xuan felt like he was listening to a fantasy novel.

It was easy to suppress the uneasiness in his heart, Gu Xuan looked at the girl beside Ye Tian and asked, "In other words, this girl is a member of the underground remnants?"

"Yes, her name is Wu Qiao. "

Wu Qiao hesitated for a moment, and then saluted Gu Xuan: "Wu Qiao, the remnant clan, has seen Gu Gongzi. "

Gu Xuan nodded slightly.

At this time, Ye Tian smiled and said: "Brother Gu, Qiao'er has the ability to predict good and bad, this time we enter the secret realm, she is definitely a big help for us." "

Foreknowledge of good and bad?!

Gu Xuan's eyes flickered.

He had seen in ancient books: Legend has it that there are some races left on the Tianxuan Continent that have been handed down to ancient times, and each of these races has incredible abilities, but he didn't expect it to be true?

Wu Qiao opened his mouth and said: "Gu Gongzi, it is because of this ability that my clan was forced to hide underground. I hope that Gu Gongzi can help Qiao'er keep this secret, otherwise Qiao'er may be killed. "

Before Gu Xuan could say anything, Ye Tian waved his hand indifferently and said, "Qiao'er, you don't have to worry, if even Brother Gu is unreliable in this world, then no one can be relied on." "

As he spoke, Ye Tian glanced at Gu Xuan with great trust.

In Ye Tian's opinion, Gu Xuan's ability to put the incomparably precious secret realm key in his hand was enough to prove Gu Xuan's character.

Gu Xuan nodded and said, "Miss Qiao'er, don't worry, you are Brother Ye's person, I naturally won't do anything that harms Brother Ye." "

Gu Xuan's eyes were open, and Wu Qiao was obviously not deeply involved in the world, so he completely put his mind at ease.

"Now that Brother Gu has arrived, let's enter the secret realm now. "

Ye Tian said, took out the two ancient jades, and said with some excitement.

Gu Xuan nodded.

So, Ye Tian led the two of them towards the entrance of the cave.

This seemed to be an ordinary cave, and when a few people approached, the ancient jade in Ye Tian's hand immediately emitted a golden light, and the golden light formed a light cover, which happened to envelop the three of them.

The three of them stepped into the shadows from the light outside from the light outside, and suddenly, it was as if they had passed through some forbidden barrier.

As soon as I saw the flowers, I came to another place.

Gu Xuan raised his eyes and swept over, and found that this was like the inside of a cave.

In front of him are dozens of holes, each leading to a different unknown direction.

Gu Xuan looked at the golden line of chance on Ye Tian's body, and saw that the line of chance pointed directly at a hole.

The last thing Gu Xuan is afraid to do is a similar choice, guided by the organic line, and every step he takes is the correct answer.

However, now it is impossible for him to take the initiative to jump out and let Ye Tian and the others follow him, so he should wait and see what happens.

"There are so many holes, which one should I enter?"

Ye Tian was a little worried, and he was entangled, so he could only turn his eyes for help to Wu Qiao on the side, and said helplessly: "Qiao'er, I can only look at you." "

Wu Qiao nodded, and then sat down cross-legged on the ground.

Gu Xuan found that a strange power emerged from Wu Qiao's body, and a trace of gray mist emerged from Wu Qiao's body.

Wu Qiao's eyes also turned gray, completely out of focus, and looked a little weird.

Wu Qiao swept all the holes, and finally pointed to one of them, and said, "Brother Ye, this hole is the safest, and it hides a blessing." "

Seeing this, Gu Xuan's eyes immediately revealed a bit of strangeness.

The entrance of the cave that this Wu Qiao refers to is the place where the edge line on Ye Tian's body leads.

The ancient relics, sure enough, have two brushes.

It was obviously not the first time that Ye Tian had seen Wu Qiao's ability, and he had great trust in her judgment results.

immediately said to Gu Xuan: "Brother Gu, don't worry, Qiao'er's talent has never been missed." "

Gu Xuan nodded, of course he was relieved, even if Wu Qiao was not referring to this hole, he would go through this hole.

So the three of them cautiously walked into the hole according to Wu Qiao's judgment.

Ye Tian and Gu Xuan guarded Wu Qiao in the middle, ready to deal with emergencies at any time.

It turned out to be much safer than they had imagined.

Walking through a long dark and lightless road, several people came to a cave again.

There is a stone platform in the center of the cave, and there is an ancient jade slip on the stone platform.

And behind the stone platform, there are holes one after another.

Or let people make a choice.

It's just that the number of options is much less.

Ye Tian rushed to the stone platform for the first time and quickly picked up the jade slip, but soon seemed to react and hurriedly handed the jade slip to Gu Xuan.

"Brother Gu, come here. "

Gu Xuan smiled and waved his hand, "Between you and me, there is no need to be like this. "

Ye Tian's face showed a little emotion, nodded, and looked down at the jade slip.

Soon, he raised his head with joy on his face and said, "It's a swordsmanship of the lower grade of the earth!"

Gu Xuan was quite surprised.

I didn't expect to get a ground-level exercise so easily.

Compared to the secret realms he had experienced before, it was too easy.

Ye Tian was very happy, although he had continuous adventures, and his cultivation was rising to the realm, there were really few high-grade martial arts.

This low-grade swordsmanship is rare and precious to him.

"Brother Gu, let's put this jade slip with you first, and you can rub it for me when you go back..."

Ye Tian was reluctant to hand over the jade slip to Gu Xuan for safekeeping.

Gu Xuan refused: "I major in swordsmanship, although the level of this swordsmanship is not low, it is of little use to me, so let's let you go." "

Ye Tian was both pleased and embarrassed, "Then. Let me go first, and then if you encounter a treasure that Brother Gu can use, let Brother Gu choose it first!"

Gu Xuan smiled and nodded: "You and my brother, it should be like this." "

"That's a great thing!"

Wu Qiao watched the exchange between the two from the side, and couldn't help but show a relieved smile on his face.

This Gu Gongzi is really as Brother Ye said, he is righteous to his friends and doesn't care about fame and fortune.

Nowadays, there are really not many people with such a noble character as Gu Gongzi.

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