After putting away the jade slip, Wu Qiao continued to display his talent and find the safest and most blessed one among the next dozen or so holes.

It is still the same as the direction pointed by the chance line.

With Wu Qiao here, Gu Xuan was happy and relaxed, as long as he followed.

It's still a calm road, and then I come to another cave.

There are still treasures waiting for them.

This time it was a bottle of elixir, and when I opened it, there was immediately a burst of rich medicinal fragrance coming out of it, and smelling it made people's minds clear.

The rank is also at least at the ground level.

Before Ye Tian could speak, Gu Xuan said: "There is a sect behind me, pills and the like are not scarce for me, Brother Ye is alone, and every bit of cultivation resources has to be fought for by himself."

Brother Ye will keep this elixir for himself. "

"Brother Gu..."

When Ye Tian heard Gu Xuan's words, he was so moved that he couldn't speak.

Wu Qiao was also quite moved, and couldn't help but say: "After Brother Ye and I came out of the ground, we have seen a lot of deception in the cultivation world. For the sake of a little immediate benefit, many people even do not hesitate to turn their friends against each other and kill each other.

But when I met Gu Gongzi today, I realized that there are still true gentlemen with noble conduct and open-mindedness among the people on the earth. "

Gu Xuan smiled modestly.

secretly said in his heart: These small opportunities in front are nothing, and when the real big opportunities in the back are not robbed of me.

The three of them continued on their way.

After that, the three of them went to one cave after another, and the value of the treasures they obtained became more and more valuable.

Among them, there are even treasures of mid-level and even high-grade ground.

Gu Xuan didn't ask for anything, and gave it all to Ye Tian.

Finally, the three of them came to the last cave.

This time, there were only two holes left in front of the trio.

And this time, on the platform, there is a long knife overflowing with cold light.

The knife is five feet long, there are two wavy blood grooves on both sides of the blade, and a crimson lark is engraved on the edge of the knife, which is quite extraordinary.

Seeing this knife, Gu Xuan's eyes suddenly lit up.

Ye Tian smiled slightly, stepped forward and took down the treasure knife, and handed it to Gu Xuan in person.

"Brother Gu majored in the Dao of Knives, and this knife is perfect for Brother Gu. Brother Gu gave me all the treasures in front of him, this time, I must not shirk it anymore...

Otherwise, you just don't recognize me Ye Tian as a friend!"

Ye Tian's words are categorical.

Along the way, Ye Tian has harvested many treasures, and he is really a little embarrassed.

Wu Qiao next to him also persuaded: "Gu Gongzi, you can accept it." "

Gu Xuan nodded, and no longer spoke politely to Ye Tian, and took the treasure knife.

The long knife was in his hand, sensing the knife qi in Gu Xuan's body, and let out a slight trembling sound, and the red lark on the handle of the knife seemed to come to life.

Gu Xuan's eyes lit up, this knife turned out to be a ground-level masterpiece, compared to the Xueluo knife in his hand, he didn't know how much stronger.

The Xuan-level superb Xueluo Knife has not been able to keep up with Gu Xuan's footsteps until now, and the timing of this knife is just right.

Looking at the lifelike lark on the hilt, Gu Xuan said in a low voice: "From now on, you will be called Ming Hong." "

Legend has it that the ancient sword Ming Hong was transformed by a red lark.

Gu Xuan played with the newly arrived Minghong Knife for a while, and then put it into the storage spirit ring.

Now in front of the three of them, only the last two holes remained.

Two-choice multiple-choice questions.

And Gu Xuan already had the answer in his heart.

In retrospect, this was definitely the easiest of all the secret realms I had ever experienced.

Along the way, he didn't do anything, and all kinds of rare treasures were like picking them up for nothing.

Gu Xuan secretly guessed that every time they went through the cave selection.

Except for the correct one, the rest of the holes lead to God knows how dangerous it is.

Ye Tian's luck is so good that people are jealous.

For ordinary martial artists, it is a great danger of death, and for him, it is as comfortable as his own back garden.

The many treasures in this secret realm seemed to be specially prepared for Ye Tian.

No wonder his cultivation could rise so quickly.

This kind of general luck, who doesn't take off.

Wu Qiao still sat cross-legged in front of the two holes as usual, and performed a secret technique.

This way continued, Wu Qiao's consumption was not small, his face became obviously pale, and this time there were drops of fine sweat oozing from his forehead.

When Wu Qiao stood up again, Ye Tian immediately couldn't wait to ask, "Qiao'er, how is it? Which one is the blessed land?"

Wu Qiao's face showed hesitation, and he replied: "I sensed that there are blessings in these two caves..."

"That's not right!"

Ye Tian said happily: "Brother Gu and I will pick one of them and wrap up all the treasures!"

Wu Qiao nodded, and continued, "It's just a little strange."

Wu Qiao pointed to a hole and said, "My intuition tells me that Brother Ye should enter this cave even more, and the things in it seem to be very important to Brother Ye."

But I also predicted that if Brother Ye entered this cave, there would also be a great danger, and even the risk of falling..."


Ye Tian was a little stunned when he heard this.

Gu Xuan couldn't help but take a deep look at Wu Qiao.

The ability of the ancient relics is really remarkable.

The hole pointed to by Wu Qiao is the final landing point of the chance line on Ye Tian's body.

There is an incomparably rich golden fate in this.

Gu Xuan can not grab all the opportunities in front of him.

But this opportunity, Gu Xuan must get.

He was even mentally prepared for the worst, if Ye Tian insisted on entering this hole, he would have to let the Ming Hong knife that he had just started seeing blood.

This is also what Wu Qiao saw - very dangerous.

This danger comes from Gu Xuan!

"How's that good?"

Ye Tian fell into a deep entanglement.

On the one hand, he didn't want to miss the very important thing that Wu Qiao said, and on the other hand, he was afraid of the great danger that might be encountered.

At this time, Gu Xuan spoke: "It's simple, I'll go in and help Brother Ye take things out."

I'm better than you, maybe I can handle it. "

Ye Tian's eyes lit up when he heard this.

"Okay, that's a good idea!"

What can be regarded as a dangerous place for himself is not necessarily for Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan's strength is beyond his own I don't know, and the certainty of coming out safely after entering must be greater.

Ye Tian was both moved and a little embarrassed and said to Gu Xuan: "That... Brother Gu, I can only ask you. "

"Don't worry, what is the relationship between you and me, it's just a matter of effort. "

Gu Xuan said lightly.

Ye Tian got Gu Xuan's promise, and happily pulled Wu Qiao into a cave next to him.

Looking at Ye Tian's disappearing back, Gu Xuan's eyes gradually became cold.

He walked into the cave to which the line of chance was pointing with a blank face.

After a long passage, a light appeared in front of me.

A small chamber with a pillar of light standing in the center.

Inside the pillar of light was a pure white elixir and a pale gold page.

Gu Xuan's eyes flickered, and he strode forward, reaching out and grabbing the page.

The moment he touched the golden page, the golden page shattered abruptly, turning into a golden light that shot into Gu Xuan's body.

Gu Xuan's body trembled slightly, and a dense exercise suddenly popped out of his mind.

"The Heavenly Cultivation Sutra..."


I have something to go out at night.,Chapter 5 is estimated to be late or early in the morning.,Sorry..

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