At this point, most of the gains in Gu Xuan's hands have been digested, and his strength has also undergone earth-shaking changes.

The endless river of spiritual energy directly pushed his cultivation up another level, reaching the seventh level of the Xuandan Realm.

Gu Xuan stood up, and his whole temperament also changed dramatically.

Previously, he had a dragon aura and was indescribably expensive.

It is like a peerless sword that has opened its edge, and it is like a scorching sun, making it difficult for people to look at it directly.

But after practicing the Heavenly Cultivation Sutra, after the Xuan Fetus was first formed, all the forces in Gu Xuan's body reached a perfect balance.

The temperament and all things in heaven and earth are integrated, just like the top jade, the brilliance is introverted, and the dust is obscure.

Gu Xuan was a little puzzled in his heart.

He had been in retreat in this secret room for several days, and there was no movement outside.

It stands to reason that Ye Tian should come in and take a look.

Gu Xuan walked to the entrance when he came, and was just about to step out, but he stopped abruptly.

I saw that outside the entrance of the cave, there was a spatial turbulence.

The entire secret realm is collapsing, and now it has collapsed to the point where only the secret room remains, and it is estimated that it will all collapse in a few days.

Gu Xuan broke out in a cold sweat.

If he accidentally stepped into the spatial turbulence, with his strength, it is estimated that he will die without scum.

"No wonder Ye Tian and the others didn't come to look for me, it is estimated that they fled a long time ago when they found out that something was wrong..."

Gu Xuan's brows furrowed slightly, and it was estimated that anyone who was abandoned would be unhappy.

However, Gu Xuan is not in a desperate situation, he still has a way to escape.

He had received a complete set of formation inheritances, which included methods for teaching how to build a temporary teleportation array.

It just so happened that Gu Xuan had already prevented a similar situation from happening, and there were several sets of materials in the storage spirit ring.

So Gu Xuan immediately began to set up a temporary teleportation array in the secret room.

The high-level temporary teleportation array can instantly teleport a person thousands of miles away, and this secret realm is far from that big.

"The primary teleportation array is almost there, any place a hundred miles away, if this is still in the spatial turbulence, then I am unlucky to go home, and the sky will kill me.."

It seemed that danger was coming, but Gu Xuan did not panic at all.

Anyway, he is also a person who has had two close contacts with the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, and has left a deep impression on God's father.

Even if it is not lucky, it will not be unlucky enough to stuff your teeth when you drink cold water.

In one day, Gu Xuan finished building the teleportation array, and then stepped into the teleportation array.

After a short period of dizziness, a scene of birds singing and flowers appeared in front of Gu Xuan's eyes.

"I don't know where I am now, it's not far from Great Xia?.."

Gu Xuan thought in his heart and walked out of the valley right now.

After not taking a few steps, Gu Xuan suddenly sensed a powerful aura in the distance rushing towards him.

He narrowed his eyes and looked in that direction, only to see a magnificent flying boat appear in the distance in the sky, heading straight for his position.

Gu Xuan's eyes flickered, and he simply stopped, quietly waiting for the flying boat to approach.

Soon, the gorgeous flying boat came to Gu Xuan's approach.

I saw a woman with a black veil standing at the head of the boat.

Seeing Gu Xuan, the woman's beautiful eyes showed joy, and she said, "Gu Xuan, you can make this palace easy to find." "

It turned out to be the princess of the moon!

Gu Xuan was slightly surprised in his heart.

How did Princess Dark Moon know he was here?

What do you want to do with him?

Youyue's gaze fell on Gu Xuan, a little surprise appeared in her beautiful eyes, and she couldn't help but say, "You have a breakthrough again?"

When I saw Gu Xuan in the imperial capital before, Gu Xuan was as dazzling as the scorching sun at noon.

Now it gives people a sense of harmony and nature, washing away the lead, and the breath has become more powerful.

How long has it been since the first battle of the imperial capital, Gu Xuan has made another breakthrough, and the speed of this progress is so fast that even Youyue, who is also a demon, can't help but secretly say in his heart: Perverted!

"In order to find you, it cost me three Heavenly Machine Stones.."

Youyue said to Gu Xuan a little helplessly: "Your whereabouts are inevitably too erratic." "

Gu Xuan said lightly: "Princess Youyue is so anxious to find me, why is it?"

Youyue took out a jade-like thing from the storage spirit ring and threw it to Gu Xuan.

"Don't say anything first, you can take this summons Yugui first, so that I won't find you next time. Do you know how precious a piece of Heavenly Machine Stone is?"

Speaking of which, Youyue's face showed a faint pain again.

Gu Xuan caught Yugui, a little surprised, but he didn't say anything, waiting for Youyue to explain himself.

After summoning Yugui, Youyue said with a straight face: "I came this time, mainly to find you to go to the Demon Burial Cave together..."

"Burial Cave?"

A trace of doubt flashed on Gu Xuan's face, and he asked, "What is that place?"

"You really don't know..."

Youyue explained: "The Demon Burial Cave is an ancient secret realm located in the Southern Barbarian Jedi, and legend has it that a peerless demon once fell into it, which is extremely dangerous...

The Burial Demon Cave has not been born for nearly a thousand years, and not long ago, it suddenly appeared. "

"What are you going to do with such a fierce place?"

Gu Xuandao.

"Although the Demon Burial Cave is dangerous, there are also many powerful inheritances and treasures left behind in it. Some of them were originally buried in it, and some of them were left by the ancestors who entered the Demon Burial Cave for generations..."

"Of course, that's all there is to it now, and the name of the Demon Burial Cave is not so big. The most important reason why the Demon Burial Cave has made countless people know the danger is that they will continue to follow one another..."

Youyue's eyes flashed, and she said word by word: "Legend has it that in the Demon Burial Cave, there is one of the four great ancient scriptures "Nerve Eater"!"

"The Four Great Wonders of Antiquity?!"

Gu Xuan's heart moved, it was the first time he had heard of this secret.

As if seeing Gu Xuan's doubts, Youyue explained: "There is no way to study who wrote the Four Great Wonders of Antiquity, I only know that these four Wonders, each of which is a supreme inheritance.

Even the Heavenly Rank Superb Martial Arts is not much worse than the Four Great Wonders.

The Four Great Wonders have not appeared many times on the Tianxuan Continent, but as long as they appear every time, they will create a few masterpieces and usher in a great world!

The lucky ones who have been passed on by any of the four great wonders of each generation are all the protagonists of the suppression of an era..."

Youyue said, her beautiful eyes revealing a strong color of color and yearning.

Gu Xuan couldn't help but ask: "Which are the four great scriptures of these four wonders?"

Youyue replied: "The four great ancient scriptures are the "Demon Summoning Sutra", "Nerve Swallowing", "Imperial Bible" and "Heavenly Cultivation Sutra". "

Hearing Youyue finally say the three words of "Heavenly Cultivation Sutra", Gu Xuan's heart couldn't help but tremble fiercely.

It is no wonder that the "Heavenly Cultivation Sutra" is so profound and profound, and the effect of the exercises is incredible.

I didn't expect it to be one of the four great wonders of antiquity.

The winner can suppress an era!

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