“.. Legend has it that the Sutra of Summoning Demons is the supreme inheritance of the way of formation, and practitioners can kill the world in formation, and even summon the remnant soul of the ancient demon to come to the world.

"Nerve Eater" cultivates the way of the soul, even if the body decays, the soul will not be wiped out, but it can survive thousands of catastrophes without falling.

The "Royal Bible" is the supreme imperial method, which can control everything in the world, even the ancient fierce beasts and holy beasts.

As for the Heavenly Cultivation Sutra..."

Youyue paused for a moment and said, "The Heavenly Cultivation Sutra is the most mysterious of the four great wonders, and it is said that it cannot be obtained unless you have the great fortune of heaven and fortune, and you are not a true son of luck.

I don't know the specific ability, but each generation of the inheritors of the "Heavenly Cultivation Sutra" has extremely amazing talents and qualifications, which is the best in an era. "

Gu Xuan secretly said in his heart: That's because the "Heavenly Cultivation Sutra" was born for the first heel of heaven and earth a long time ago.

He is the successor of this generation of "Tianyang Sutra".

Thinking about it carefully, what Youyue said was indeed right.

In the secret realm where the Heavenly Cultivation Sutra is stored, it takes a lot of luck just to get the two ancient jade keys that open the secret realm.

After entering the secret realm, you have to go through one weight after another, countless choices.

As long as you take a wrong step, whether it is dangerous or not, you will definitely not be able to go to the end.

Speaking of which, he is still stained with Ye Tianguang, who is the "protagonist template".

"If you look at it this way, Ye Tian is the true son of luck that Youyue said. It seems that this relationship with Ye Tian can't be broken, and he should still have a lot of oil and water to fish..."

Gu Xuan thought in his heart.

At this time, I heard Youyue say: "... Once the Four Great Wonders of Antiquity are born, it indicates that this great world is coming.

And the era we live in now is a great world.

The Yinyue Dynasty has made you reconcile Tianyi, and the Beichen Dynasty also has the immortal Beichen Qiyao.

In this era, geniuses are like carp crossing the river, and demons are emerging in an endless stream, showing the momentum of the great world.

Therefore, many people expect that one or two of the four great ancient scriptures will be born.

The sudden appearance of the Burial Demon Cave, which has not been out for thousands of years, also proves this. "

Youyue's eyes burned and said: "Gu Xuan, this time the Demon Burial Cave is opened, and the probability of the birth of "Nerve Eater" is more than seventy percent, you are worth visiting." "

Gu Xuan's eyes flashed, and he nodded and agreed without much hesitation.

"Yes. "

He couldn't miss such a great opportunity to come to the door.

Only those who have personally cultivated the "Heavenly Cultivation Sutra" can deeply understand how powerful the Four Great Ancient Wonder Sutras are.

A strange scripture can create a protagonist of an era of repression, what if all the four great wonders are collected?

It's full of anticipation when you think about it.

"You promise, it couldn't be better.."

Youyue had a smile on her face, and then invited Gu Xuan to board the flying boat.

The two sat down cross-legged on the flyboat, oh no, three to be exact.

Gu Xuan could vaguely perceive that the shadow of the second night was hidden in the shadows beside the two of them.

“.. This time the burial cave was opened, and many warriors rushed to hear the news. Among them, there are many talented and amazing demons.

As far as I know, the Beichen Dynasty's Beichen Qiyao will come at least half this time. "

Youyue poured Gu Xuan a cup of fragrant tea and said to him.

Gu Xuan picked up the teacup and took a sip lightly, and said lightly: "Beichen Qiyao?

Youyue explained: "Beichen Qiyao is the seven people with the most outstanding strength and talent of the younger generation of the Beichen Dynasty, and their status is almost the same as our Lunar Twelfth Night, but it is even stronger than our Lunar Twelfth Night. "

Gu Xuan was slightly surprised, the twelfth night of the lunar moon was already the peerless pride of the three grades of Xuandan, this Beichen Qiyao only had seven people, and his comprehensive strength actually exceeded the twelfth night of the lunar moon?

Youyue said helplessly: "The national strength and national fortune of the Beichen Dynasty have always been stronger than our Yinyue Dynasty, this generation of our Yinyue Dynasty has produced a rare solution to Tianyi in a thousand years, and their Beichen Dynasty naturally has a corresponding genius." "

Youyue's expression became serious, and she said: "It is said that the top four Tianshu, Tianxuan, Tianji, and Tianquan in Beichen Qiyao, each of them has achieved a second-grade Xuandan.

Xie Tianyi once went to Beichen to fight with Beichen Qiyao.

It's like you challenge the 12 nights of the lunar month.

It's a pity that Xie Tianyi only fought to the third star of Beichen Qiyao, and Tianji failed.

Therefore, the strength of the younger generation of this generation of the Beichen Dynasty is even stronger than that of our Yinyue Dynasty. "

Gu Xuan's eyes flickered slightly when he heard Youyue's words.

Xie Tianyi's strength is obvious to all, the Heavenly Machine Sword is not missing, if it weren't for Gu Xuan, who is carrying the Heavenly Sword, it is hard to imagine that someone of his generation can defeat him.

It seems that this Beichen Qiyao is indeed not simple.

"However, now that we have another one in the Yin Moon Dynasty, the overall strength of the younger generation will not be much worse than that of Beichen Qiyao..."

Youyue pondered: "I estimate that with your current strength, you can beat Beichen Tianji, and Beichen Tianxuan is between the best." It shouldn't be the opponent of Beichen's First Star Tianshu, after all, your cultivation realm is still a little worse.

More than one of the Beichen Seven Yao has already reached the tenth level of Xuandan.

Gu Xuan, your talent is definitely far beyond theirs, and you will suffer because you are too young, several years younger than the Tianjiao of this generation, and you have lost a lot of time to accumulate."

Youyue said, with a look of regret on her face.

Gu Xuan just smiled at this and didn't say anything.

Yuyue continued: ". . . In addition to the Beichen Qiyao, it is also necessary to pay attention to several hermit tribe descendants of the Southern Barbarian Jedi.

These remnants living in the Southern Barbarian Jedi are isolated from the world, and they have the blood of powerful people who have been passed down from ancient times, and almost every generation will produce a few demons with perverted physiques.

The Burial Demon Cave appeared right on their doorstep, and these people would definitely send their juniors to investigate. "

When Gu Xuan heard this, he couldn't help but ask: "With such a big secret realm opening in the Demon Burial Cave, in addition to these geniuses and demons of the younger generation, we should pay more attention to the older generation of powerhouses."

If there is a strong person in the realm of life and death or the king realm, then we have no hope of obtaining "Nerve Eater" at all. "

Youyue shook her head and said, "No, the Demon Burial Cave is known as the Jedi of the King Realm, and it has buried more than one king in several eras. Many kings are extremely afraid of the Demon Burial Cave, and they can't avoid it, and it is very unlikely that they will end up.

It is even more impossible for the strong in the realm of life and death, the two qi of life and death in the body of the strong in the realm of life and death are entangled, every step is like walking on thin ice, the burial cave is full of all kinds of demonic qi and death qi, and the strong in the realm of life and death will only run there if they are afraid of a long life.

As for the powerhouses of the Divine Realm, it is possible...

However, the rules in the Demon Burial Cave are special, and every person who enters will be corroded and suppressed by demonic qi and death qi, and the stronger the strength, the greater the erosion and suppression.

When a strong person in the Divine Realm enters it, he can't exert much strength, so we just need to be careful and not worry. "

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