Gu Xuan and Youyue were chatting on the flying boat as they galloped in the direction of the Burial Demon Cave.

The Demon Burial Cave is located in the Southern Barbarian Jedi, just sandwiched between the Silver Moon Dynasty and the Beichen Dynasty, and it takes a few days to travel.

Along the way, Gu Xuan saw that many martial artists were heading in the direction of the Southern Barbarian Jedi, including lone rangers and groups of Jianghu guests.

The allure of the Four Great Wonders of the Ancient Ages is too great, and this is an opportunity to reach the sky in one step, and many people want to try their luck.

Finally, the flying boat came to the vicinity of the Burial Cave.

From a distance, Gu Xuan saw an area completely shrouded in black qi.

Black gas is composed of a mixture of demonic gas, death gas and other filthy gases, which is extremely corrosive.

"The Burial Cave is right in front of you, and "Nerve Eater" is inside, hurry forward!

Gu Xuan saw a few Spirit Sea Realm martial artists below and rushed towards the black mist with excitement on his face.

Stepping into the range shrouded in black mist, a few people had not rushed far before the first person suddenly fell to the ground.

The others also had dark faces, and their expressions were painful and hideous.

Several people tried to escape from the range of the black gas, but they finally died on the edge.

Gu Xuan frowned slightly.

The black qi gushing out of this burial demon cave is so powerful? Even the martial artists of the Spirit Sea Realm were "poisoned" to death in a few breaths?

Youyue said: "These people are too stupid, if they use Yuan Li to protect their bodies before entering, they will not die immediately." "

Gu Xuan nodded.

The flying boat cautiously entered the area shrouded in black mist, and then immediately shook violently, making a crackling sound.

It was a strange sound emitted by the defensive circle on the flying boat being eroded by the demonic qi of the Demon Burial Cave.

Seeing this, Gu Xuan said, "I entered on foot." "

"It's fine. "

Youyue retracted the boat, and walked forward with Gu Xuan at the moment.

Gu Xuan used Yuan Force to protect his body, and Yuan Li and the black demonic qi touched it, making a sneering sound, and it was quickly consumed.

Gu Xuan estimated that he would have to divide about one-twentieth of his Yuan Force to maintain normal operations in the black mist.

And this is still on the periphery of the Burial Cave, and I haven't really entered it at all.

The closer you get inside, the concentration of demonic qi and death qi will only increase, and the amount of yuan power consumed will increase.

"If you judge it like this, the strength of everyone who enters the Demon Burial Cave will be weakened by several percent. If I can solve this problem, wouldn't it be equivalent to increasing my strength in disguise..."

Gu Xuan's eyes flickered, and an idea popped up in his heart.

He secretly let go of his talisman elemental power, put a wisp of black qi into it, and then carefully absorbed it into his body.

It can be felt that as soon as this power enters the body, it immediately begins to wreak havoc.

Everywhere they passed, there were traces of corrosion in the meridians and flesh.

"It's too domineering!"

Gu Xuan was secretly surprised, worthy of being the demonic qi and death qi that were known as the natural enemies of the aura.

Once a normal martial artist comes into contact with it, it will receive great damage.

But from another point of view, if you can turn this power into your own use, wouldn't the lethality be invincible?

Gu Xuan had this idea in his heart, and he immediately couldn't hold back and wanted to try.

His greatest confidence lies in the fact that he has the "Heavenly Cultivation Sutra", which can solve the problem that his treasure body cannot withstand the power of thunder and fire, and maybe it can also solve the problem of the erosion of demonic energy.

Thinking of this, Gu Xuan increased his absorption of black qi.

Of course, this is all done secretly, otherwise if you are seen by Youyue, you will probably think that he is crazy.

A certain amount of black qi poured into Gu Xuan's body, eroding his flesh and blood meridians, and this process was no less painful than injecting sulfuric acid into his blood.

Gu Xuan's face did not change.

He saw that the black qi reached the dantian and gradually formed two new power seeds.

One is a pure black demon seed composed entirely of demonic energy.

The other is a gray dead seed.

After the two power seeds were formed, a silk thread immediately extended and was closely connected with the Xuantian fetus in the depths of the dantian.

Immediately after, Gu Xuan's body slowly underwent a little wonderful change.

When he absorbed the black qi again, the stinging sensation of the black qi passing through his body suddenly eased a lot.

"It's really doable!"

Gu Xuan's eyes lit up.

"Heavenly Cultivation Sutra" is worthy of "Heavenly Cultivation Sutra", as long as he is given enough time, Gu Xuan can come and go freely in the Demon Burial Cave, and even rely on absorbing the dead qi and demonic energy in the Demon Burial Cave to strengthen himself.

"I'm about to enter the Burial Cave..."

Youyue took out an elixir and stuffed it into her mouth, recovering the yuan power consumed by resisting the black qi, keeping herself in perfect condition at all times, and reminding Gu Xuan, "The danger in the Demon Burial Cave is not only from the geniuses and martial artists of other dynasties, but also from the people who stayed in it before..."

"What do you mean, the people who stayed in there before?"

Gu Xuan frowned.

Yuyue said meaningfully, "You'll find out soon." "

As they spoke, a huge black vortex entrance appeared in front of the two of them.

As long as you walk in, you will officially enter the Burial Cave.

The two entered without hesitation.

As soon as he entered the Demon Burial Cave, he heard a beast-like roar in his ears, and then a cold killing intent struck.

Gu Xuan directly slashed out, and the hazy knife light slashed through the thick black mist, as if he had slashed something.


A dark shadow flew backwards.

Gu Xuan chased after him and saw a man with a thick death aura all over his body getting up from the ground.

This person's skin is dead gray all over his body, his eyes are blank, and his chest is almost completely cut by Gu Xuan's knife, but he doesn't seem to know the pain, and he still pounces on Gu Xuan quickly, and the speed is amazing.

A cold glint flashed in Gu Xuan's eyes, and he slashed out again.


This time, he directly cut this weird warrior in half.

The remnants of the latter fell to the ground, and no blood oozed out, only a black Xuandan dripping out.

Look at his flesh and blood, it has long been rotten, like an old wood.

Gu Xuan stretched out his hand and beckoned the black Xuandan into his hand, sensing it slightly.

This is a six-grade Xuandan, but it is completely full of death qi and demonic energy.

At this time, Youyue, who was wearing a translucent white light mask on her body, walked up and said, "This is the martial artist who died in the Demon Burial Cave before, and after their death, their bodies were eroded by the demonic qi and death qi in the Demon Burial Cave, and they turned into this kind of existence similar to the walking dead.

Although there is no one in ten consciousnesses, the strength of some demon corpses is even far greater than that in front of them. "

Only then did Gu Xuan notice that the style of the robe on the martial artist he killed was very different from the current style, quite retro.

"This is a talisman produced by Wanbao Pavilion, which is specially used to deal with the current situation, which is much less labor-saving than relying entirely on one's own yuan power to protect the body..."

Youyue took out a jade disc and handed it to Gu Xuan, saying, "There are many dangers in the Demon Burial Cave, it is best to ensure that your strength is at the peak at all times, and try not to waste it elsewhere..."

Not only the dark moon, but even the shadow of the second night, which had been hiding in the shadows before, also revealed its body at this time, and its body was lit with the light of a magic weapon similar to that of the dark moon.

Gu Xuan rejected Youyue's kindness and said lightly: "Thank you, I don't need this for the time being." "

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