If he used a talisman weapon, Gu Xuan would not be able to secretly absorb the black qi.

Seeing Gu Xuan's insistence, Youyue could only give up.

Gu Xuan pinched the Xuandan that had just arrived in his hand, silently absorbed the demonic qi and death qi in it, and the speed of physical transformation was faster.

The trio moved on.

The three of them are the most outstanding Tianjiao figures of the younger generation of the Yin Moon Dynasty, and although the demon corpse is fierce, it still poses no threat to the three of them.

Gu Xuan didn't even need to make a move, the second night and Youyue had already wiped out all kinds of dangers in the cradle.

He just took advantage of this effort to absorb the black qi and let himself adapt to the environment in the Demon Burial Cave as soon as possible.

The deeper he went into the Demon Burial Cave, the weaker the body protection force on Gu Xuan's body became, which was the reason why he had gradually adapted to the erosion of the demonic qi and death qi in the Demon Burial Cave, and the latter's influence on him was constantly weakening.

But in the eyes of others, it looks like Yuan is exhausted and precarious.

When Youyue found this, she wanted to speak several times.

Youyue naturally knew how much the black qi in the Demon Burial Cave had a great impact on the martial artist, even if she had a talisman weapon, her strength and that of the second night would be weakened by several percent, not to mention Gu Xuan, who was completely supported by the body protection element.

However, Gu Xuan's strength far surpassed the two of them, Gu Xuan didn't take the initiative to ask for help, and she couldn't say anything.

The three of them walked in the Demon Burial Cave for a while, and suddenly there was a surging burst of vitality in the black fog in front of them.

In the Burial Cave, which is full of dead and demonic energy, this vitality is as striking as fireworks at night.

Gu Xuan's expressions moved, and they rushed in the direction where the vitality came from with a tacit understanding.

Soon, the three of them rushed to the place where the vitality exploded, and saw a flower growing on a cliff in the distance, emitting a rich white light.

Youyue's eyes lit up, and she spoke: "Only in the land of extreme death will the heaven and earth elixir that contains such vitality be born, and this extreme flower can increase the life span of a martial artist by at least ten years!"

In this world, the most precious elixir is never those that increase cultivation, but the elixir of longevity.

What could be more important than living a few more years.

In many cases, martial artists are often just a few years away from breaking through the current shackles and reaching a higher realm.

It is obvious that there is more than one warrior who recognizes the Extreme Flower.

At this time, many warriors were already attracted by the sudden burst of vitality.

Youyue and the second night exuded their own momentum, and they were immediately so shocked that many warriors who were about to move did not dare to move forward.

"That's... Princess of the Dark Moon Dynasty of the Lunar Moon Dynasty!"

Someone recognized the identity of the dark moon.

"It is rumored that Princess Youyue is beautiful and talented, and her martial arts talent is amazing, if she can get her favor, she can at least fight for a hundred years. "

"Who are the two next to her?"

"The powerful one should be Princess Darkmoon's bodyguard or something, and the other one... I'm afraid it's not the first face?!"

Youyue shocked the rest of the warriors and was about to step forward to fetch flowers.

Suddenly, at this moment, a handsome figure broke through the layers of black fog and came to the field like a meteor in the polar night.

This person was wearing a gorgeous blue robe, with sword eyebrows and starry eyes, his posture was straight, and his body exuded dazzling brilliance, which made everyone on the field look sideways for a while.

When the blue-robed young man came to the field, he fell on Youyue at a glance, his eyes lit up, and his face showed a smile that seemed to be not a smile.

Youyue's eyes condensed slightly, and she took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Beichen Fifth Yao, Yuheng." "

As soon as these words came out, the bodies of many warriors on the field were all slightly shocked, and there was also deep awe in the eyes of the handsome young man.

Beichen Qiyao.

Representing the seven demons with the most outstanding talent in the Beichen Dynasty, there are many deeds about the Beichen Qiyao, almost every one of them is an amazing act, and it is an existence that breaks the cognition of ordinary people.

Each of the seven days of the North Star is full of legends, and it is more well-known than the 12th night of the lunar month.

"Princess Youyue and Yuheng, one of the Seven Dawns of Beichen, are here, and there is a good show to watch now..."

"I heard that Beichen Yuheng has always been romantic, loves flowers and beauties the most, and Princess Youyue is stunning, Yuheng will take the initiative to give this extremely raw flower to Youyue. "

"It's highly likely..."

As others expected, as soon as Beichen Fifth Yao Yuheng saw Princess Youyue, a pair of eyes were glued to Youyue's body.

He saluted Youyue like a humble gentleman, and said with a smile: "Youyue Gong mainly likes it, and this extremely raw flower will be given to you, as long as the princess can meet my small request." "

Youyue narrowed her eyes slightly and said, "What request?"

Yu Heng said with a smile: "Princess Youyue of the Yin Moon Dynasty is a peerless beauty that is rare in a thousand years. I don't have high requirements, a pole flower that can increase the longevity of a warrior for at least ten years, in exchange for the princess taking off the veil on her face and seeing the princess's face in the world.

What do you think?"

When Youyue heard Yuheng's flower, a smile bloomed on her face.

Although there was a veil of veil, the style of the moment still made Yu Heng and many martial artists in the field stunned.

"But the princess agreed?"

Yu Heng was a little impatient.

Youyue's eyes quickly turned cold, and she snorted coldly: "Foolish dreams!"

Before the words fell, the shadow of the second night on the side had already rushed towards Yuheng like a wind.

"If you dare to offend Your Highness, you deserve to die!"

The phantom shadow turned into countless shadows, and in an instant, dozens of hundreds of swords stabbed towards Beichen Yuheng.

The attack was so fierce and the killing intent was so desperate that even the black fog around Yuheng was washed away.

"On the second night of the lunar month, this person is the shadow of the second night of the twelfth lunar month!"

Someone on the sidelines recognized the identity of the shadow and exclaimed.

Even Yu Heng frowned, and tried his best to deal with the Phantom's attack.

Seeing this, Youyue sneered and said to Gu Xuan: "Let's go, let's go get the Extreme Flowers." "

As he spoke, Youyue took the lead in rushing in the direction of the Extreme Flower.

Seeing that the Extreme Flower was about to be picked by Youyue, Gu Xuan's eyes suddenly flashed, and he shouted coldly: "Be careful!"

Youyue was stunned for a moment, and then saw the black mist around her churning up like boiling water, quickly separating to both sides, as if some terrible beast was about to burst out of it.

Youyue's expression changed, and with a flip of her palm, she quickly stabbed a sword towards the churning black mist.

But before the long sword could be completely pierced, a furry beast claw suddenly poked out of the black mist.


The sword collided with the beast's claws, making a piercing sound of gold and iron.

Youyue only felt an incomprehensible surging force surging from the sword, her face changed sharply, and she flew back with a muffled snort.

The next moment, a long-haired young man with bare feet and only a circle of animal skins on the lower half of his body jumped out of the black mist.

The young man has thick eyebrows and big eyes, and his complexion is bronze, giving people a sense of fierceness and wild stupidity.

When he jumped out of the black mist, everyone saw that the young man's hand had changed from a furry claw to a normal human appearance.

"Extreme Flowers?!"

The young man saw the pole flower not far away at a glance, his eyes lit up, and he reached out to grab it.

"You dare!"

At this time, Yu Heng on the side let out a cold snort, and suddenly burst out with a palm to slap the shadow away, and in a blink of an eye, he came to the front of the fierce young man.

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