Liao Chengyun was stunned for a moment, and then saw a figure appear in front of him.

The expected scene of burning flames did not come.

I saw a golden pill suspended above the head of the figure.

The pill swirled and swirled, exuding an invisible and majestic power, forming a huge barrier.

The terrifying pillar of flame bombarded the barrier, all of which were blocked, and no power leaked out.

Liao Chengyun was stunned.

Is that... What the?

Liao Chengyun looked at the pill above the man's head with wide eyes, feeling a little familiar, but it was difficult to confirm.

"Xuan.. Xuandan?!"

It does look like a Xuandan, but there is not a single innate crack on this Xuandan.

Flawless and flawless.

What kind of Xuandan would be like this?

Even a first-grade Xuandan has a natural crack, which is an iron law in the cultivation world.

Behind Liao Chengyun, the people standing on the city wall were also stunned, looking at the guy in front of them who suddenly appeared out of nowhere, with a look of surprise on their faces.

"Who is this person? Even Liao Chengyun couldn't block the attack of the Great Demon of the Divine Appearance, and he actually blocked it! Unbelievable.."

"This person seems to be only in the Xuandan Realm! How can his strength be stronger than Liao Chengyun? Could it be that he is also the son of Tianjiao on the Hidden Dragon Gold List?"

"I can't see the appearance clearly, but I don't seem to be very old when I look at the back.."

On the city wall, Yan Shaoyang, who was staring blankly at the back in the sky, looked at it and felt familiar.

"It seems to be Brother Gu's back.."

turned his head to look around, and sure enough, he didn't see Gu Xuan's figure.

Yan Shaoyang's eyes suddenly lit up, and he pulled Yan Qingshan's arm and shouted excitedly: "Dad! Dad! That's Big Brother Gu! I didn't expect Big Brother Gu to be so powerful, even more powerful than Liao Chengyun..."

Yan Qingshan looked at the air in a daze, still in shock, and did not take Yan Shaoyang's words to heart.

casually pulled him into his arms, covered his mouth, and scolded in a low voice: "Don't talk nonsense, children.."

Dare to take Xuan Dan out to deal with the attack of the Great Demon of the God Realm, and Gu Xuan has the courage and confidence.

Gu Xuan also had no choice, except for sacrificing the Xuandan and urging the Xuandan to form a protective force, no other means could ensure that the power of the flame pillar would not harm others.

The flame pillar retreated, Gu Xuan swallowed the Xuandan in one bite, and looked at the god-like demon tiger in the distance lightly.

The demon tiger was blocked from attacking several times in a row, and he wanted to slaughter but couldn't, and his anger finally accumulated to the extreme.

The Red Gold Demon Tiger was ferocious, the blood-colored spar in the center of his eyebrows was bright red, and the terrifying demonic aura raged through the void like a hurricane, and it seemed to set off a hurricane in the field.

Countless low-level demon beasts trembled under the terrifying momentum of the demon tiger, bowed their heads, and also let out bursts of roars, as if they were responding to the call of the demon tiger.

The scene of ten thousand beasts roaring together made countless warriors on the Hundred Battles Pass change their colors, and they subconsciously retreated.

Even Liao Chengyun's face became a little pale, and his expression was nervous.

The tall figure in front of him still showed a calm mood.

Liao Chengyun held the long sword in his hand and said in a deep voice: "Thank you brother Tai for saving me, you and I might as well be united..."

Before Liao Chengyun finished speaking, the man had already turned around.

Liao Chengyun, who saw the other party's appearance clearly, stopped abruptly and was stunned.

"So young..."

There was only this thought left in his head.

This person looked at most eighteen or nineteen years old, with a handsome appearance and warm eyes.

Not only Liao Chengyun, but the rest of the people were stunned for a moment when they saw Gu Xuan's appearance.

Isn't this man too young?

But obviously the strength is so strong, when did their Fufeng Dynasty have such a genius who is even more demonic than Liao Chengyun, who is ranked thirty-fourth on the Hidden Dragon Gold List?

Below, Yan Shaoyang excitedly broke Yan Qingshan's big hand, pointed at Gu Xuan in mid-air and shouted: "Seeing that there is no father, I will say, that's Brother Gu! Brother Gu, look at me, I'm here!"

Yan Shaoyang waved at Gu Xuan excitedly, and Gu Xuan was also looking at him.

Gu Xuan smiled slightly, and said to Yan Shaoyang below: "Shaoyang, aren't you going to be the first knife in the world?

The sound was not loud, but it clearly reached the ears of everyone in the hundred battles.

Immediately afterward, everyone saw.

Gu Xuan turned around, facing the fierce Red Gold Demon Tiger, and gently rested his right hand on the hilt of the Ming Hong Knife.

The crimson lark on the hilt of the knife seems to come to life.

And then... Jump out!

"Knife pulling!"

The moment the knife slashed out...

Heaven and earth are silent!

Everyone saw a stunning sword light that was indescribable to describe.

Everything in my ears and in front of me seemed to fade away, leaving only the light of the knife.

Time also moves very slowly, and the world seems to stand still.

Then, things were back to normal.

Everyone woke up like a dream, and the amazing sword light had disappeared.

The Ming Hong knife has already been put into its sheath, and the lark has returned to its place.

It was as if that scene had never happened at all.

However, in the next moment, the Demon Tiger of the Divine Appearance Realm, which was still fierce before, suddenly roared.

A clearly visible crack appeared on the blood-colored crystal on his forehead.

Then the word "king" in the center of its eyebrows separated, and the huge demon body was silently divided into two halves, and fell to the ground with a bang, startling countless demon beasts to scatter and flee.

Gu Xuan stretched out his hand and made a move, and a huge demon pill the size of a human head flew out of the demon tiger's body, and fell straight into his hands.

After doing all this, Gu Xuan turned to look at Yan Shaoyang below, and asked softly, "Do you see clearly?"

Yan Shaoyang's mouth was wide open, and he stood motionless in place, still holding the small wooden knife in his hand.

Not only Yan Shaoyang, but also Yan Qingshan next to him, as well as everyone on the city wall, including the green-shirted swordsman Liao Chengyun, all looked at Gu Xuan with wide eyes and stunned.

In his eyes, his face was full of great shock and disbelief.

Xuandan Realm, kill the great demon of the Divine Realm in one sword in seconds?!

Lose your marbles...

Everyone's brains were buzzing, and they were still recalling the scene of the knife just now.

What an amazing stab it was.

It was as if the whole world was going to be split in half by it.

Is it really something that the Xuandan Realm can perform?

And such a perverted Xuandan Realm?!

There was a brief dead silence at the Hundred Battles Pass, and countless people remained motionless as if they had been immobilized.

This scene is in stark contrast to the scattered beast tide below due to the death of the god demon beast, which is quite weird.

Finally, Yan Shaoyang was the first to come back to his senses.

The little face turned red with great excitement and excitement, and jumped up and down and screamed.

"Brother Gu, Brother Gu, you are too powerful! I want to learn knives from you! You must teach me to practice knives.."

The child's childish and innocent voice struck some people's minds like a bolt of lightning.

Someone was shaken violently.

Never-before-seen leak-free pill...

The terrifying power of killing the gods in seconds...

Too young to be too old...

Still surnamed Gu?!

Someone had a flash of inspiration in his mind and shouted in shock: "I, I know who he is.. He is the number one in the Hidden Dragon Gold List, and the number one talent in the entire Southern Regions, Gu Xuan!"


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