This person's words sounded on the field, and countless people's expressions were shaken, as if they were waking up from a dream.

Yes, at such an age, with such strength, the key is the surname Gu...

Except for Gu Xuan, the number one on the Hidden Dragon List who moved the entire Southern Regions, they really couldn't think of a second person who met these conditions.

In the crowd, one of the people opened his eyes wide, staring at the amazing figure in the air, and his expression was like seeing a ghost.

"He... He... Is he really that Gu Xuan?"

This person is the one who heard Gu Xuan's name at the post station before and said, "There are many people in the world who call Gu Xuan".

This guy is now pale, the whole person is confused, his brain is dizzy, and he mutters in his mouth.

"I taunted him in front of the number one on the Hidden Dragon Gold List?.... Oh my God..."

He felt that he could brag about it for the rest of his life.

The green-shirted swordsman Liao Chengyun stared at Gu Xuan in front of him tightly, his heart trembling.

"Is this the strength of the number one in the Hidden Dragon Gold List?

Liao Chengyun glanced at the corpse of the god-like demon beast in the distance, took a deep breath, and sighed sincerely.

"It's scary. "

As soon as the god demon beast died, the beast tide group was leaderless and gradually dispersed.

The crisis of this Hundred Battles Pass can be regarded as over, and the rest only needs to be cleaned up by the defenders.

Gu Xuan walked down from the void step by step and walked towards the head of the city wall.

Countless eyes converged on him, moving with his form.

He walked up to the ecstatic Yan Shaoyang and looked at Yan Shaoyang.

Yan Shaoyang was so excited that his soul was about to fly into the sky.

"Brother Gu..."

Gu Xuan touched Yan Shaoyang's head, smiled and said, "Are you willing to worship me as a teacher?"

Yan Shaoyang's eyes lit up suddenly, and he was so excited that he couldn't speak, so he could only nod frantically.

Gu Xuan's eyes flashed, and he was silent.

In his eyes, he and Yan Shaoyang both had the light of chance shining brightly and dazzlingly.


"Brother Gu.. Oh no, Master!"

Yan Shaoyang knelt in front of Gu Xuan, respectfully kowtowing to him and serving him tea.

Gu Xuan took the tea handed over by Yan Shaoyang and took a sip lightly, which was considered a courtesy.

Gu Xuan put the teacup aside, picked up the Ming Hong knife, and gently put it on Yan Shaoyang's shoulder.

He seemed to be talking to himself, and he seemed to be saying to Yan Shaoyang.

"You want to learn the strongest sword in the world and become the first swordsman in the world.

Therefore, you entered my door and worshipped me as a teacher, and this is your chance...

You and I can become masters and apprentices, it is not only fate, but also..."

Gu Xuan paused for a moment and said softly, "Cause and effect." "

Yan Shaoyang looked ignorant, scratched his head, and said, "Master, what is cause and effect?"

Gu Xuan smiled slightly and said, "You don't need to know. "

"Oh. "

Yan Shaoyang nodded obediently.


The power of cause and effect.

This is the opportunity that Gu Xuan got from Yan Shaoyang.

When he was at the head of the city of Hundred Battles, he suddenly realized this and took Yan Shaoyang as an apprentice.

And then...

He naturally comprehended the third form of the Infernal Sword Technique, the Fruit of the Infernal Sword!

The essence of inseparability is the power of cause and effect.

Everything in the world is inseparable from the word cause and effect.

Plant cause and effect, cause must have effect.

The mystical degree of the power of cause and effect is even more than the meaning of life and death that Gu Xuan had comprehended before.


Gu Xuan secretly thought in his heart: "My knife, once it is cut out, no one can dodge it, and no one can stop it." "

This is the subtlety and power of the power of cause and effect.

"Master, when will you teach me the Supreme Sword Technique?"

Yan Shaoyang, who had just finished worshipping his teacher, couldn't wait to ask Gu Xuan about practicing the sword technique.

Gu Xuan said lightly: "When you first practice the basics of the styles I taught you, I will naturally teach you." "


Yan Shaoyang nodded a little disappointed.

At this time, Gu Xuan stood up and said to Yan Shaoyang: "I'm going to a place soon, do you want to come with me?"

Yan Shaoyang suddenly became interested, and asked with glowing eyes, "Master, where are you going?"

Gu Xuan raised his head, his gaze swept over the Hundred Battles Pass, looked at the extremely high sky, and said with a flat expression: "Go to the Hidden Dragon Ancient City, go and get the first place on the True Dragon List." "



In the vast wilderness, the mountains are ancient and steep.

The earth's veins converge, and the dragon's veins rise and fall.

An inexplicable trend rose up in this land, and countless heaven and earth auras converged.

Even ordinary people who have never practiced martial arts can see the extraordinary terrain of this place.

And just when the Qianlong Gold List appeared, an ancient city rose from the leylines.

Qianlong Ancient City!

Only when the great world is opened, will he show his own form in the eyes of the world.

I don't know when it was built, and I don't know who made it, and every brick and stone in the city is engraved with the mottled colors washed by the long river of time.

It stands majestically there, making everyone daunted.

Every day, a large number of warriors come from all directions in the Southern Regions.

When they saw this ancient city, they felt the mystery of this topography, and they were amazed from their mouths.

"I can feel that under this ancient city, countless luck from the entire Southern Regions have gathered, and this power can easily suppress the King Realm!"

"There have indeed been incidents in the history of the Southern Regions where the royal realm was suppressed. At a certain time when the Hidden Dragon Gold List appeared, there was a royal realm who wanted to seize the luck and impact a higher realm, but he was ruthlessly suppressed by the ancient city!"

"Unbelievable. "

"The ancient city of Qianlong carries luck and divides the dragon veins, after this battle for the true dragon list, I don't know how many countries and dynasties have declined, and I don't know how many dynasties will rise because of this.

The ranking of the eight dynasties may be reshuffled because of this. "

"I don't know how many King Realm powerhouses will be born in the future when the Hidden Dragon Ancient City is born?"

"This is a road to the throne, and it is worth looking forward to. "

Many warriors were talking and walked into the ancient city of Qianlong.

Everyone has a deep reverence for this land, and even the most ferocious thugs are honest in the city, and they dare not make mistakes.


A flying boat roared in.

This flying boat is very unusual flying boat, and the whole flying boat has a strange shape and a ghostly atmosphere.

On the flying boat, a yin man in a black robe stood with a long body, exuding a powerful aura that belonged to the ten layers of Xuandan.

A sharp-eyed person recognized the person's identity and whispered.

"This is the ghost spirit young master of the Ghost Spirit Sect of the Black Dragon Empire's Five Rank Sect, this person is quite famous in the Black Dragon Empire, and he is also an extremely powerful genius martial artist, but it doesn't seem to be on the Hidden Dragon Gold List."

"Not being on the Hidden Dragon Gold List doesn't affect him from competing for the ranking of the True Dragon List. After all, the Hidden Dragon List only records the forty-nine people with the strongest talent potential, not the forty-nine with the strongest strength.

Those who can be on the potential gold list do not necessarily have to be on the real dragon list. And those who are not on the hidden dragon list may not have the opportunity to be on the real dragon list. "


It's late to have something to delay today, and there will be no less five, but it may be late, and it's going to be early in the morning....

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