The toughness of the light curtain is far beyond what many people imagined.

Even if a martial artist above the fifth level of Xuandan wants to open the light curtain, it is not easy to open the light curtain.

Many ordinary geniuses whose strength is comparable to being stuck in Xuandan five or six levels, it is difficult to push open the light curtain even after a lot of effort.

But this is not too difficult for a genius at the level of the Hidden Dragon Gold List.

There is a green-shirted swordsman whose sword is like a dragon, and a sword tears a hole in the light curtain.

Someone recognized his identity, "This person is the first person of the younger generation of the Fufeng Dynasty, and also the first swordsman, Liao Chengyun, who ranks thirty-fourth on the Qianlong Gold List." "

"This person's sword intent is pure, if he talks about the way of the sword alone, he may be able to rank in the top five among the younger generation in the entire Southern Regions!"

Liao Chengyun slashed a half-human-sized hole in the light curtain with a sword, as if he felt that this gap was not big enough, so he wanted to cut it bigger.

But the sword light pressed down, but it was difficult for the crack of the light curtain to continue to expand, and he could only quickly pass through the crack helplessly.

The onlookers were enlightened.

"It seems that opening the rift in the light curtain becomes more difficult the further back you go. The size of this entrance is also a measure of strength..."


A figure covered in flames rushed towards the light curtain, directly hitting a pedestrian gap in the light curtain.

Prince Prison Yan rushed into the light curtain and turned around to let out a disdainful laugh.

"Hehe, child's trick.."

Seeing that everyone was slightly stunned, this method was really violent enough.

At this time, a demonic sword light slashed through, and a huge crack opened in the light curtain.

The size may not be as large as the humanoid gap of Prince Prison Yan, but the length is definitely far more than that.

Su Prison Xing entered slowly with a knife.

Then there are Chao Yan, Zhou Canglan, Ling Tianyu and others.

A few people easily tore a large gap in the light curtain, and it was even enough for a few people to enter.

Many geniuses looked solemn, the battle for the True Dragon List had not yet begun, but the gap in strength between them had begun to appear.

It's Ji Lingsheng's turn.

A lot of people are paying attention to him, the man on the top of the mountain.

I saw Ji Lingsheng walking towards the light curtain, and I didn't see any movement from him.

As far as the eye could see, the light curtain automatically melted, and soon a huge gap was revealed, allowing Ji Lingsheng to enter easily.

Everyone's pupils shrank, and many people took a deep breath, their faces showing emotion.

"Ji Lingsheng's strength is really terrifying!"

Just when everyone was shocked by Ji Lingsheng's terrifying strength, someone suddenly exclaimed.

"Look at that man! It's strange that the light curtain doesn't stop him?"

Everyone brushed up on the prestige.

I saw that in an inconspicuous corner, a tall young man was walking into the light curtain.

It is strange that the light curtain that is as solid as a rock for others seems to exist for this person as if it does not exist at all.

This person passed directly through the light curtain, without encountering the slightest obstacle in between, and did not carry out any attacks.

Everyone looked horrified.

"Hell, could this person be a ghost?

"Why is Longbi Pass ineffective against it?!

Looking closely at the strange man, everyone was amazed to find that this person's appearance was excessively young.

At first glance, you will think that this person is ordinary, but so, but if you look closely, you feel that this person seems to be surrounded by a faint mist, which is difficult to see, and it is like a whirlpool, and any searching eyes fall on him, will be sucked in.

"Who is this man?!"

Someone whispered and exclaimed, "Why hasn't this kind of demeanor been discovered before?"

"It doesn't make sense, such a mysterious temperament shouldn't be ignored by us!"

At this time, a joyful voice sounded on the field.

"Gu Xuan!"

It was the moon that spoke.

Youyue stared at Gu Xuan intently, her beautiful eyes rippling with brilliance, revealing a lot of joy.

Gu Xuan!

As soon as the name was spoken, it immediately caused a huge commotion on the field.

The crowd was amazed.

"Gu Xuan!, this person is Gu Xuan?!"

"No. 1 on the Hidden Dragon Gold List, No. 1 Talent in the Southern Regions?!"

"It turns out that he has been here a long time ago, but we didn't notice it!"

"No wonder Longbi Pass doesn't hinder it in the slightest..."

Someone lost his mind and muttered: "The purpose of the Dragon Wall Pass is to screen hidden dragons and pseudo-dragons with the potential of true dragons, but for real true dragons.... Naturally, it's like nothing!"


In an instant, all the light on the field was taken away by Gu Xuan, and no one could take their eyes off him.

Many giants of the younger generation are also paying close attention to him.

"Is it the first on the hidden dragon list? It's kind of interesting. "

Some have even begun to gear up, and a fierce battle spirit is burning in their chests.

Even Ji Lingsheng glanced at Gu Xuan seriously, and there was a bit of strangeness in his eyes.

Longbi Pass, end.

There are hundreds of geniuses who have passed through the dragon wall.

But if these people want to climb the dragon capture platform and participate in the luck competition, they still need to complete one step - condensing the dragon body.

Only those who condense the golden dragon of luck are eligible to go to the dragon platform and compete for the ranking of the true dragon list.

In the sky above the Ancient Monument of the Hidden Dragon and the Ancient Monument of the True Dragon, countless golden rays representing the dragon qi and luck of the earth's veins were released, swimming around like a swimming fish.

And in the second level, the goal of all geniuses is them.

"Compete for the golden light of luck and condense your own golden dragon of luck. The Golden Dragon of Luck is equivalent to the manifestation of a person's martial luck, how much martial luck there is, and how far he goes."

Someone said enviously: "The real opportunity of the True Dragon List is here, as long as you get on the Dragon Capture Platform, you can snatch other people's luck and enhance your own martial arts."

This is almost equivalent to an opportunity to change one's life against the sky, and it may completely change the trajectory of a martial artist's fate!"

The golden light of luck that let go, after a short period of dissociation, swarmed towards the crowd below.

Almost everyone has luck and golden light to cast, but there is a difference.

"Haha, I didn't expect my martial arts luck to be so prosperous!"

A genius looked at the dozens of golden rays of luck around him, his face was full of surprise, and he couldn't help laughing.

Others glanced at him and couldn't help but remind: "Don't be happy too early, let's see others." "

The man looked up, and his expression froze.

I saw dozens of small rounds of "suns" appear in the field.

There were dozens of geniuses, surrounded by hundreds or even hundreds of golden lights, dazzling.

And young giants like Su Prison Xing and Prince Prison Yan who have cultivated to reach the realm of God Phase, the number of golden rays of qi luck around them has reached thousands.

Of course, the most terrifying are the two.

One is Gu Xuan, and the other is Ji Lingsheng.

There were tens of thousands of golden rays of luck surrounding the two, and the two of them seemed to have become an incomparably huge golden vortex.

The majesty of the weather covers all the heavenly pride in the field!

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