The golden light of luck on Gu Xuan and Ji Lingsheng was so strong that countless people were dumbfounded.

Just the two of them, at least half of the luck on the field was shared.

Of the remaining golden light, two percent were still in a free state, and three percent were divided by the rest of the geniuses.


There was a person standing in the crowd, looking at Gu Xuan and Ji Lingsheng, with a hint of shock on his face.

If Gu Xuan pays attention, he can find that this person is Xiao Chen, who has crossed paths with him a few times.

The Hidden Dragon Gold List was born, the battle for the True Dragon List, such a big opportunity, Xiao Chen, as a reborn person, naturally would not miss it.

"The hidden dragon list in this life is a full five years ahead of the previous life, and many of the geniuses I know have not appeared, and there are many more demons I don't know..."

The first to bear the brunt is naturally Gu Xuan, who is the first on the hidden dragon list.

"This person's rise has no warning at all, such a talent and talent, it stands to reason that no matter how low-key it is, it is impossible for me not to hear about it at all... Could it be that it was because of the unexpected appearance of my butterfly that changed the direction of the whole world?"

Xiao Chen's brows tightened, and it was difficult to solve the doubts in his heart.

Compared with when he was just reborn, Xiao Chen has been low-key and I don't know how much.

The main reason is that Gu Xuan has robbed him of the scheduled opportunity several times, which has caused his current strength to be completely unable to keep up with his original expectations.

Coupled with the early birth of the Hidden Dragon List, Xiao Chen's plan was completely disrupted.

"Originally, according to my original plan, I still have at least five years to improve my strength, and then I can try to break into the top 10 on the True Dragon List.

These people don't know what luck means to a martial artist, and without luck, no matter how good your talent is, it will be difficult to enter the king realm. "

"In the last life, there was only one Heaven and Earth Protagonist level genius born in the Southern Regions, and that was Ji Lingsheng!"

"I remember that he seems to be the first in the double list of the Hidden Dragon True Dragon List, and he alone occupies forty percent of the luck of the younger generation in the entire Southern Regions, and it is also because of this that Ji Lingsheng was the first existence in the Southern Regions Tianjiao to set foot in the King Realm, and even had a name on the King List in Zhongzhou.

But in this life...."

Xiao Chen's gaze unconsciously fell on a figure.

The luck of this person's body is strong enough to compete with Ji Lingsheng.

Gu Xuan!

"This person actually directly took away the first place on Ji Lingsheng's hidden dragon list, and took away at least half of Ji Lingsheng's luck. However, after all, this person only has the Xuandan Realm, and his strength is far inferior to Ji Lingsheng, and in the follow-up battle for the Dragon Stage, he should 'return' most of his luck to Ji Lingsheng.

If nothing else, the number one on the True Dragon List this time is still Ji Lingsheng!"

Xiao Chen's eyes flashed, he shook his head, and said with a wry smile: "What do you want to do, you should try to fight for benefits at the moment." "

Thinking about it, Xiao Chen's mind moved, and dozens of golden rays of luck around him gathered together, transforming into a small golden dragon several feet long.

Then the little golden dragon quickly rushed into the air and began to chase and devour those scattered golden rays of luck.

As Xiao Chen's luck golden dragon condensed, many people's luck golden dragons also appeared one after another.



The roars of dragons sounded one after another in the field, and one after another golden dragons appeared.

Ordinary genius, the condensed Qi Luck Golden Dragon is only a few feet in size.

And the geniuses of the Qianlong Gold List, the worst ones are one or two zhang.

It is as strong as the head of the Seven Dawns of the North Star, the Heavenly Pivot, and the Golden Dragon of Luck is even more than five or six zhang tall.

What's even more exaggerated are the few young giants in the Divine Appearance Realm.

One by one, the golden dragons of luck are more than ten zhang, and they have different shapes, and their arrogance is amazing.

The golden dragon of luck condensed by Prince Prison Yan was surrounded by red flames, exuding a violent and fiery aura, like a fire dragon born from thousands of volcanoes.

Su Prison's luck golden dragon is full of demonic aura, giving people a kind of murderous and demonic aura.

The golden dragon of Chao Yan's luck is powerful and calm, like a continuous sacred mountain.

Zhou Canglan's golden dragon is ice blue, which can be sprayed with clouds and mist and water vapor, giving people a sense of vastness and profundity like the sea.

The most outstanding of these people was the Fortune Golden Dragon of the Ling Heaven Domain.

Ling Tianyu's Qi Luck Golden Dragon was the size of thirteen zhang, stepping on the green lotus, the mysteries were ethereal, and they were above everyone.

Ling Tianyu smiled and raised his head proudly.

Wheels and casters are martial arts, and he is worthy of anyone.

That's when —


A heaven-shattering dragon roar rang out, and everyone was taken aback.

Turning his head to look, he saw a golden dragon with a length of eighteen zhang swimming out of Ji Lingsheng's body.

Ji Lingsheng's luck golden dragon antler crocodile mouth, covered with golden scale armor, is the most orthodox divine dragon appearance.

Compared with his luck golden dragon, the rest of the people's luck golden dragon looks a little "impure".

Ji Ling's holy body was like a god, and when his eyes flickered, the huge golden dragon of Qi Luck rushed into the air and began to devour those free golden rays of Qi Luck in a big gulp.

After Ji Lingsheng's Luck Golden Dragon joined, he directly squeezed aside the Luck Golden Dragons that were being captured before, which seemed quite domineering, and many Luck Golden Dragons "dared to be angry but didn't dare to speak".

In a moment, the free golden light of luck was divided among everyone.

The Golden Dragon of Everyone's Qi Luck has increased, and among them, Ji Lingsheng's Qi Luck Golden Dragon is still the largest, and he has received the most benefits.

It was stretched directly to a length of nearly twenty-five zhang.

As for the rest of the giants' Qi Luck Golden Dragon, the longest Ling Tian Domain was only fifteen zhang, and Ji Lingsheng's foot was more than twice as strong as him.

"It is worthy of Ji Lingsheng, a natural emperor bloodline, all the luck, he alone accounts for nearly thirty percent!"

Someone exclaimed.

"Why hasn't Gu Xuan's luck golden dragon come out yet?"

At this moment, Gu Xuan, who had fought against Ji Lingsheng before, still showed a whirlpool of golden light around him, and he did not give birth to a golden dragon of luck.

Someone shook his head and said, "It's too late to come out now, and the luck on the field has been divided." Originally, Gu Xuan and Ji Lingsheng each shared two percent of their luck, and they could still compete with Ji Lingsheng for the first place, but now..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw a trace of majesty coming out of the golden vortex in front of Gu Xuan.


A dragon's roar rang out.

This dragon roar was not loud, but it penetrated deeply into everyone's mind, making everyone's hearts tremble.

Immediately afterward, I saw a golden dragon of luck swimming out of the whirlpool.

This golden dragon is pure purple and gold, full of thunder and fire, and the dragon horns are sharp and vigorous, like two sword full of cold light, and the dragon scales on the body are like blades.

Supreme and noble, and exudes a peerless edge, which makes it difficult to force people to see.

"Five-clawed purple gold dragon!"

Someone's eyes widened and he whispered in disbelief.

Compared with Gu Xuan's luck golden dragon, even Ji Lingsheng's golden dragon was a few points inferior.

The only regret is that Gu Xuan's luck golden dragon is only eighteen zhang, and his body is several laps smaller than Ji Lingsheng's twenty-five zhang.

At this moment, Gu Xuan's purple gold dragon opened its mouth, and a huge vortex appeared in its mouth, aiming at the field and sucking hard.

In an instant, the luck of everyone on the field trembled violently, and some of the weak ones even exploded directly.

A large amount of golden light of qi luck was stripped out and poured into the purple gold dragon's body.

The purple gold dragon's body swelled rapidly, and its light was brighter than the sun.

On the other hand, the golden dragon of other people's luck is constantly shrinking.

In just a few breaths, Gu Xuan's luck golden dragon skyrocketed to a huge size of thirty-three zhang.

On the other hand, the luck of the other people's golden dragons has collectively shrunk by a small half, and some of them can't even maintain their dragon-like posture, showing a semi-illusory state.

Even Ji Lingsheng's Qi Luck Golden Dragon was only fifteen or sixteen zhang in size.

Everyone was stunned and stood in place.

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