"Haha, I've broken through the innate level!"

"I broke through too!"

"The old man has been in retreat for ten years, and he has finally broken through the Xuandan realm!"

People kept rushing out of the cultivation room, and then they were overjoyed and surprised when they saw the sudden changes in the entire Spirit Sword Sect.

"What the hell is going on?"

"Why has the aura in the sect increased so much all of a sudden, and the earth veins have also increased a lot. Could it be... Is it the revival of the aura?"


At this time, suddenly a disciple pointed in the direction of the center of the main peak of the sect, his eyes widened, and he shouted in disbelief.


All the disciples of the entire Spirit Sword Sect, including the elders and sect masters, all looked over.

I saw that there were two ancient monuments exuding a trace of ancient atmosphere standing on the main peak.

One is the hidden dragon gold list, and the other is the real dragon gold list.

At this moment, the top of the two gold lists, all of them have the same name - Yin Moon Dynasty, Gu Xuan!

Suddenly, the heavens and the earth were quiet.

The entire Spirit Sword Sect was silent for several full breaths, and then suddenly erupted into incomparably enthusiastic excitement and cheers.

"Zongzi.. Zongzi he, the first place on the double list of the True Dragon Hidden Dragon!!"

"No wonder my Spirit Sword Sect suddenly had great luck, so that's the case... Heaven is going to prosper my Spirit Sword Sect!"

"The ancestor of the Spirit Sword Sect is above, and my Spirit Sword Sect has a true Dragon Tianjiao Gu Xuan today, can you see it?!hahaha."

"When the sect comes back, my Spirit Sword Sect should welcome the sect for three thousand miles!"


At the same time, the imperial capital of the Yin Moon Dynasty.

Since the appearance of the Hidden Dragon Gold List and the True Dragon Gold List in the Lunar Moon Emperor's Capital, many people have stayed up all night and stayed in front of the two gold lists to pay attention.

When Gu Xuan's name appeared in the first place on the True Dragon List, the entire Yin Moon Emperor was boiling.

"God bless the Yin Moon! There is an immortal arrogance like Gu Xuan!"

"Seventeen years old, the first on the double list! Gu Xuan can be the first day of the entire Southern Regions!"

Countless people were ecstatic and excited.

Soon, news came out of the Yin Moon Palace.

"Within three days, in the territory of the fourteen kingdoms of my Yinyue Dynasty, there were 1,800 new leylines, and the national fortune skyrocketed by three times. The great joy of the Son of Heaven, specially sealed..."

"I am the king of Xuanyue, and I enjoy the dignity of a first-class king, and I am the king of the country!"

"The Great Xia Kingdom is specially named the first vassal state...."

King Xuanyue, a first-class prince, has a status that even surpasses that of the monarch of the lower country!

The lunar moon shakes.

But no one was dissatisfied, but took it for granted.

Not only the Yinyue Dynasty, when Gu Xuan was ranked first on the double list, the entire Southern Regions began to praise Gu Xuan's name.


At this moment, Gu Xuan was standing on the Dragon Snatching Platform, enjoying the baptism of heaven and earth aura.

"Gu Xuan, this is preparing... Shock Divine Appearance?!"

The people below noticed Gu Xuan's intentions, and they all showed surprise.

"It just so happens that as the first person with talent in the Southern Regions, the first demon who has not come out in the Southern Regions for thousands of years, what is his legal body, I am very curious..."

There was a genius with a look of anticipation on his face, but he was not ready to leave.

He was obviously not the only one who had such thoughts, and many people were extremely curious about what Gu Xuan's Dharma Physiognomy body was like.

"The Xuandan Realm can defeat the body of the high-grade law phase, the god is double, Ji Lingsheng, who has the blood of the emperor, if Gu Xuan is promoted to the god phase, how terrifying should the strength be?"

"If Gu Xuan really succeeds in attacking the Divine Phase, then he will be the youngest Divine Aspect Realm martial artist in the history of our Southern Regions!"

"Seventeen-year-old god realm! hiss-"

Many people gasped and looked complicated.

If you don't see it with your own eyes, who can believe that you can be promoted to god at the age of seventeen, it's just a fantasy!

The majestic aura poured into Gu Xuan's body, and it was constantly devoured by the Xuandan.

Gu Xuan's superb Xuandan grew rapidly, from a fist to the size of a ball.

The dantian was almost unable to accommodate it, and there was a feeling of swelling and pain.

It seems that something is about to break out of the Xuandan.

At the same time, Gu Xuan's Xuan Fetus was also gradually growing, and the Divine Tree Saplings in the Xuan Fetus were greedily absorbing a large amount of spiritual energy, growing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

When the water is full, it overflows.

When the aura in Gu Xuan's body increased to a limit.

Just listen to a crisp "click".

Like the sound of a chick breaking its shell.

On the flawless Xuandan, a crack appeared.

In an instant, countless colorful light feathers fluttered and fell above Gu Xuan's head.

One after another seven-colored magic conch appeared around Gu Xuan's body, the void vibrate, and bursts of Dao sounds came out, and everyone present had a clear mind after hearing it.

Under this strange vision, everyone's faces were moved and their expressions were horrified.

"Before the law phase came out, the law conch descended from the sky, and the Dao voice preached, how terrifying is Gu Xuan's law phase body?!"

"At least the best of the best!"

"More than that!"

Zhou Canglan shook his head and said with a wry smile: "When I was promoted to the Divine Phase, there was also a vision of heaven and earth, but that was after the Law Aspect was fully formed. Moreover, there is only light feathers, and there can be no snails!

The Dharma phase that Gu Xuan is about to condense is estimated to be among the best..."

Superb Appearance?!

The others looked shocked, and their faces all showed a look of emotion.

Superb Law Phase, has there ever been a owner of a superb Law Phase in the history of the Southern Regions?


There are more and more cracks on the Xuandan, like a peerless treasure that has been shattered.

But this crack does not represent destruction, but rebirth.

Finally, the "overwhelmed" Xuandan was suddenly shattered and turned into countless aura.

At the same time, a large area of gray mist also appeared behind Gu Xuan, like chaos.

At some point, the sky above me darkened, condensing into large black clouds.

The black clouds stretched for thousands of miles, turning the ancient city of Qianlong directly from day to night.

"Divine Thunder Tribulation!"

Someone looked at the purple lightning tumbling in the thick black clouds in the sky, his throat was dry, and he said bitterly: "Such a majestic divine thunder tribulation, it is really the only time I have seen it in my life..."

Someone showed a worried look on his face and said: "Before the law phase came out, the visions of heaven and earth followed, and the thunder tribulation caused by such a shocking law phase must be unprecedented.

Gu Xuan is afraid that the situation is not good. "

Indeed, when an ordinary genius is promoted to Divine Appearance, there must be another Divine Appearance Realm powerhouse by his side.

In order to prevent the fall in the thunderstorm.


The thunder in the black clouds brewed to the extreme, and three thunderbolts in a row, wrapped in red flames, roared and fell from the clouds.

This thunder is more than ten zhang thick, like a purple dragon riding the flames, and it is powerful.

The pupils of everyone below constricted, and they couldn't help but whisper.

"The first three thunderbolts are so powerful?!It's almost comparable to the middle three thunder tribulations when I condensed the body of the upper grade law?!"

"It's not a simple thunder tribulation, but a thunder and fire tribulation intertwined with thunder and fire, which is several times more terrifying than a simple thunder tribulation!"

"My goodness... Gu Xuan's talent is jealous. "

The demon of talent, the talent is so desperate, even the sky can't help but be jealous, so he descends a catastrophe and wants to wipe it out in the cradle.

It's for, jealous!

All of a sudden, the audience was moved.

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