In the eyes of others, the terrifying thunder and fire catastrophe is thrilling.

In Gu Xuan's eyes, it is the best great tonic.

The power of thunder and fire was originally the foundation of his divine body, coupled with the "Heavenly Cultivation Sutra" in his body, the rhythm of the Xuan fetus, Gu Xuan was completely sure to swallow the three thunder and fire tribulations in front of him.

Three purple thunderbolts of ten zhang in size roared down with flames.

Gu Xuan, who was sitting cross-legged on the top of the Dragon Snatching Platform, suddenly opened his eyes.

"It's good to come. "

Gu Xuan's body stood up, the shadow of thunder and fire was reflected in his eyes, and his body exuded a bold and lonely momentum, and he said with a long smile: "Today, I, Gu Xuan, will drink with heaven and earth, and take the thunder to drink!"

Saying that, Gu Xuan not only did not dodge, but stepped out in one step and appeared in front of the three thunder and fire tribulations.

With a punch, it directly shattered the three thunder raids, and then sucked the broken thunder fire into his mouth like a long whale absorbing water.

In an instant, Gu Xuan's body erupted with an incomparably strong light, and the power of thunder and fire pulsed on his long hair and skin.

Brilliant and scorching, the whole person is like an innate god born from thunder and fire.


Gu Xuan smiled and looked up at the sky.

"This power of thunder and fire is still a little bit lacking, not strong enough... Not strong enough!"

At this moment, Gu Xuan's demeanor shook the world, and he seemed to be the only one left in the sky and on the ground.

Everyone below looked shocked, even Ji Lingsheng was no exception.

Drink with the sky and drink with the Thunder and Fire Tribulation!

Drink three cups, still don't think it's strong enough?

Such pride, such grace... It should be called peerless!

"How many years will it take for the Southern Regions to come out of Gu Xuan..."

Zhou Canglan looked at the proud figure in the sky that invited the sky to drink together, and said with a complicated expression: "I'm waiting, it's not as good as Gu Xuan." "

The rest of the young giants around him were silent.

Youyue stared intently at Gu Xuan's figure, and there were many strange colors in her beautiful eyes.

"If I, Youyue, want to find a Taoist partner, I must be such a great man in the world!"

For a while, I don't know how many people were taken by Gu Xuan's demeanor.

The three thunder and fire tribulations fell, Gu Xuan's body shook, the divine tree grew wildly, and the divine patterns on his body became more and more mysterious, and even the two great avenue palaces began to loosen.

And the chaos behind him gradually saw the phantom of things slowly emerge from it.

Everyone's eyes widened.

I saw that in the phantom behind Gu Xuan, a knife appeared.

Oh no, it's a knife, but it's actually more like a tree.

There are many knife lines on the torso similar to a long knife, and although it only shows the tip of the iceberg, it can still make people feel its magnificent momentum.

As soon as the sword pattern divine wood appeared, fifteen dao marks appeared around Gu Xuan's body.

The fifteen Dao Marks attracted a large amount of Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi, which was continuously poured into Gu Xuan and Chaos.

Everyone below gasped.


"I'll go!"

"After only three thunder tribulations, fifteen dao marks appeared, and they went directly to the top grade. What kind of anti-heaven law is this?!"

"It's numb!"

A young giant also looked shocked.

Gu Xuan's body of the Law Appearance was far from reaching the time of formation, but it already had fifteen Dao marks, showing a top-grade appearance.

If it's all formed, how will it look?!

Among the several young giants in the field, except for Ji Lingsheng, no one could have so many Dharma Dao marks.

In other words, before Gu Xuan's law appearance was completed, his appearance had already surpassed that of most of the geniuses in the field.

It's really embarrassing.

"Come again!"

Gu Xuan looked up at the sky and roared, like a high roller in a restaurant urging children to serve wine quickly.

But who can know, this is really a catastrophe, and it is still a divine thunder tribulation!

The thunderclouds in the sky seemed to be irritated by Gu Xuan's arrogant posture.

The black clouds rolled violently, as if they were pregnant with an even greater wave of rage.

A moment later, the thunderclouds roared, and three more thunder and fire tribulations fell from the sky.

These three thunder and fire tribulations are more than ten times stronger than the previous three.

Every thunderbolt is dozens of feet thick, and the thunder and fire are like meteors, which are extremely terrifying.

Even if this thunder and fire tribulation was only aimed at Gu Xuan alone, the many martial artists who were watching also changed color and subconsciously retreated.

Some of them were so frightened that their faces turned white.

"Good, good!"

In the face of such a thunder tribulation, Gu Xuan did not retreat but advanced, and said with a long smile: "Let me taste it, how does the thunder fire taste this time?"

As he spoke, a large amount of thunder and flames erupted from Gu Xuan's body, and divine patterns appeared.

The whole person took a step towards the sky, and threw a punch, like a dragon dividing the sea!


When the first thunderbolt was directly shattered by Gu Xuan's punch, the last two thunderbolts bombarded Gu Xuan without any fancy blows.

Gu Xuan was like an eagle that hit the sky, was struck by lightning and fell from mid-air.


Yuyue screamed in surprise and covered her mouth nervously, her beautiful eyes full of worry.

There was also a low cry from the crowd of onlookers.

"The power of these three thunder tribulations is really terrifying, I'm afraid that even the powerhouses in the late stage of the Divine Appearance can't bear it, Gu Xuan is seriously injured!"

"Hey, jealousy, no one can help, only to save yourself!"

While everyone was talking, they suddenly saw a figure rushing into the sky.

This man was tall, wrapped in raging thunder and flames, his robe was torn, but his eyes were as bright as stars.

"These three cups are good, I am very satisfied!"

Although Gu Xuan's body was embarrassed, his eyebrows were full of chic and uninhibited color.

Directly, he took out an elixir and stuffed it into his mouth, and the injuries on his body that were burned by the thunder fire quickly recovered.

At the same time, large swaths of god tattoos appeared on his body.

These divine patterns spread across his body, as if weaving a pair of mysterious and majestic purple and gold armor.

In the center of Gu Xuan's eyebrows, there are even three-color divine patterns outlining a faint eye outline.

In the silhouette, a whirlpool swirls faintly.

Intermediate Xuanquan!

The trough vibrates.

The strength in Gu Xuan's body skyrocketed, from the power of twenty dragons directly to thirty dragons.

The seeds of thunder and flame soared a few times, and the comprehension level of the Heavenly Sword Intent increased rapidly.

From 60% to 70% in one fell swoop.

In the Xuan Fetus, the Divine Tree sapling skyrocketed, exuding a steady stream of vitality to repair Gu Xuan's whole body.

As Gu Xuan said.

These three glasses of Thunder Tribulation Wine are strong enough.

But the benefits to him are also unparalleled.

After the Tribulation of the Three Thunders and Fires.

The chaos behind Gu Xuan changed again.

In the chaos, two strange sounds were heard.


This sound is like a dragon's roar.


This sound is like a phoenix's song.

In the next moment, I saw a beautiful bird as red as a flame and a five-clawed purple gold dragon appear from the chaos.

A dragon and a phoenix, rotating endlessly around the sword pattern divine wood.

With the appearance of these two visions, dense Dao marks appeared around Gu Xuan's body.

Count them carefully....

Thirty ways!

Add the previous fifteen Dao marks to forty-five Dao marks!


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