"Oh my God..."

The eyes of the onlookers were straight, and the faces of several young giants showed disbelief, and they subconsciously rushed forward a few steps, as if they couldn't believe what their eyes saw.

"Four... Forty-five Dao marks!"

Ling Tianyu clenched his fists fiercely, and spat out word by word in disbelief.

Ji Lingsheng also looked stunned.

For the first time in his life, he deeply felt that the blood of the emperor flowing in his body, which he had always been proud of, was so thin.

"Twenty marks are superb. Dao Scar Forty-Five...."

The one who spoke stopped talking, and did not know how to express it.

Someone muttered, "Dao Scar Forty-Five... Gu Xuan's Dharma Physiognomy has not yet evolved..."

The crowd shook violently.

Oh, yes.

Forty-five Dao marks have been manifested, and Gu Xuan's Dharma Body has not yet completely evolved.

God knows how many marks he will have when he fully evolves!

"Come again!"

Gu Xuan's eyes were scorching, his body was like a waterfall, he was wearing divine armor, his long hair was flying, and his robe was hunting.

At this moment, he is like a god general fighting the heavens and the earth in ancient mythology, looking at the sky.

The black clouds that stretched for thousands of miles began to converge in the middle, and large areas of thunder and flames surged in the black clouds.

There seemed to be countless terrifying beasts brewing in the thunderclouds, and the occasional roaring sound made people's hearts tremble.

Gu Xuan looked at the thundercloud and said with a low smile: "Why?

His eyes burst with essence, and he laughed and said, "Why are you so stingy, then I'll take it myself!"

As he spoke, Gu Xuan stepped into the air,

The divine light around his body was scorching, and the divine pattern armor was blazing, and the majestic momentum of the Xuan Ao was connected with the void, and with Gu Xuan's punch, he slammed into the sky.

This punch should be-

Drink to the sky!

Below, many Tianjiao in the Southern Regions looked at it with swaying hearts.

Dare to take the initiative to the sky and punch at the thunder.

For tens of thousands of years in the Southern Regions, I am afraid that Gu Xuan is alone.

With such courage and style, how can it not make people feel broken!

"Divine Power Dao Palace, open!"

"Doom Dao Palace, open!"

Gu Xuan's punch contained the power of dozens of dragons, and it was wrapped in the majestic momentum of the divine pattern armor, and the power was earth-shattering.

The thunderclouds also seemed to sense the threat, and quickly brewed large swaths of thunder and flames.

It seems to be condensed and formed.

But before he reached that step, he was directly bombarded by Gu Xuan!


Gu Xuan's punch directly penetrated the thunderclouds that were dozens of miles thick.

A huge thundercloud appeared, and a huge fist-shaped hole appeared.

A large amount of thunder and flames leaked out of the hollow, as well as sunlight.


The audience at the bottom gasped.

Gu Xuan was not only bold enough to hand a fist to the sky, but also made a hole in the sky.

It's just too cruel and irritable.

If this punch falls on someone, I am afraid that no one present will be able to take it.

Ji Lingsheng can't do it either!

Gu Xuan's punch completely angered Lei Tribulation.

Thunderclouds surged, quickly filling the hole.

Then, a blazing thunderbolt flashed.

I saw dense and almost endless thunder and fire falling from the thunderclouds.

The smallest of these thunderbolts was more than ten zhang in size, transforming into the shape of various ancient weapons and falling from the clouds.

This scene is seen from afar.

It was as if there were countless heavenly soldiers and gods standing in the thunderclouds, projecting thousands of blades towards Gu Xuan below.

Under this thunderstorm, everyone changed color.

This power is like the destruction of the world.

It's not humanly something that can stop it.

Faced with such a scene, Gu Xuan not only did not panic, but a blazing battle intent appeared on his face.

The Ming Hong Knife trembled lightly and appeared in Gu Xuan's hand.

With the long knife in his hand, the huge sword intent enchantment spread, and Gu Xuan slashed into the sky.

"Void Killing Knife!"

"The long river of sword qi!"

"Infernal Knife Technique, Bitter Infernality!"

"Heavenly Sword First Style, Shatter Nantian!"

Gu Xuan wantonly swayed the sword light, and his sword talent was vividly revealed.

The spears of thunder and fire that fell from the sky were constantly slashed by him, but more of them fell on him.

The Divine Pattern armor rippled, sputtering large expanses of thunder and fire.

Gradually, the divine pattern armor on Gu Xuan's body cracked, and then gradually crumbled.

Scars appeared on Gu Xuan's body, and blood oozed from the corners of his mouth.

But he was still stabbing out, his eyes were blazing, as if he was in the middle of a drink!

Everyone below was deeply moved.

"I finally know now why Gu Xuan was able to achieve such an achievement at the age of seventeen..."

"After the Southern Regions, I am afraid it will be difficult to produce a character like Gu Xuan!"

In the corner of the crowd, Xiao Chen looked at the figure in the sky in a daze, and his heart was full of shock.

Xiao Chen has experienced a great world and has seen many sons of Tianjiao like the sun and moon in the sky, but he is still deeply impressed by Gu Xuan's demeanor.

"Why was such a character born in the Southern Regions?

"With this person, there may be many variables in the general trend of this life, and the Southern Regions may not be weaker than Zhongzhou!"

Finally, the last thunderbolt was extinguished.

At this time, Gu Xuan's whole body was covered with bruises, and his body was standing in mid-air, shaky.

Although he was seriously injured, Gu Xuan's eyes were extremely bright.

He got a lot of unexpected insights from this thunderstorm, and he still needs to digest them slowly in the future.

When the injury is serious, the Xuan fetus in the body begins to play a role.

The next tide of aura is brewing at any time.

The Shenmu saplings in the Xuan womb also continued to convey the life machine, quickly repairing Gu Xuan's injuries.

Gu Xuan only now understood the role of this divine tree sapling.

With it and Xuanti, no matter how badly he was injured, as long as he had a breath, he couldn't die.

After another round of thunder tribulation, the chaos behind Gu Xuan also surged again.

The dragon and phoenix entwined sword pattern divine wood, the fog above and below gradually dissipated, showing more visions.


There seemed to be a ghost crying.

And all the people looked fixedly.

I saw that at the bottom of the sword pattern divine tree, there was a scene of infernal hell.

The ghosts in hell are longing, and all kinds of tragic scenes have buried the evil in the world.

Above this Infernal Hell, there seem to be other hells, but unfortunately they are shrouded in fog and can't really be seen.

This is the Nine Shades.

In the center of the sword pattern Shenmu, there are cities, territories, and mountains and rivers manifest.

It seems that there is a forgiveness decree from the Son of Heaven, wielding a sword to crusade against the Quartet.

This is the world.

However, this phantom is much more blurry than the scene of Infernal Hell, and there is only one outline, which is not real at all.

Further up, the top of the sword pattern divine wood.

Vast expanses of thunder and flames manifested.

The ancient and majestic gateway to the south of the sky, the seven-colored rainbow bridge, the fairy palace building...

It's a fairy style.

This is the sky.

Nine shades, the world, the sky.

The Three Realms manifested, and dozens of Dao marks quickly appeared around Gu Xuan.

All of a sudden, there were so many Dao marks on Gu Xuanfa's body that it was difficult to count them at all.

The people below were all stunned and stupid.

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