Forty more Dao marks manifested.

With the addition of the previous forty-five, there are eighty-five for a total of eighty-five!

It is eight times that of the Prince of Prison Yan and more than four times that of Ji Lingsheng!

It's unimaginable...

When the majestic body of the Law Aspect appeared, everyone felt a trace of suffocating pressure.

Although it was only a heavy divine phase, Gu Xuan's law phase body was even more magnificent and huge than that of ordinary powerhouses in the late stage of divine appearance.

The sword pattern divine tree connects the sky and the earth, the dragon and the phoenix are entangled, and the three worlds of the Nine Shadows, the Human World, and the Sky coexist.

This is a picture of God!

And it's not finished, and there are still large expanses of fog and chaos that have not yet dissipated.

It's hard to imagine what else will come out of it.

At this time, the thunderclouds in the sky also seemed to admire Gu Xuan's arrogance, and gradually dispersed.

The light of day returned, and the heavens and the earth were clear again.

A pillar of light that penetrated the sky and the earth fell from the heavenly dome, enveloping Gu Xuan in it.

A steady stream of spiritual energy poured out like a river, pouring into Gu Xuan's body, repairing his injuries and also filling the emptiness of the newly formed body of the Law Phase.

Gu Xuan's eyes flickered.

His dharma-like body is a picture of God.

This divine diagram is far from fully evolving, and there is still room for growth in the future.

At this time, a majestic and great will emerged from the heavenly dome.

The people below looked startled and exhaled in a low voice.

"It's. . . The will of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth?!"

Their eyes widened, and when they saw the Great Dao Will rumbling down on Gu Xuan, Gu Xuan naturally closed his eyes.

The "time on the plane" that was extremely familiar to Gu Xuan was a monstrous wave in the eyes of others.

"My God, the will of the Great Dao will personally reward you! This kind of treatment, I have never heard of it!"

Someone said with envy on his face: "If you can be rewarded with the will of the Great Dao, you can comprehend ordinary people for ten or even decades with one breath." The benefits that Gu Xuan got from it were too great.."

Someone sighed: "Hey, after all, it is an unprecedented eighty-five Dao Marks Peerless Law Appearance Body. Don't say that the will of the Great Dao will personally reward you, I believe that you tell me that Gu Xuan is the son of the Great Dao."

"Compared to Gu Xuan, I feel that my decades of penance are like cultivating to a dog!"

"People are more popular than people! Don't treat Gu Xuan as a person like us, otherwise the heart of martial arts will easily be shaken or even collapse!"

"Makes sense. As long as I try to be a waste, even Gu Xuan can't affect me, haha!"



At the same time, in the distant mainland of Zhongzhou.

In the center of the Zhongzhou continent, there are many black ancient monuments.

These ancient monuments are towering into the sky, as if they have existed since ancient times, exuding an ancient and vast atmosphere, giving people a sense of incomprehension and unshakable.

At this time, at the end of an ancient monument, a name suddenly quietly emerged.

"God List, forty-ninth, Gu Xuan.

The appearance of the gods is heavy, and the appearance of the gods is superb"

This small change doesn't seem to have attracted much attention.

However, in a list of names that are cultivated as the realm and are all gods.

This name, which is only a mere god, is quite eye-catching.

I don't know what kind of hurricane this name will set off in Zhongzhou next, and how much shock it will cause...


The will of the Great Dao, Gu Xuan is very familiar with it.

His divine thoughts were extended, reaching tens of thousands of miles away in an instant.

Gu Xuan came to the Yin Moon Imperial Capital, to the Great Xia Royal Capital, to the Spirit Sword Sect...

He saw countless people singing his name, and his face was filled with heartfelt joy and excitement, as well as a look of almost fanatical worship.

He saw the spiritual spring in the Spirit Sword Sect emerge, the elixir was born, and the earth's veins and spiritual veins came into existence from nothing.

The Great Spirit Sword Sect presents a thriving scene.

He saw that the Son of the Lunar Moon had rewarded him as the King of Xuanyue, enjoying the position of a first-class prince, and his status was more noble than that of the monarch of the lower country.

As a result, the Great Xia Kingdom became the highest-ranking of the thirteen kingdoms of the Yin Moon Dynasty.

A country is expensive by one person!

It's unimaginable, but it's happening.

Gu Xuan saw that in the territory of Great Xia and Yinyue, a large number of earth veins and spiritual veins appeared, the concentration of spiritual energy increased, and heavenly and earthly treasures came into being, living beings multiplied, and plants and trees flourished.

Because of the sudden increase in the aura, many martial artists were loosened by the bottleneck that was originally stuck, and they were naturally promoted to the next level.

He saw that many babies and children, who were lucky enough to be instilled with aura, accidentally ate the treasures of heaven and earth that contained aura.

The root bones become stronger, the comprehension improves, and he becomes the seedling of the future martial arts genius.

Gu Xuan has seen too much...

I have also heard countless people sing his name.

Because of his own strength, he won a lot of luck for the entire Yin Moon Dynasty, so that the people, warriors, and living beings of one side were blessed.

Similarly, Gu Xuan also saw that the country of the original Eight Great Dynasties was prosperous in China, because of the unfavorable performance of the domestic Tianjiao this time, and too much luck was taken away, resulting in the collapse of the leylines in the territory, the withering of plants and trees, and the drought and flood in the world.

Gu Xuan was thoughtful.

This time, what he saw was a huge southern region, the mundane world.

"Is this what humanity is called?"

Gu Xuan thought in his heart, and the golden dragon roared on the Law Aspect Divine Diagram behind him.

The human scene gradually became clearer.

And in Gu Xuan's mind, the humane knife technique, which had always been only a rudimentary form, was also rapidly taking shape.

Soon, the first knife of humanity was deduced.

Gu Xuan slashed out lightly, and there seemed to be a scene of fireworks in the world in the sword light.

Gu Xuan thought for a moment and said to himself: "The royal road is humanity, and this knife is called the world!"

The power of this knife is not too powerful, and it is similar to the first type of the Infernal Sword Technique.

But this knife is very significant.

It fills the gap in Gu Xuan's humane sword technique in the three sword paths of heaven, earth and man, making Gu Xuan's supreme sword path more complete.

At present, his combat effectiveness has not improved much, but it will be of great benefit to the future.

When the first knife of humanity was deduced, Gu Xuan saw that the "time on the plane" was not over, so he continued to deduce the third form of the heavenly knife.

The majestic and ancient Nantian Portal appeared, thunder and fire were intertwined, and the seven-colored rainbow bridge gathered in...

The imagery continues to derive backwards.

After the seven-colored rainbow bridge, you can see a golden avenue, countless fairy birds are chasing each other, and the fairy sound is ethereal.

Subsequently, countless men and women dressed in white, with fluttering sleeves and otherworldly temperaments, came from all directions.

These people were smiling, talking and laughing in pairs, and they seemed to be in a hurry to attend a certain event.

What a grand scene of ten thousand immortals coming to the dynasty.

In such a peaceful and beautiful atmosphere, suddenly...

A sword light that spanned the eons appeared.

This sword light fell from the sky, conjuring up countless illusory sword shadows, filling the entire world in an instant.

And the immortals who were rushing in before, under the sudden arrival of this sword light, they didn't even react, and one by one, their heads fell to the ground, and blood splattered in the sky, dyeing the clouds red.

In just a few breaths, there was not a single living thing on the Cotai Strip.

Corpses were strewn all over the field, rivers of blood flowed, and there were stumps and broken arms everywhere.

The previous scene of the Immortal Family's Holy Land was reduced to purgatory in the blink of an eye.

Gu Xuan opened his eyes suddenly, and an incomparably dazzling sword light bloomed in his eyes.

He looked at the third form of the Heavenly Sword that had just been deduced in his mind, and whispered with a smile: "This style, it will be replaced by - cut off the head of the immortal!"

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