The sword light quickly swept across the neck of the seventh son of the Immortal Alliance, and disappeared in a flash.

The pupils of the seventh son of the Immortal League contracted, and a head rolled down in response.

His body froze in mid-air for a moment, then fell like a stone.

Gu Xuan grabbed his corpse for the first time and dragged the storage spirit ring in his hand down.

This knife is called the third killing move of the Infernal Knife Technique-Fruit Infernal!

A sword with the power of cause and effect.

The knife light is cut out, only asking about cause and effect, and nothing can stop it.

Although the causal sword intent contained in this knife is only thirty percent, it is different from when Gu Xuan used it on Ji Lingsheng.

The seventh son of the Immortal League robbed Gu Xuan of the opportunity, and the cause was already planted in his body, and the fruit that erupted from Gu Xuan's knife was also extremely powerful.

In addition, the subtlety of this knife caught him off guard, so that he was directly killed by Gu Xuan with a knife.


Gu Xuan looked at the corpse of the seventh son of the Immortal League, and was shocked to find that there was not a trace of blood flowing out of this person's body after death.

The corpse left behind quickly stiffened, turning into something like a stone, crumbling with a slight pinch, and falling large swaths of stone chips.

Gu Xuan raised his head suddenly, and Shen Nian detected a wisp of divine soul piercing through the void and quickly escaped.

His brow furrowed, and his face became gloomy.

The seventh son of the Immortal League did not die!

The body falls, and the spirit flees.

It stands to reason that the divine soul strength of a Divine Aspect Realm martial artist cannot do this at all.

Then the problem lies with the stone tire in his hand.

I don't know what this stone fetus is, but it has the magical effect of temporarily storing the soul.

If the stone tire is damaged, the spirit can escape as soon as possible, and it is estimated that the body will not be damaged in any way.

I have to say that the methods of this Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance are indeed a bit incredible.

"Is it the sustenance of the gods?"

A cold light lit up in Gu Xuan's eyes, and he whispered to himself, "When you cry..."

As he spoke, Gu Xuan's powerful divine thoughts completely dispersed without reservation, found a direction where the battle broke out, and quickly approached the past.


At this time, in the square of the Zhongzhou Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance, a group of old monsters and the disciples of the Extreme Dao Immortal League showed a deep look of shock and stunned on their faces.


"The seventh son can't even stop this person's sword?

"What kind of knife is that, it actually gives me a strange feeling of fate!"

"This person seems to only have the cultivation realm in the early stage of the divine phase, and he can actually kill the stone fetus clone of the seventh son, it's unbelievable!"


Among the ten figures sitting cross-legged in the square, one suddenly opened his eyes suddenly.

It was the seventh son of the Immortal League who was killed by Gu Xuan with a knife and fled back with his soul.

Countless eyes fell on the seventh son, and many of them gloated eyes.

"Although this son's strength is indeed a bit powerful, but he was killed by the luck sacrifice, and the seventh son can be regarded as the first person in the Immortal Alliance haha!"

"If I were him, I would be ashamed to find a crack in the ground. "

The seventh son of the Immortal League listened to the whispers around him, and his face became extremely ugly.

A few eyes of scrutiny and disappointment fell from the sky.

"It's just greedy in my heart, and I was even killed by the luck sacrifice, and after this incident, I was grounded and thought about it for six months. "

"Yes. "

The seventh son of the Immortal Alliance took a deep breath and nodded helplessly.


"The world is like a prison!"

The magic knife was panicked, and a human purgatory appeared in the field, and the sword light was amazing.

But in the face of such a knife, a handsome young man showed a contemptuous and disdainful smile on his face.

"Clumsy little way, vain knife skills? ridiculous!"

After saying that, the phantom of a delicate long sword behind the handsome young man trembled slightly, and nearly twenty dao marks were pulled at the same time.

The handsome young man pointed into a sword and slashed it with a sword.


The prison of sword light was directly cut in half by the sword light.


Su Prison spurted a mouthful of blood from his mouth, and retreated with a face full of unwillingness.

What he lost was not his own sword path, what he lost was cultivation!

What the other party burst out was the strength of the gods, and he was not an opponent at all.

Su Xuanxing never thought that his sword path was weaker than others, except when he faced Gu Xuan.

Now that he is being ridiculed for his own way by cultivating like this, his heart is full of grievances.

"Let's get it done..."

With a sword in his hand, he seriously injured Su Prison, and the handsome young man couldn't wait to harvest Su Prison's luck.

But at this moment, a round of knife light fell.

This sword light is similar to the sword light of Su Prison before.

It's just that the sword light of Su Prison is the prison of the world, but what is reflected on this round of sword light is the Nine Hells Prison.

Moreover, the condensation and perfection of the sword intent are far above Su Prison.

The knife wheel carries the prison and cuts it down with a knife.

The handsome young man's face changed slightly, and the body of the law behind him shone brightly, slashing out a sword light as blazing as the sun, which could cancel out the sword light.


The handsome young man snorted coldly, and a little surprise appeared on his face.

The power of this knife is almost equal to four or five percent of his strength, is there still such a figure among the younger generation in the Southern Regions?

Immediately after, a tall man appeared in the field.

This man was extremely young and prestigious, and when he stood in the void, the heavens and the earth around him seemed to worship him.

Seeing this person, the pupils of the handsome young man shrank slightly, and his face showed a look of understanding, but it quickly turned into a trace of heat, and he slowly spoke.

"It turned out to be you.."

Gu Xuan's eyes flickered.

He found that the handsome young man looked at him the same way that the seventh son looked at him before.

This look made him feel very uncomfortable, and the murderous intent surged in his heart.

"Gu Xuan.."

When Su Xuanxing saw Gu Xuan, his expression was touched, he was rebellious by nature, so it was naturally impossible for him to express gratitude or something.

"I advise you to get out of the way. "

The handsome young man looked at Gu Xuan with a playful expression, and said with a blazing gaze: "Although you are not my prey, I am afraid that I will not be able to help it."

Gu Xuan looked at the handsome young man in front of him, his right hand lightly rested on the Minghong knife, and said calmly: "Really?"

As he spoke, Gu Xuan took out the knife.

Draw the knife, slash!

In an instant, the dim secret realm suddenly flashed with extreme light.

The handsome young man suddenly felt a burst of horror in his heart, his eyebrows tingled, and he felt like he was being pressed against his forehead by a blade.

"How daring!"

The handsome young man shouted, and the body of the law behind him bloomed with an incomparable light.

The exquisite long sword condensed into substance, and conjured up an incomparably terrifying sword gang and slashed down.

But he didn't wait for his sword to fall.

The handsome young man suddenly felt a sharp pain in his mind.

It seemed that a long knife suddenly appeared in his mind, and he split his brain in half with a single sword.

And then..

Stir it again!


The handsome young man roared heartbreakingly, holding his head and rolling in the void.

Without his maintenance, the terrifying sword gang suddenly collapsed.

It was easily cut open by the sword light, and at the same time, his body was also cut open.


The handsome young man's twisted and struggling body was directly stabbed in two by Gu Xuan.

A spirit escaped from the body, and there was a faint feeling of collapse.

Gu Xuan's face was expressionless, and he slashed out again.

This knife did not manifest any sword light, but there was an invisible ripple trail in the void.

"Nerve Eater", a knife of divine thought!

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