The invisible ripples swept past the divine soul, directly twisting it into pieces, and then being absorbed by Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan closed his eyes, his eyes rolling slightly.

When he opened it again, there was only utter coldness in his eyes.

"Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance..... Tianjiao hunting.... Ten sons of the Immortal League..... Luck Offerings...."

"Good, good. "

The killing intent in Gu Xuan's body was revealed little by little, and the temperature around him also dropped sharply, as if he had suddenly come to the cold winter moon.

Su Prison Xing felt this breath and couldn't help but shudder slightly.

His gaze fell on the corpse of the handsome young man not far away, and his expression was shocked.

On the one hand, it is shocking the true identity of the handsome young man, why he left behind a stone fetus after death.

On the other hand, they were more shocked by Gu Xuan's strength.

The handsome young man whose strength was conservatively estimated to be at least above the eightfold divine appearance was easily wiped out by Gu Xuan's two swords.

I haven't seen him for half a year, how strong is Gu Xuan's strength?

Can he still be his opponent now?

Su Jixing didn't know.

"Don't get caught anymore..."

Gu Xuan threw a sentence at Su Xuanxing, and then hurried in a certain direction.

At the same time, on the square of the Zhongzhou Extreme Dao Immortal League.


In the void, an old fellow straightened up sharply and took two steps forward, as if he couldn't believe what he saw on the light curtain.

"Look at the sixth son!"

Someone exclaimed.

Everyone turned their heads to look, and the sixth son, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, suddenly tilted his head and fell straight to the ground.

In him, there is no longer any life, and the physical body is rapidly losing temperature.

"The sixth son... Dead!"

Someone blurted out in a horrified tone.

"The person in the Southern Regions, strangled the soul, completely killed!"

As soon as the words were spoken, the whole square was in an uproar.

Countless disciples and elders of the Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance were in an uproar.

The seventh son of the Immortal League, who was sitting not far from the sixth son, was even more like seeing a ghost, and his face was full of horror and shock.

In the void, an old monster fell, and after carefully examining the body of the sixth son, his face quickly became gloomy and became extremely ugly.

"Tell the prince of the Immortal League, go and deal with his prey immediately, don't rub it any more!"

"Yes. "

Someone hurriedly contacted him.

The rest of the people looked at each other.

Since the Genius Hunting Plan of the Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance appeared and was implemented, there has never been a situation where the genius of the Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance was counter-killed by the genius of the small domain.

With tremendous power suppression, this is almost impossible to happen.

Even, in order to avoid this one-in-10,000 possibility, the elders of the Immortal League also specially prepared treasures such as the Xuanling Stone Fetus to be the last protection for the geniuses of the Immortal League.

Even if something happens to you in the secret realm, you can abandon the body of the stone fetus, and the spirit quickly returns.

But now, the sixth son of the Immortal League didn't even escape back, and he died completely.

How did he do it?

How can he do that?

It's like a fish on a chopping board that suddenly jumps up and slaps you in the mouth.

My face was swollen.


The seventh son of the Immortal League suddenly felt a strong sense of fear in his heart.

He also wanted to seize the prey of the prince of the Immortal League, and wanted to take the lead.

Maybe he almost died in the secret realm like the sixth son.

At this moment, countless people and countless eyes in the square were staring at the figure in the light curtain.

The elders of the Immortal Alliance all had gloomy faces, and they didn't want to see any more accidents happen.


"Nerve Eater" can be called the first method of the soul.

The power of the Divine Thought Knife could make Gu Xuan's killing of a god in the Xuandan Realm at the beginning was like slaughtering a dog, let alone now.

It's just that this kind of method of hurting people's souls is too domineering and vicious, and Gu Xuan has always been reluctant to use it in ordinary battles.

Now facing the situation of the ten sons of the Immortal League, it is exactly the most appropriate.

Gu Xuan crossed the void at an astonishingly fast speed.

Soon, two fighting figures appeared in front of him.

One person is handsome and dressed in a blue robe, and it is Zhou Canglan of the Yuanhe Sect, who is the fourth on the True Dragon List.

Zhou Canglan's strength is not weak, compared with half a year ago, he is already a god at this time.

Zhou Canglan's palm was like the waves of the Hanhai Sea, shaking the void, and the momentum was extremely amazing.

The person who can fight with him, between turning his hands, will press his palm momentum at least invisibly, and he will not be able to make any waves.

It's like a cat playing with a mouse.


Zhou Canglan was slapped back by the fourth son of the Immortal League, coughing up a few mouthfuls of blood, and many faint cracks appeared in the law behind him.

"Damn, where did such a strong opponent come from, and the inheritance talent is all strong, not at all like the people of the Southern Regions..."

Zhou Canglan's face was ugly, and there was a bit of helplessness in his eyes.

"Is it difficult to use that thing?"

A sect member of an upper third-grade sect like him, walking outside, must have a few life-saving things on his body, which are enough to block the blow of a powerhouse in the King Realm.

However, each of these treasures is very precious, and Zhou Canglan is a little reluctant to use one less treasure.

"Alright, it's game over..."

The fourth son of the Immortal Alliance smiled slightly, stretched out his right hand, and closed it in a bluff.

A powerful force shrouded Zhou Canglan's body.

Zhou Canglan's face changed greatly, and he was about to take out a life-saving magic weapon to resist.

At this moment, a stunning sword light pierced the void, slashing at that force, directly smashing this power.


Zhou Canglan and the fourth son of the Immortal League turned their heads in unison and saw a handsome young man stepping on the void with a knife in one hand and descending quickly.

"Gu Xuan?"

Zhou Canglan was stunned.

The fourth son of the Immortal Alliance stared at him, and he also recognized Gu Xuan's identity, and frowned: "Get out, I don't want to kill you!"

"I want to kill you!"

The cold sound, like a cold wind blowing from a Wannian glacier, came from afar.

Gu Xuan walked up to the fourth son of the Immortal League in one step and blocked in front of Zhou Canglan.

"I don't know if I'm alive or dead!"

The fourth son of the Immortal Alliance looked irritable, and slapped a hard palm at Gu Xuan, and the power of his law phase was mobilized, and the nine majestic powers of the divine phase almost collapsed this void.

The prey of the prince of the Immortal League is not something that he can touch.

This feeling of being able to see and not being able to eat made the fourth son of the Immortal League very unhappy, and he just wanted to drive Gu Xuan away.

He could see at a glance that Gu Xuan's cultivation was threefold.

With this palm, he had absolute confidence to force Gu Xuan away, and even directly injured him.

But before the fourth son of the Immortal League fell, he was resisted by a sudden rise and great momentum, and he could not advance an inch.

I saw that behind Gu Xuan, a sword pattern divine tree that penetrated the sky quietly appeared.

Surrounded by dragons and phoenixes, the upper reaches of the sky, the lower part of the nine secluded, and the evolution of the scene of the human dynasty in the middle... The momentum is monstrous!

Gu Xuan's appearance, the picture scroll of God!

The fourth son of the Immortal League saw more than a hundred dao marks manifested around the divine picture scroll, and his eyes were so shocked that he almost didn't pop out of his sockets.


His body trembled violently, and the whole person was stunned on the spot.

Gu Xuan was condescending, looked at him coldly, and slashed out lightly.

A sword light that spanned the eons slashed out from the Ming Hong knife.


From this moment on, the identities of the hunter and the prey begin to be reversed.

The so-called ten sons of the Immortal League, dare to hunt with Tianjiao in the Southern Regions, and they will all die!


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