In the secret room, the rich spiritual energy condensed into mist, forming a huge vortex in the center of the secret room.

Suddenly, the spiritual mist surged up, and it was absorbed by the huge whirlpool in the middle like a long whale sucking water, and there was nothing left.

The spiritual mist dissipated, revealing Gu Xuanwei'an's body like a divine mountain.

Gu Xuan opened his eyes, and two divine lights suddenly burst out from his eyes, directly shattering the void.

Eightfold Divine Appearance!

In seven days, his cultivation was improved by five realms, directly from the early stage of the divine phase to the late stage of the divine phase.

The speed of promotion is even more outrageous than riding a rocket.

Moving his gaze downward, Gu Xuan saw that Qin Qingmiao's whole person was still in a coma.

"Congratulations to the host for his success in cutting off the beard and receiving the reward: Martial Arts Aoyidan*1"

There was a prompt sound of the system in his mind, but what rose in Gu Xuan's heart was a strong sense of helplessness and absurdity.

This golden opportunity to dare to love Xiao Chen turned out to be like this.

Who would have thought.

Gu Xuan gathered his mind and carefully checked his current state.

I saw that in his body, a strange black and white power was forming a form similar to a yin-yang fish and was silently circling.

Some of these two forces contain the power of the yang side of all the world, the pure qi.

The other part is the collection of all the negative forces in the world, the turbidity and heavy qi.

When Gu Xuan tried to invoke this power, all the power in his body seemed to be mobilized, and a wonderful balance was reached.

Forming a huge millstone-like existence.

Yin and Yang Martial Intent!

Gu Xuan's eyes burst out with a strong essence.

In general, with the meaning of life and death, the meaning of cause and effect, and the martial intent of space, the martial intent of yin and yang is also one of the superb martial intent.

The rank even surpasses the martial intent of life and death, and it is on par with the meaning of cause and effect, the spatial sword intent, etc., and it is on par with each other, which can be regarded as one of the strongest martial intent that Gu Xuan has comprehended at this stage.

And Gu Xuan not only comprehended the yin and yang martial intent in a daze, but this yin and yang martial intent also directly reached the realm of the Great Perfection.

Unfolding his divine picture scroll, the Dao marks around the Faxiang really increased by a full thirty, reaching an astonishing one hundred and thirty-five.

In addition, the Xuantu at the dantian, as well as the Shenmu saplings in the Xuantitus, have also grown a lot.

In particular, the saplings of the sacred tree have grown from saplings to the point of small trees.

At a deeper level, the Xuan Body has also been promoted to a high level, and his own Xuan Body seems to have some inexplicable changes, and has begun to transform in a higher direction than before.

The lift is too great.

Gu Xuan couldn't help but sigh.

Gu Xuan, who was a thief, stood up cautiously.

I wanted to leave directly, but after thinking about it, I took out a robe and put it on Qin Qingmiao's body before leaving.

Fortunately, the energy of the ethereal crystal was not exhausted, Gu Xuan tore a crack in the void, and then ran into the void crack as if he was holding the ethereal crystal.

Before Qin Qingmiao woke up, it was better to go first.

The rivers and lakes are far away, don't pass it over!



Qin Qingmiao woke up from a coma, and did not get up immediately, but was still reminiscing about everything she had experienced in her dream.

Until now, the appearance of the man in the dream is still clearly imprinted in my mind.

"If it's not a dream, it's actually pretty good..."

Qin Qingmiao had an inexplicable thought in her heart.

But the thought was quickly suppressed by her.

How is that possible...

Qin Qingmiao shook her head.

As the contemporary sect daughter of the Heavenly Demon Sect, she has been instilled with the idea and goal of capturing the most outstanding man in the world since she was a child.

There is only one male master of the era who can match the daughters of their Heavenly Demon Sect, and no matter how bad it is, it has to be the best in the king realm.

A great world is coming, and the list of gods and deaths that have not been produced for thousands of years have all appeared.

Qin Qingmiao's destined man will only exist on the king list.

When those amazing geniuses embark on the road to fight for the king, their grandeur will be revealed.

Then she will officially start choosing her true Taoist companion.

This is what the master told her.

Her body is very important.

Qin Qingmiao threw away the unrealistic thoughts in her mind one by one, and then slowly got up.

Suddenly, she froze.

Qin Qingmiao saw that she was wearing a robe on her body, which was obviously in the style of a man.

Qin Qing reacted suddenly.

After a while, Qin Qingmiao's pretty face was flushed, and the whole person froze in place, as if dozens of sledgehammers had been smashed in his mind.

So, what I've been through before....

It's not a dream!

That man is real!

Qin Qingmiao was completely stunned.

Thinking of everything that happened in the dream ....

Qin Qingmiao was simply ashamed and indignant!

At this moment, there was a fluctuation of the forbidden circle outside the secret room, and someone was about to come in.

Qin Qingmiao was flustered for a while, and hurriedly put away the man's robe in his hand quickly, and changed into a dress.....

Just after doing all this, the Heavenly Demon Sect Sect Master appeared in front of Qin Qingmiao with a smile.

"Good apprentice!"

The Heavenly Demon Sect Sect Master's Divine Mind swept over Qin Qingmiao's body, feeling the aura on her body, and her eyes suddenly lit up.

"The gods are tenfold! It's only one step away from the realm of life and death.

I also comprehended the meaning of yin and yang...

Hahaha, good!"

The Heavenly Demon Sect Sect Master smiled extremely happily and said with relief: "Qing Miao, you really didn't disappoint the master.

With your current level, Tianjiao on the god list is no longer worthy of you.

In a few months' time, the Prince of God's Breath will hold a deer-cutting feast, and I will take you there, and you will be amazed by everyone. "

"Yes, Master. "

Qin Qingmiao's mind was in a mess, still thinking about the man in her dream, and she didn't know whether she should tell the Heavenly Demon Sect Master about it.

The Sect Master of the Heavenly Demon Sect noticed her abnormality, and thought that she had just broken free from the Six Desires Pass, and the afterglow had not disappeared, so he couldn't help but speak: "You have passed the Six Desires Pass now, and the next thing is to spend the last of the Seven Emotions Tribulation."

Practice well, and the master will go back and find a suitable candidate for you, so that you can easily survive the love tribulation.

When you have passed all the seven love tribulations, you will not be tempted by any man in the world, and all men in the world will be tempted by you. "

Qin Qingmiao bit her lip and nodded.

But in my heart, I can't help but always have a majestic and handsome figure.

Qin Qingmiao secretly lamented in her heart: Master, Master, it seems that the love calamity of the apprentice has come...

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