"This is it..."

Gu Xuan landed in a small valley, his thoughts scattered, and he found that the birds around him were uninhabited, so he simply opened a stone cave in the valley with one punch and began to retreat.

The Ethereal Crystal only had the last bit of energy left, and it was basically impossible to support Gu Xuan's next void crossing.

Gu Xuan rummaged through Xiao Chen's storage spirit ring, but did not find the second ethereal crystal.

It's ridiculously rich in other resources.

There are tens of thousands of top-grade yuan stones alone, 10,000-year-old elixirs, and thousand-year-old elixirs in bundles.

There are also several heaven-level exercises, and there are hundreds of earth-level exercises.

"This kid is a moving treasure trove."

Gu Xuan sighed, thought about it, and simply took out a comprehension pill to serve, and used the little energy remaining in the ethereal crystal to begin to comprehend the spatial sword intent with all his might.

Gu Xuan was already close to a demon, and with the blessing of the comprehension pill, the comprehension speed was even faster.

Three days later, Gu Xuanpan sat in the cave, in the dark environment, his eyes flashed with silver light, looking very mysterious.

Space knife intent, complete!

Gu Xuan also had a Martial Arts Arcane Pill in his hand, which could transform a Perfection-level sword intent into a mystery.

What he was struggling with now was which one should be chosen, the perfect spatial sword intent and the yin and yang intent.

The level of Yin and Yang Meaning is slightly higher than that of Space Mystery, but this martial intention is directly consummated, and I am not familiar with the use of Yin and Yang Meaning.

After thinking about it, Gu Xuan still chose to enhance the spatial sword intent.

After taking the Martial Arts Aoyi Dan, Gu Xuan's consummation-level spatial sword intent immediately transformed.

A silver-white chain seemed to appear in the void in front of him, and a projection fell in the chain, and countless spatial mysteries poured into Gu Xuan's mind.

Gu Xuan remembered the spatial turbulence he had seen in the Crossing Void, and a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind.

He slashed forward like a blessed soul.

Suddenly, a sword light like silver-white light appeared in front of him.

The sword light pushed sideways, and the void directly and silently cracked open a great avenue.

It's like a blank piece of paper being cut open.

The silver sword light ignored the distance and appeared directly hundreds of zhang away.

Then it pushes all the way through, and everywhere it passes, everything is neatly cut through it.


Gu Xuan gasped, his eyes lit up.

This sword containing the meaning of space is really terrifying, comparable to the real space turbulence.

Time is not out, space is king.

There is some truth to this statement.

Although the spatial mystery is only comprehended by one percent, it is even more terrifying than the extremely dark mystery that Gu Xuan has already comprehended two percent, and it can be regarded as the biggest trump card in his hand now.

After doing this, there is no need to retreat again.

Gu Xuan walked out of the valley.

"The aura concentration of this heaven and earth is much higher than that of the Southern Regions, if I guessed correctly, I should be in Zhongzhou right now. "

Gu Xuan thought secretly.

Although the sudden arrival in Zhongzhou was a bit beyond his plan, it was not unacceptable.

His two women, Anu and Nangong Yun, are both in Zhongzhou.

He was going to come to Zhongzhou, it was just a matter of time.

"After the Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance incident, the geniuses of the Southern Regions True Dragon List felt the gap between them and the geniuses of Zhongzhou, and they would come to Zhongzhou en masse. "

"Because the world here is bigger, there are more opponents, and people can grow faster!"

Gu Xuan looked around and considered: "Now find a place to understand the situation in Zhongzhou, figure out where you are in Zhongzhou now, and then inquire about the location of the Yaotai Holy Land where Anu is located." "

Thinking about it, Gu Xuan casually determined a direction and flew over.


In a bustling city, the largest restaurant in the city.

The restaurant is quite lively, and some warriors and merchants sit in the lobby of the restaurant and drink while talking about Sachs.

Gu Xuan, who was wearing a moonlight robe and restrained in momentum, like a good son of a turbid world, sat at a table in the corner, listening to the discussions of others.

Gu Xuan has been in Zhongzhou for half a month, and he has a clear understanding of the general situation in Zhongzhou.

Zhongzhou is as big as dozens of southern regions.

Among them, there are many sects, strong people are like clouds, and the population is so large that ordinary people can't imagine the vast landform.

There are dozens of top-level sects above the three grades alone.

And the Southern Regions are only three.

In Zhongzhou, only sects above the second rank are qualified to be called holy places.

For example, the Yaotai Holy Land where Anu is located is a second-grade holy land.

According to what Gu Xuan heard, only if there are more than three kings in the sect, it can be counted as a second grade.

And there are a full twelve second-grade holy places such as the Yaotai Holy Land.

On top of the second-grade holy land, there are five first-grade holy lands.

There are Emperor Realm powerhouses in every Yipin Holy Land, almost representing the top combat power of the entire Tianxuan Continent.

"The woman of the Holy Lord of Yaotai is right, I wanted to see Anu again, it was just a fantasy. In the eyes of a character like her, I was really no different from an ant on the ground.

Even now, when I am promoted to the rank of God, it is very difficult to cross the ranks and be recognized as a first- and second-grade holy land.

There's a long way to go."

Gu Xuan picked up the wine glass in front of him, took a sip, and shook his head helplessly.

In addition, there are several major god dynasties in Zhongzhou, and their strength is even greater than that of ordinary second-grade holy lands, which can be regarded as the top forces second only to the five first-grade holy lands.

And the Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance, which had almost slaughtered the geniuses of the entire Southern Regions, was just a collection of a handful of third- and fourth-grade sects.

In Zhongzhou, the power is not very strong.

As for Gu Xuan's current location, it is in the eastern part of Zhongzhou, and one is under the jurisdiction of the dynasty of the Golden Crow God Dynasty.

Whether it is the Yaotai Holy Land or the Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance, it is quite far away.

"If you want to go over, you have to use the teleportation array, otherwise even if you are a Divine Realm martial artist, it will take a few years to catch up from east to west."

Gu Xuan thought about it, and at this time, he suddenly heard the talk of others.

"Have you heard about the recruitment of a son-in-law by the city lord of Cangyu City?"

"Shangguan Yue, the daughter of the city lord of Cangyu City, wants to find Ruyi Langjun?

"Can this matter be fake? Cangyu City released the news in more than half a month, and many young talents from the third-grade and fourth-grade sects have gone one after another, and I heard that the six princes of the Golden Crow Divine Dynasty are also coming..."

"Good guy, it's really big enough. However, that Shangguan Yue has the extraordinary ability of an unknown prophet, and whoever gets her is equivalent to getting a great help from a martial arts, and it is normal to attract so many people to come..."

"Yes, if that old guy in Shangguan Yang hadn't relied on the help of his precious woman, how could he have lived so smoothly all these years. However, it is a bit strange that he is willing to marry Shangguan Yue, or in the form of a son-in-law. "

"You don't know this, I heard that Shangguan Yue proposed it himself, and it was forced to die.

Shangguan Yang was forced to have no choice but to listen to her. "

"Cangyu City also relies on a Shangguan Yue, and Shangguan Yang is a mediocre talent. "

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