The vision conjured on the stone slab of the Martial God and shocked the audience, and even Shangguan Yang, the city lord of Cangyu City, who had been watching coldly and watching the show before, was shocked.

Standing up from his position, he looked at the huge giant phantom in front of him, and his expression was shocked.

I saw that the giant phantom and Gu Xuan looked at each other, and gradually, disappeared into the void.

Soon, a genius on the stage shouted.

"What's the matter, I was just about to comprehend a technique, why can't I understand it in a blink of an eye?"

"Me too, this slate seems to have lost its soul, and there is no mystery."

The geniuses on the stage, who were in the second level, let out all kinds of shocked voices, until someone slowly spoke: "There was originally a inheritance of the will left on the Martial God Slate, but now that the will has disappeared, it will naturally lose its original magic and turn into an ordinary antiquity." "

The person who spoke was Zhuo Tianyi, and he looked at Gu Xuan with a somewhat complicated expression.

The face is also not very good-looking, and the six princes of the Golden Crow.

With the vision and insight of the two of them, they could naturally see that all of this was caused by Gu Xuan's comprehension of the true inheritance on the Martial God Slate, which led to all this.

From one point alone, Gu Xuan's talent and understanding are really much stronger than them.

It was like a race, and when all of them were still looking for the track, Gu Xuan had already reached the finish line.

The gap is so big that they can't accept it.

Even Shangguan Yue, the owner of the Martial God Slate, is not far behind this person in this regard.

The point is, this is what this person did in less than a stick of incense.


"Damn, now that the Martial God Slate Xuanyu is lost, how can this second level be counted?"

"Just now, the man seemed to have lit up all the jade on the array plate in one breath, could it be him... Have you comprehended thousands of exercises in a single stick of incense?"

"It's outrageous, one stick of incense doesn't take time to comprehend thousands of exercises, is it something that people can do?

It's not good to be close to a demon.

I suspect that he did it by indiscriminately filling up the original exercises, and deliberately destroyed the array in order to avoid being exposed. "

"It makes sense, but it's an exaggeration to remember thousands of exercises in your head..."

The crowd of onlookers below was talking.

Someone couldn't help but ask Shangguan Yue in a loud voice: "Miss Shangguan, how should this second level be calculated." "

Shangguan Yue shook his head.

"The second level is not important, the important thing is the third level..."


Hearing this, all the people on the field suddenly looked uplifted.

Level 3!

What is the third level?

I saw Shangguan Yue raise his head, scan the audience, and finally his eyes fell on one person, and he said word by word: "I, Shangguan Yue's husband, should be invincible in the world, pushing all enemies sideways."

In this third level, whoever is strong enough will be able to take me away. "

Shangguan Yue's words sounded in the audience, but it seemed that they were only said to Gu Xuan alone.

Gu Xuan looked at Shangguan Yue's eyes, and the two looked at each other.

He saw many emotions such as appreciation and expectation in Shangguan Yue's eyes.

The line of chance connecting the two has become extremely brilliant at this moment7.

Gu Xuan seemed to understand something.

His eyes flashed, he took one step at a time, smiled at Shangguan Yue and said, "As you wish." "

Immediately, with a knife in his right hand, a man swept towards the audience.

Ming Hong's knife slashed out a circle of brilliant and terrifying sword light.

Some of the people closest to Gu Xuan were directly swept out by the sword light.

The faces of the onlookers in the audience changed drastically and they retreated one after another.

"Good, good!"

The Six Princes of the Golden Crow let out a long laugh from their mouths, and their bodies jumped into the air.

"Recruiting relatives by martial arts, of course, winning or losing by martial arts, it should have been like this a long time ago!"

Zhuo Tianyi's body also burst out with a rushing sword aura, and the battle intent in his eyes was fierce, and he said, "It's exactly what I want." "

The rest of the divine geniuses who were slightly inferior to the two also jumped into the air one after another, making a fighting posture.

The sky above Cangyu City was instantly shrouded in dozens of powerful auras, stirring up the wind and clouds.

Only Ye Tian's expression was ugly, and he didn't know what to do.

His strength is far inferior to others, if he joins this melee, he will be beaten down if he can't keep a face.

"It's better to wait and see what happens, and fish in troubled waters..."

Ye Tian secretly thought in his heart, waiting for an opportunity to get closer to Shangguan Yue's position.

Shangguan Yang, who was on the stage, frowned when he saw this scene, but he didn't say anything.

At this time, the six princes of the Golden Crow, Zhuo Tianyi and Gu Xuan stood on three legs, and the rest of the strong people were divided around.

A scuffle is on the verge of breaking out.

The body of the six princes of the Golden Crow was like a big sun, and his golden eyes scanned the audience, and finally fell on Zhuo Tianyi.

"Deal with the rest of the people first, how about you and I fight it out?"

In the eyes of the six princes of Jinwu, Zhuo Tianyi is worthy of being his opponent.

Although Gu Xuan is strong, he only has the cultivation of the eightfold god phase, and he is not taken into account by him.

Zhuo Tianyi also had the same idea as the Sixth Prince of the Golden Crow, he nodded, looked at Gu Xuandao, and said, "Then who does this person belong to?"

The Six Princes of the Golden Crow said lightly: "This person alone can beat everyone else, if you choose him, the rest will..."

Before the Six Princes of the Golden Crow could finish speaking, they heard a chuckle ringing in their ears.

"Don't divide it, I'll push the whole field, and all of you will lose... Or die!"

After speaking, he saw a picture of God behind Gu Xuan slowly unfolding.

The sword pattern divine wood, the dragon and the phoenix are entangled, the upper part is connected to the sky, the lower part is connected to the nine shadows, and the middle human dynasty evolves.

More than 150 trail marks spread out like cobwebs.

The terrifying power crushed the momentum of the six princes of the Golden Crow, Zhuo Tianyi and the rest of the powerhouses in the field in an instant, overwhelming the audience.

When the Sixth Prince of the Golden Crow and Zhuo Tianyi saw the body of the Law Appearance behind Gu Xuan, their pupils contracted suddenly, and their expressions blurted out as if they had seen a ghost.

"More than a hundred and fifty Dao marks, what kind of law is this?!"

The onlookers also widened their eyes one by one, wondering if they had seen it wrong.

Even Shangguan Yang, the city lord of Cangyu City, took a step forward suddenly, with a look of great shock on his face.

He subconsciously looked at Shangguan Yue next to him.

At this moment, Shangguan Yue was looking at Gu Xuan intently, the corners of his mouth were smiling, and there was only one figure in his eyes.

"I'm waiting for someone who is destined to be!"

Shangguan Yang remembered what Shangguan Yue had said, and couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

"Could this person be the one she really has to wait for?"

At this time, Gu Xuan had already taken out the knife.

This knife is aimed at Zhuo Tianyi.

"The second form of the Infernal Sword Technique, the body is infernal!"

After the spatial sword intent was consummated, the power of the second form of the Infernal Sword Technique was raised to an unprecedented height.

In one fell swoop, he surpassed Ku Wujian and Guo Wujian, and became one of the strongest killer moves in Gu Xuan's hands!

With this slash, countless Gu Xuan seemed to appear in the void, and each Gu Xuan was slashing out in a different posture.

The sword light reflected the scene of Infernal Purgatory, ignoring the spatial distance, and in an instant, he arrived in front of Zhuo Tianyi.

Zhuo Tianyi was shocked, and a sword intent burst out of his body.....

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