Behind Zhuo Tianyi, the magic of a long sword that reached the sky gradually emerged, and more than thirty dao marks appeared.

The terrifying sword intent climbed wildly.

In an instant, Zhuo Tianyi seemed to have turned into a real peerless sword, and his edge was revealed.


Even more terrifying sword light and knife intent slashed at him.

Countless ways.

There is no way to dodge, there is no way to resist.

Zhuo Tianyi's sword intent only lasted for a few breaths before it shattered.


Zhuo Tianyi's body was full of countless blood flowers, knife marks all over his body, and he fell directly from mid-air.

One move, Zhuo Tianyi is defeated!


Everyone below looked stupid and gasped.

"Zhuo Tianyi is the thirty-ninth top genius on the Divine Appearance List!

"This person is just a god-like eightfold, and he can easily crush Zhuo Tianyi when he fights beyond the ranks!"

"It's terrifying? Who is this person?

"This kind of Dharma body is simply outrageous!"

The audience exclaimed.

Ye Tian's eyelids jumped wildly when he saw it, and his mouth opened wide.

"Gu. Brother Gu, is it so strong now? The Divine Appearance Rank Tianjiao was defeated casually! Is this really my life-and-death brother in the Southern Regions?"

Ye Tiandu couldn't help but be suspicious.

When the six princes of the Golden Crow saw Zhuo Tianyi defeated by Gu Xuan's move, their faces couldn't help but show emotion.

At this time, Gu Xuan's gaze had already shifted to him.

The moment Gu Xuan's gaze was locked, the six princes of the Golden Crow felt as if they were being targeted by a desolate beast, and it seemed that a sharp knife suddenly appeared, holding against the back of his heart.

That kind of terrifying feeling made the cold hairs on his body suddenly explode, and goosebumps rose one by one.

"Golden Crow Yaoshi!"

The six princes of the Golden Crow gritted their teeth and released their own legal appearances.

Behind him, a one-legged divine bird slowly emerged, emitting an extremely strong golden light around its body, as if the sun was rising.

Suddenly, there seemed to be an extra round of sun in the sky above Cangyu City.

A terrible heat wave swept through the stadium, causing onlookers to keep backing.

"It is worthy of the six princes of the Golden Crow, this majesty is too terrifying. "

Someone sighed with emotion.

"I don't know that the six princes of the Golden Crow are facing this person...."

Before this person finished speaking, he saw Gu Xuan's long knife raised, and an incomparable terrifying sword light descended.

The sword light exuded an aura that spanned eternity.

"Heavenly Sword, slash!"

The six princes of the Golden Crow had round eyes and made a posture of holding their hands to the sky, as if they wanted to carry the knife hard.

The one-legged golden crow spread its wings and was about to fly, and infinite golden flames rose in the void.

But the sword light fell, directly cutting the golden crow from it.

The golden crow screamed and fell!


The Six Princes of the Golden Crow spurted a mouthful of blood wildly, and was slashed upside down by the sword light and flew out.

Seeing this scene, the god-like powerhouses next to him and the onlookers below only felt their scalps tingle.

Another knife, the six princes of the Golden Crow were defeated!

What is the origin of this unidentified young powerhouse, and his strength is so strong.

How many places should he rank on the god list?

Zhuo Tianyi and the six strongest princes of the Golden Crow were defeated one after another, and Gu Xuan's gaze fell on the rest of the people in the field.

Where did these people dare to compete with Gu Xuan at this time, and they all looked frightened and quickly retreated.

But Gu Xuan didn't let them go.

Knife again.

"The third form of the Heavenly Knife, cut off the heads of the immortals!"

The sword light that spanned the eons continued to fall.

The sword light differentiated into countless sword light phantoms, enveloping the audience.

None of the fleeing god-like powerhouses could dodge, and all of them were slashed by the sword light and phantom, falling from the sky like dumplings.

This is still because of Gu Xuandao's mercy.

There was no dead hand.

Otherwise, it would not be the seriously injured bodies of these people who fell from the sky, but the stumps and severed arms.

At this moment, in the huge field, only Gu Xuan stood alone in the void.

With a knife in one hand, the black hair behind him is raised, and the demeanor in an instant is peerless.

In the audience, everyone's faces were full of great shock and horror, and their expressions were extremely moving.

The words that Shangguan Yue had said before suddenly popped up in their minds.

Invincible in the world, push all enemies!

At this time, this person has a bit of that invincible demeanor.

Three swords, defeat all enemies!

After Gu Xuan finished all this, he looked at Shangguan Yue.

Shangguan Yue smiled, and the two looked at each other, and there was an indescribable meaning circulating in it.

Gu Xuan walked over and stretched out his left hand to Shangguan Yue: "Follow me." "

Shangguan Yue shook his head.

Gu Xuan was stunned for a moment, but heard Shangguan Yue speak: "This is just the beginning..."

As he spoke, Shangguan Yue stepped forward, stretched out his hand to gently smooth Gu Xuan's clothes, and whispered, "Be careful, I'll wait for you next to you." "

The two had only met for the first time, and it was even the first time they had spoken.

But Gu Xuan always has a feeling that the two have known each other for many years.

Everything seemed so natural.

Perhaps, this is the so-called fate.

Gu Xuan was thinking about it, when an angry voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

"Bold fanatics, dare to hurt the six princes of my god dynasty!"

In the void, a middle-aged warrior stepped out.

This person glared at Gu Xuan angrily, exuding a terrifying aura far beyond the divine appearance, and a trace of transcendent meaning.

The powerhouse of the realm of life and death!

In the Ten Heavens of the Life and Death Realm, every time the martial artist's divine soul body is raised, it will transform once.

If you can successfully enter the royal realm, it will be a complete transcendent sanctification.

Therefore, the powerhouses of the realm of life and death will have a trace of transcendent aura on their bodies.

Gu Xuan's eyes flickered.

Now I can understand what Shangguan Yue meant by what he said just beginning.

It's really just getting started.

The middle-aged martial artist walked down from the void step by step, and a terrifying aura enveloped the entire Cangyu City, and the old monsters of the entire Cangyu City were alarmed.

The warriors watching below changed color one after another.

"Give me... Kill him!"

The Six Princes of the Golden Crow wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth and got up from the ground.

Gu Xuan's eyes were full of anger and resentment.

As the sixth prince of the Golden Crow God Dynasty, his status is supreme and noble, when did he suffer such an injury.

is still in the public, in the Golden Crow God Dynasty, in the competition to recruit relatives.


The six princes of the Golden Crow only want Gu Xuan to die now.

"Boy, dare to hurt His Royal Highness the Sixth Prince, no matter what your identity is, come back to heaven with me for a while!"

The middle-aged martial artist in the realm of life and death said coldly, and then punched Gu Xuan hard.

In an instant, the void where Gu Xuan was located was distorted.

Crushed by a terrible force, it collapsed in a frenzy to the middle.

This is the power of the powerhouse of the realm of life and death.

Compared with the Divine Realm, the power that the Life and Death Realm can control and the perception of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth are not on the same level.

It's like a giant treats a baby, and the former can suppress the latter with a flip of his hand.

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