Shangguan Yang couldn't explain, so he could only prevaricate: "The throne believes in me once, and in a few hours, if I can't come up with a satisfactory answer to the throne, I am willing to let the throne dispose of it." "

The powerhouse of the Wang Realm stared at Shangguan Yang, and the terrifying divine thoughts swept around Shangguan Yang's body, and finally reluctantly agreed.

"Look at what kind of medicine you sell in your gourd, hum!"

Shangguan Yang breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly led the powerhouse of Wang Realm into the City Lord's Mansion, and prepared good wine, good food, and good tea first.

He's passed the level.

Although he didn't know how to get by, as long as he waited for the ban time on the jade slip to pass, Shangguan Yang naturally understood what he should do.

This self-confidence may seem a little inexplicable to others, but for Shangguan Yang, it is a matter of course.

Because, this is what Shangguan Yue said.

Shangguan Yue never missed it.

And never let him down.

As the minutes and seconds passed, the powerhouses of the Golden Crow God Dynasty were already a little impatient to wait.

The aura on his body fell silent, like the calm before a storm, and a great terror brewed under the calm.

Shangguan Yang was so anxious that his forehead was sweating, and he had to take a look at the jade slip almost every few breaths to see if it had been unsealed.

"How long are you going to keep me waiting?"

The voice of the powerhouse of the Wang Realm was extremely low, containing a trace of suppressed anger.

"Horse .. Right away. "

Shangguan Yang wiped a handful of cold sweat from his forehead and looked at Yu Jian again.

Finally, the ban on the magic circle on the jade slip disappeared.

All right!

Shangguan Yang was overjoyed, and hurriedly spoke: "Wait a minute, Throne, I will be able to give you a satisfactory answer soon." "

As he spoke, Shangguan Yang couldn't wait to check the contents of the jade slip.

He had waited too long for this moment, because there was not only the method that Shangguan Yue was going to teach him to break the game, but also the opportunity for him to be promoted to the king realm.

Shangguan Yang's divine thoughts probed into the jade slip.

When he saw the content contained in the jade slip, the expression of surprise and expectation suddenly froze on his face.

Shangguan Yang was stunned, as if he had been hit by a fixation spell, he was stupid.

I saw that the jade slip read-

"If you are killed, you can avoid being pursued by the Golden Crow God Dynasty.

Commit suicide on the spot, and you are expected to enter the kingdom in the next life. "


After a brief period of shock and consternation, Shangguan Yang's face showed great anger and humiliation.

It was a kind of anger after being teased, a monstrous hatred.

"Slut, dare to trick me!"

Shangguan Yang crushed the jade slip in his hand, and at this moment, he only had a monstrous resentment towards Shangguan Yue and a deep chagrin for letting Guan Yue wait in Cangyu City.

didn't wait long for Shangguan Yang to be angry, and an even more angry voice sounded in Shangguan Yang's ears.

"Shangguan Yang, what is the answer you are ready?"

Shangguan Yang's body shook suddenly, stiffened, and replied hesitantly: "Throne, you listen to the villain... Explain..."

"How dare you play tricks?!Damn!"

"Throne spare!"


With a terrifying roar, the entire Cangyu City seemed to shake violently.

When countless Cangyu City warriors ran out to check the situation in disbelief, they were horrified to find that a huge pit had appeared in the center of Cangyu City, and the original City Lord's Mansion had disappeared.

"Shangguan Yang, the city lord of Cangyu City, shielded the criminals of the Divine Dynasty and played with the envoys, which is a great crime... It's full of plants!"

The cold voice spread throughout Cangyu City, and the King Realm powerhouse who had done all this turned around and disappeared.


At the same time, in a valley thousands of miles away from Cangyu City.

Shangguan Yue seemed to sense something, and looked up in a certain direction.

He quickly withdrew his gaze and calmly continued to do what he was doing.

"Alright. "

Shangguan Yue put away the array plate and said to Gu Xuan: "I have temporarily blocked the heavenly machine on your body, and it is impossible for the people of the Golden Crow Divine Dynasty to track down our location." "

Shielding the heavenly machine was obviously not an easy thing for Shangguan Yue, and a thin layer of sweat appeared on her forehead and Qiong's nose, which made Gu Xuan feel quite distressed.

"Thank you. "

Gu Xuan gently hugged Shangguan Yue's delicate body.

Shangguan Yue's eyebrows were gentle, and he smiled: "You and I are one, what do you say thank you for." "

Originally, for Shangguan Yue, Gu Xuan went more for the seven-colored chance she represented.

But now he doesn't attach so much importance to Shangguan Yue's chances, such a confidant with powerful means and wholeheartedly assisting him is difficult to find in the world.

"That's right. "

Gu Xuan suddenly remembered something, "Yue'er, where did you get the Martial God Slate you took out before, but is there anything else?"

The Martial God Slate recorded the key to unlocking the remaining secrets of the Nine Secrets of the Dao Palace, which was of great use to Gu Xuan's body refining cultivation, so he asked Shangguan Yue about it.

Shangguan Yue replied, "I bought that slate from an auction house, from a secret realm in the north... There are a total of nine similar stone slabs, which are estimated to be scattered all over Zhongzhou, if you want, I can take you to find them one by one. "

Gu Xuan blinked his eyes and said in surprise, "You know all the whereabouts of these stone slabs?"

Shangguan Yue nodded and replied, "I can see where they were found and when they were born." "


Gu Xuan took a deep breath.

Shangguan Yue's ability is really rebellious.

Foresee the future.

This already involves the mysteries of time and space.

With Shangguan Yue by his side, isn't it equivalent to being invincible forever?

As if guessing what Gu Xuan was thinking, Shangguan Yue shook his head and said, "It's not as you think, what I see is not the future, but... Fate!"


Gu Xuan's heart was shocked, and the whole person was stunned in place.

"Everything in the world has its own destiny, and my ability is to see the trajectory of their destiny...

Generally speaking, the fate line of dead objects is relatively simple and easier to detect.

The fate of ordinary people is the same, although there are many possibilities, but they will basically not fall out of a certain category.

For example, Shangguan Yang, the most brilliant fate line on his body is to reach the realm of life and death, and what I do is just to lead him to develop on this best destiny trajectory.

But there are some geniuses who are extremely talented and may become the protagonists of this era, and the fate line has endless possibilities, and even I can't spy on them one by one..."

Gu Xuan couldn't help but be curious, and asked, "What about me, what is my fate?"

Shangguan Yue's expression was complicated, and he said: "You are the only one who I can't see clearly at all, the line of fate is almost completely obscured by the fog, and only occasionally can I catch a glimpse of one or two fragmentary pictures...

The only thing I can see is the general direction of your fate.

It was a very distant place. "

Gu Xuan's brows furrowed, he thought for a long time, and finally said helplessly: "I still don't understand very well. "

Shangguan Yue smiled slightly and said, "It's okay, I can explain it to you in another way." "

After speaking, Shangguan Yue suddenly stepped forward and kissed Gu Xuan's lips gently.

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