At the moment when he was suddenly kissed by Shangguan Yue, the scene in front of Gu Xuan's eyes suddenly changed dramatically.

When he came back to his senses, he found that Shangguan Yue had lost the figure in front of him.

He stood on a long street, dressed in brocade, holding a folding fan, and a piece of precious jade hanging from his waist.

He looks like a swinger.

Gu Xuan looked stunned, looked at the people coming and going on the long street, and muttered, "This is... Cloud Tower City?!"

The place where he grew up, Gu Xuan is naturally very familiar.

But why did he suddenly appear here?

Moreover, Gu Xuan probed his body and found that his body was empty, and there was only a little bit of very shallow strength left, which was probably only two or three levels of strength in the Heaven Realm.

"Yo, isn't this Gu Gongzi?!"

Suddenly, a pungent smell of fat powder burst out from the side of the street.

An old bustard appeared beside Gu Xuan, grabbed his arm and dragged him in.

"Why are you standing at the door stupidly, they are all our regular customers, is it possible to be shy?"

Gu Xuan was dragged into Yicui Building by the old bustard, and immediately a girl with a medium appearance greeted him, hugged his arm, and exhaled at him.

"Gu Gongzi, you haven't come to me for a few days, I thought you didn't like me anymore."

The girl's eyes were resentful, and she whispered to Gu Xuan.

This is... Is he a good old man in Yicui Building?

Gu Xuan frowned.

He was dragged to a table to drink his wine, and in a short time he saw a commotion at the door.

I saw that almost all the girls in Yicui Building rushed towards the door, and then surrounded by two young men with somewhat similar faces who walked in from outside.

Gu Xuan looked at these two people quite familiarly, but he couldn't remember where they had seen them for a while.

The girl next to her whispered: "The two sons of the Sun family, Sun Jinyang and Sun Jinnian, are rich and generous, and everyone wants to be favored by them..."

As she spoke, the girl's eyes couldn't help but show a little envy and longing.

However, because Gu Xuan was beside him, he didn't dare to show too much.

Gu Xuan looked at the two people who were surrounded upstairs like stars and moons, and his mood was a little strange.

The two brothers of the Sun family died and were crippled in his hands, but now they have become characters that he can't compare.

After a while, a family member suddenly ran in hurriedly outside Yicui Building.

After the family came in, they looked around, and when they saw Gu Xuan, they immediately came up and pulled Gu Xuan up and left.

"Ouch, young master, why are you still here, the master is looking for you everywhere, and he is going to be furious!

So Gu Xuan stumbled back to Gu's mansion by the family.

As soon as he entered the hall, he saw Gu Zhenming standing in front of him with a blue face, and scolded loudly: "Kneel!"

Gu Xuan stood in place and did not react, so angry that Gu Zhenming picked up the wooden stick next to him and hit him.

While fighting, he scolded with hatred: "Why did I give birth to such a bad son of you." If you don't learn every day, you know that you spend all day drinking outside.

How old are you? Haven't you reached the time to be sensible?

Originally, if your eldest brother was here, it would have been forgotten, with your eldest brother supporting this family, it doesn't matter if the Gu family raises you one more waste.

But your eldest brother's uncompetitive thing actually ran away with a woman.

You two brothers, you really want to be angry with me, angry with me..."

The wooden stick fell on Gu Xuan's body one by one, but there was no pain.

Gu Xuan thought for a moment and said to himself in a low voice: "If I hadn't insisted on learning martial arts back then, my current fate would be like this?...

Gu Zhenming's eyes widened, and he scolded angrily: "Still talking nonsense.."

After that, he raised the wooden stick in his hand and was about to smash it down on Gu Xuan's head.

But before the wooden stick in his hand fell, his whole body suddenly froze.

Including everything around you.

The scene shattered like a mirror.

Gu Xuan raised his eyes to look for Shangguan Yue's traces, but he never thought that the scene was reorganized and the scene changed again.

"Gu Xuan, what are you doing standing there stupidly? Why don't you hurry up and keep up?"

Gu Xuan woke up from a dream and found that he was now in a dense mountain forest.

A group of several people stood not far in front of him, and one of them, a middle-aged man with a calm temperament, was frowning at him and beckoning him over.

Gu Xuan walked over and found that his strength had increased a lot this time, and he already had the realm of the seventh day after tomorrow.

"If you are grinding, I would not have taken you into the mountains if I knew that I would have done so. "

The middle-aged martial artist looked at Gu Xuan's performance and said with some disappointment: "Don't think that you are a disciple of the Spirit Sword Sect, how great it is, demon beasts cannibal people don't look at identity." If you don't have the strength, even if you are the son of the head of the Spirit Sword Sect, it is difficult to guarantee that you will not lose your life here. "


When the middle-aged martial artist reprimanded Gu Xuan, the rest of his teammates also expressed their dissatisfaction and contempt to Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan didn't defend anything, but was at the end of the line and followed silently.

Soon, this improvised team encountered a demon beast.

It took a lot of effort for the group to kill the demon beast, and then took off all the valuable things on its body and continued to move forward.

Gu Xuan didn't make a move during the whole process.

And so it went on for days.

That night, Gu Xuan sat by the bonfire, listening to the middle-aged martial artist and his teammates talking.

"Uncle Gong, this kid hasn't made any effort for a few days, and there is no difference between him and him. "

"Well, we have multiple oil bottles. Shouldn't we have to share him with this harvest? "

The middle-aged martial artist frowned and said, "The harvest is definitely not his share, but if he is driven away here, he may not be able to leave this mountain range." In this way, let him follow for the time being, and when he is out of the mountains, he will immediately part ways with him. "


Hearing the talk of several people, Gu Xuan didn't say anything, just slowly closed his eyes.

The next day, everyone was awakened by a terrible roar.


A fishy wind blew, and a huge demon beast suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

Everyone's faces changed drastically, and the middle-aged martial artist who led the team even exclaimed: "Innate Demon Beast!"

The demon beast flashed with a whistling, and an additional corpse immediately appeared on the ground.

The crowd was stunned and frightened, and they could only flee in all directions.

But the speed of the innate demon beasts was too fast, and it was not at all comparable to these acquired realm martial artists.

I saw this innate demon beast pounce on a tiger and bite Gu Xuan's head.

"This kid is dead!"

"Hide! idiot!"

The middle-aged warrior yelled at Gu Xuan.

But Gu Xuan didn't dodge or dodge, and watched the blood basin of the innate demon beast fall extremely calmly.

"So, if I don't have an adventure, my fate after the Spirit Sword Sect is to die in the wilderness?"

Gu Xuan seemed to be talking to himself, and it was also like talking to others.

In an instant, the figure of the demon beast disappeared, and the smiling Shangguan Yue appeared in front of Gu Xuan and said to him: "This is the lower limit of fate that I see in you, the upper limit of your destiny... I can't see. "


Take a sick leave, my stomach hurts to death, I really can't say anything, I will make it up tomorrow, I hope you understand

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