Immediately afterward, all light and shadow disappeared.

Gu Xuan opened his eyes, and Shangguan Yue's clear face was reflected in his eyes.

Shangguan Yueqiao's face was crimson, and the clouds on the horizon contrasted with each other, and it was incredibly beautiful.

"Now, do you understand?"

Shangguan Yue coughed lightly, not daring to look directly into Gu Xuan's eyes.

It's rare to see this kind of girlish shyness on her face, which has always been calm.

Gu Xuan blinked and said with a smile: "I don't understand it yet, I still need you to continue to explain when I have time." "

Shangguan Yue glanced at Gu Xuan, stretched out his hand and twisted it fiercely around his waist.

The two laughed for a while, and Gu Xuan's expression calmed down.

His gaze fell on a weed beside him.

In Gu Xuan's field of vision, many gray silk threads appeared on this weed.

"Is this an immersive martial arts comprehension teaching?"

Gu Xuan said to himself, and then pointed into a knife and lightly slashed across the gray silk threads.

The gray thread breaks.

Immediately afterward, the weed, which was still alive, withered at a speed visible to the naked eye for no reason, and soon died.

This is because Gu Xuan has cut off the thread of its fate and obliterated all possibilities for its future, so it can only die.

"Infernal Knife Technique, Fourth Style, Infernal Life!"

Gu Xuan was able to get a glimpse of the mystery of fate from Shangguan Yue, and thus comprehended the fourth form of the Infernal Sword Technique.

He also comprehended an incomparably powerful sword intent - the fate sword intent.

This was definitely the most powerful martial intent Gu Xuan had ever mastered.

The fate sword intent and the cause and effect knife intent are similar to a certain extent, but they are higher than cause and effect.

"This knife is not a mystery, but it is stronger than a mystery!"

Gu Xuan took a deep breath and a happy smile appeared on his face.

He now finally knew why Shangguan Yue represented a seven-colored chance.

With such a powerful ability and talent, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the only one in the ages.

Moreover, as long as Shangguan Yue was by his side, Gu Xuan could use this "immersive" method to comprehend the fate sword intent at any time.

There are a lot of "Martial Intent Comprehension Pills" left for Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan has many confidants, but Shangguan Yue is undoubtedly the one who has brought him the most benefits and help so far.

"So where should we go next?"

Gu Xuan asked Shangguan Yue.

"That's what you should be asked of. "

Shangguan Yue pointed to Gu Xuan's left chest and said seriously: "Your fate can only be controlled by yourself, I can't give you advice, at most, I can only see the direction for you faster after you make a decision." "

"What do I want to do?"

Gu Xuan frowned and said, "All I have always wanted to do is to become stronger, and what I want to do in the near future is to obtain the entire inheritance of the Nine Secrets of the Dao Palace..."

Shangguan Yue nodded, a strange light flashing in his eyes.

Then he said: "I see, the place we should go to now, it should be... Resting Wind City. "


A month later.

Outside a huge majestic city, two men dressed as warriors walked in.

A person wearing a moonlight robe, handsome, extraordinary appearance, and a peerless beautiful man who is difficult to find in the world.

The other person is a woman, with a beautiful face, a pair of eyes are very clear and bright, and from time to time there is a lot of wisdom flowing out, giving people a sense of beauty and intelligence.

"The City Lord of Breathing Wind City, Prince Divine Breath, is the beloved son of King Xi, a powerhouse in the King Realm, ranking fourth on the Divine Appearance List, and is known as the first defense in the realm of life and death. The strength is very strong, and he can be regarded as the leader of the young generation in the eastern part of Zhongzhou.

The martial arts tea party of the younger generation in Zhongzhou is about to be held, and Prince Shenxi should have the intention of inspiring and winning people's hearts by gathering the young powerhouses of the entire eastern region at this time. "

Shangguan Yue whispered to Gu Xuan.

"Since I want to win people's hearts, I must not rely on words.

Therefore, the prince of Shenxi held this deer cutting banquet, one has the meaning of the eastern Tianjiao chasing the deer in Zhongzhou, and the other refers to the many treasures on the banquet, like a fat giant deer.

The inheritance of the "Nine Secrets of the Dao Palace" you want should appear at the deer cutting banquet. "

Gu Xuan nodded slightly, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart: It's good to have Shangguan Yue by your side, you don't have to worry about anything, and Shangguan Yue is like a walking encyclopedia, everything about Zhongzhou, where does this little white don't know, just flip through her.

"Let's find a place to stay. "

Gu Xuan took Shangguan Yue's hand and found a restaurant and walked in, and asked a little worriedly: "You and I are swaggering through the market like this, will we be discovered by the Golden Crow Divine Dynasty?"

Shangguan Yue comforted: "You think too much, how big is the entire Zhongzhou, God knows how many combinations like ours there are." Moreover, the heavenly machines on our bodies are all shielded, even if they stand in front of the people of the Golden Crow Divine Dynasty, they may not be able to recognize us.

What's more, this is the City of Rest, the territory of the King of Rest. "

"Even if it is a strong person in the king realm, there is a difference between high and low, and the king realm that can have a name is not comparable to the ordinary king realm. Xiwang is one of them. "

Gu Xuan nodded, put his mind at ease, and took Shangguan Yue to sit down in the restaurant casually.

Then I ordered some more wine and food, and listened to the loud voices of the people next to me.

"This time, the Prince of Divine Breath held a deer cutting banquet, and there are many geniuses in the Wind Relief City. I have seen more than a few of the top Tianjiao on the list of gods of light. "

"Indeed, Zhuo Tianyi, the little sword monarch of the Cangkong Sword Gate, the soul of the Hanging Sword Sect's Splitting Sky Sword, the second holy son of the White Elephant Holy Land, and the second prince of the Golden Crow Divine Dynasty.... It's all top geniuses with names and surnames on the god list!"

"Except for those first-line pride who have already embarked on the road to fight for the king, almost all of our top geniuses in the east have arrived!"

"As the leader of our east, Prince Shenzhi should also set foot on the road of fighting for the king after the martial arts tea party..."

"The prelude to the battle of the great world has begun, and I am looking forward to what kind of star-studded spectacle it will be when the climax comes. "

"I heard that the contemporary Heavenly Witch of the Heavenly Demon Sect seems to have also come, and she was personally greeted by the Prince of Divine Breath as soon as she came, and I don't know if it's true or not. "

"Tsk, the Heavenly Demon Sect has always aimed to bewitch the current male lord for the past generations. coincides with the great world, and it seems that this generation of heavenly witches is also ready to move.."

"The Heavenly Demon Sect is proud of the strongest, aren't the Heavenly Heroes who have embarked on the road of fighting for the king proud of being able to get the favor of the Heavenly Witch? "

"Haha, that's a very good thing. If I have the strength, I must also want to taste the taste of the contemporary heavenly witch, which is a real stunner in the world..."

Gu Xuan listened with relish on the sidelines.

The cold Shangguan Yue suddenly reached over and pinched Gu Xuan's waist, and said in a sour tone: "It's really cheap for you!"


Gu Xuan's face was full of question marks, and he didn't understand what Shangguan Yue said.

What's cheaper for me?

What do I have to cheapen?


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