This is no longer something that Gu Xuan can speculate about at this stage.

Gu Xuan gathered his mind, took out a hundredfold comprehension pill, and took it.

In an instant, the comprehension of the originally nearby demon was directly improved to a level unimaginable to ordinary people.

After doing this, Gu Xuan picked up the fragment of the magic knife and felt it carefully.

His mind sank, and a sword intent that spanned the eons immediately poured into Gu Xuan's mind.

Suddenly, a back appeared in front of Gu Xuan's eyes.

This back stands above the nine heavens, and it is difficult to express the majesty and majesty of this back in words.

The back holds a long black knife in his right hand, and his body exudes a terrifying aura like a peerless hero.

"It's this knife!"

Gu Xuan's eyes contracted, and he recognized that the aura of the long knife in the figure was exactly the same as the fragment, and it should be the true body of the magic knife.

Gu Xuan's gaze moved upwards and saw a huge whirlpool appear on the heavenly dome.

A terrifying suction emanated from the whirlpool, tearing large swaths of the void to pieces.

Thunder, lightning, flames, and spatial turbulence raged everywhere, presenting a terrifying scene like the end of the world.

Suddenly, an incomparably large palm appeared in the whirlpool.

The size of this palm almost obscured most of the heavens.

The palm of the hand carried the power of destruction and slowly fell.

Even Gu Xuan, under this incomparably terrifying hand, couldn't help but feel a little desperate in his heart.

At this moment, the majestic figure above the Nine Heavens roared.

"You can't stop me!"

As he spoke, the figure swung his knife and slashed at the big hand that covered the sky.


The sword light that traverses the eons collides with the big hand that covers the sky.

The heavens are torn, the earth is shattered, the void is annihilated...

An incomparably huge mushroom cloud rose from the sky, and there was the sound of the magic knife wailing, and countless fragments scattered and fell, like meteors...

Immediately after, Gu Xuan's heart was shocked and he broke free from the illusion.

"What I see... Is it the scene before the fall of the master of the magic sword?!"

"Where is the big hand that covers the sky?!"

Gu Xuan's heart was shocked, and it was difficult to calm down for a long time.

Fortunately, his divine mind was powerful, and the extremely shocking scene just now only had a slight impact on him.

If it were an ordinary person, it is estimated that his soul would have been damaged and seriously injured and vomiting blood.

Gu Xuan took a deep breath and found that after experiencing the scene just now, his Heavenly Sword Intent had improved a little, and he was one step closer to consummation.

"Come again!"

When the shock on the divine soul disappeared, Gu Xuan's mind sank into the fragments of the magic knife again.

It was still the same scene as before, at this time, Gu Xuan firmly locked his mind on the moment when the great man took out the knife.

"You can't stop me!"


His mind was shocked, he withdrew from the illusion, and the sword intent of the heavenly sword rose again.

Re-sink in...

In this way, Gu Xuan entered the fragments of the magic knife again and again to realize the decisive knife of the great man before he died.

The Heavenly Sword Intent was rapidly rising at an unbelievable speed.

Ninety out of three...


Seven out of nine...

Nine out of nine...

During this process, Gu Xuan's eyes became brighter and brighter.

Before that, Gu Xuan had been thinking about a question.

What is the essence of the Heavenly Sword Intent?

The kind of sword intent that cuts through the eons and cuts everything is so lethal that even the spatial sword intent that is known as the number one killing is a few points inferior.

Now, Gu Xuan understood.

He is gradually approaching consummation, and he is also gradually figuring out the essence of the Heavenly Sword Intent.


"You can't stop me!"

In the illusion, the majestic man slashed towards the sky.

That sword light, wrapped in the momentum of cutting through the eons and cutting off everything, slashed at the big hand of the sky without hesitation.


In Gu Xuan's mind, a spiritual light flashed.

Whether it's thunder, or fire....

The end of the ultimate destructive power...

When it is destruction!

In an instant, Gu Xuan's Heavenly Sword Intent was complete.

In the Thunder Sword Intent and the Flame Sword Intent, a purer and more powerful force broke out of the cocoon.

Destroy the mystery!

Gu Xuan's third sword path mystery!

At this time, looking at the illusion of the magic knife fragment, Gu Xuan saw something more layered.

I saw that when the mighty man took out his sword, the sky was filled with an endless aura of destruction.

Under this aura of destruction, the big hand that covered the sky quickly collapsed, but it healed quickly.

Even the spatial turbulence was quickly extinguished under the aura of destruction.

Gu Xuan's mind was condensed, and the comprehension of the mystery of destruction that he had just comprehended was growing rapidly.

Gu Xuan felt the magic knife fragment dozens of times, and the knife intent on the magic knife fragment became weaker and weaker.

When he comprehended the mystery of destruction, the remaining sword intent on the fragments of the magic knife was finally completely consumed.

"Mystery Comprehension Dan!"

Gu Xuan simply took out the Mystery Comprehension Pill he had obtained before and used it directly.

In an instant, the mystery of destruction that had just comprehended one percent was directly raised to two percent.

Gu Xuan opened his eyes suddenly, and there seemed to be black thunder and flames beating in his eyes.

Ming Hong knife in hand, a knife out.

In an instant, the phantom of the black chain appeared, and the terrifying black sword light slashed out.


Where the sword light passed, large swaths of space shattered.

And it's not a simple collapse, even the space debris has been annihilated.

If the void was compared to a mirror, the limit of what Gu Xuan could do before was to shatter this mirror.

But now, he was able to completely erase the shattered mirror.

The shattered void was turbulent, and it took a long time for it to slowly heal.

Gu Xuan looked at the Minghong knife in his hand, his eyes burned, and he said to himself in a low voice: "This knife should be my strongest knife now!"

He was even sure that without relying on the attack of divine thoughts, he would directly wipe out the realm of life and death!

It can be seen that the destruction mystery has greatly improved Gu Xuan's combat effectiveness.

"I'm afraid that the causal sword intent and the fate sword intent may exceed this sword, and the yin and yang sword intent and the space knife intent can only reach the point where they are on par with it at most.

The mystical can be victorious, but the destructive power is far less than the destruction.

Everyone in the world says that time is not out, and space is king.

If you want me to say, destruction is the first well-deserved killing, and it can be honored!"

The comprehension of the mystery of destruction also led Gu Xuan's Dharma Body to evolve again.

On the Divine Picture Scroll, black flames and thunder appeared, and Dao marks soared by thirty again, reaching an astonishing level of more than one hundred and eighty!

"If I can get more fragments of the magic knife, not only can I improve my understanding of the mystery of destruction, but also find out the truth about the fall of the master of the magic knife..."

Gu Xuan sighed in his heart, carefully put away the fragments of the magic knife, and maybe it could come in handy in the future.

After comprehending the Dao of the Dao, the next thing is "The Nine Secrets of the Dao Palace".

Gu Xuan picked up the two nameless animal skins he had obtained from the White Elephant Holy Son.

These two skins respectively record the opening method of the two doors.

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