On the two pieces of nameless animal skins, the opening method of the Four Gate Dao Palace is recorded.

Destiny Dao Palace, Xingji Dao Palace, Tianmu Dao Palace, Xuanbing Dao Palace.

Destiny Dao Palace: Open the source of vitality in the body and quickly enhance the recovery power of physical cultivation.

Star Pole Dao Palace: Greatly increases the speed of physical cultivation.

Tianmu Dao Palace: Open the eye of heaven and have the ability to destroy all falsehood

Xuanbing Dao Palace: Gather the power of heaven and earth soldiers, bless on any object, and you can become a soldier.

These Four Great Avenue Palaces, each stronger than the other, made Gu Xuan quite excited.

Gu Xuan immediately followed what was recorded in the secret method, and his mind sank into his body.

Nine huge star portals appeared before his eyes.

Three of these portals have already been opened.

Gu Xuan's heart moved, and he came to a portal.

Put your hands on and push gently.


The huge portal in front of him came loose, blooming with an incomparably intense light.

In an instant, a source of life appeared in Gu Xuan's body.

A strong vitality gushed out.

Destiny Dao Palace, open!

Gu Xuan felt that his whole body was bathed in a hot spring, and his state was never better.

At the dantian xuan's womb, the Shenmu sapling was like a school of fish that smelled fishy, and suddenly poked its roots over, continuously extracting the vitality in Gu Xuan's body.

After a while, Gu Xuan's extra vitality due to the opening of the Destiny Gate Dao Palace was sucked away by the Shenmu sapling.

Gu Xuan didn't have time to be stunned, this guy was like he hadn't eaten enough.

The root system of the Divine Tree sapling actually extended directly into Gu Xuan's body, and suddenly appeared in Gu Xuan's consciousness.


Gu Xuan saw countless huge root systems like giant pythons appear in front of the Nine Stars Portal.

This root system stretched to the front of the Destiny Dao Palace, stretching the root system in, greedily absorbing the power inside.

In this process, the door of the Destiny Gate Palace was constantly stretched open... Open...

Gu Xuan was dumbfounded.

This unknown divine tree sapling is so domineering that it can directly open the Destiny Gate Palace.

Although most of the life force exuded from the Destiny Gate Dao Palace was absorbed by it, even the little leakage from its fingers was not a lot.

The most critical thing is.

After the operation of the Shenmu Sapling, his Vital Dao Palace was equivalent to being in an open state all the time, and he always had the ability to heal himself quickly, and his vitality was endless.

Moreover, it will continue according to the trend of the Shenmu sapling.

Someday, his life-gate Dao Palace...

It will be completely stretched open by the Shenmu sapling!


Gu Xuan called him a good guy.

This is equivalent to Gu Xuan, as long as he doesn't fall halfway, even if he no longer cultivates the way of body refining, his life gate and Dao Palace will definitely be fully opened.

"I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing..."

Gu Xuan saw that because he was rooted in the Destiny Dao Palace, he had a steady stream of vitality to draw on, and the Shenmu saplings that were growing at a speed visible to the naked eye, showed a helpless look on his face.

Since I can't stop it, I just don't care about it.

Gu Xuan retracted his mind and came to another star portal.

This Star Portal was a little more difficult to open than the Destiny Gate Dao Palace, and Gu Xuan barely pushed it open with a little effort.


Power poured out from the portal, and a strange power spread throughout Gu Xuan's body.

In the dark, Gu Xuan seemed to see a chain passing in front of him.

That was the trajectory of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth.


Extreme speed.

The rules of extreme speed between heaven and earth.

Star Pole Dao Palace, open!

After the Star Pole Dao Palace was opened, Gu Xuan seemed to be able to grasp the veins of the void, wind, and air.

Although he didn't test it, he also knew that his speed at this time must reach an extremely terrifying level.

After that, Gu Xuan tried to push open the two outer portals.

But both attempts were unsuccessful.

"It seems that with my current physical strength, being able to open the Five Great Dao Palace is already the limit. If you want to continue to open more Dao Palaces, you still need to have a greater breakthrough in the path of body refining..."

Gu Xuan also understood a little.

The White Elephant Holy Son can only open the Two Great Dao Palaces not because he doesn't know how to open them, but because he doesn't have enough background, he can only open the Two Great Dao Palaces, and more can't open them.

"In this case, the White Elephant Holy Land can't have a full set of Dao Palace Nine Secret Cultivation Methods..."

"Also, it is not surprising that a similar body refining holy land that has been inherited from ancient times has the cultivation method of the Nine Secrets of the Dao Palace. Just like the existence of the Martial God Slate, the inheritance of the Nine Secret Cultivation Methods of the Dao Palace is far more than just animal skins. "

"But, then, why does the White Elephant Son value this animal skin so much?"

A light of thought appeared in Gu Xuan's eyes.

He wanted to get the Nameless Beast Skin for the sake of the above cultivation method.

The White Elephant Son is not for inheritance, so what he asks for is obvious.

It's the skin itself!

Thinking of this, Gu Xuan took out all the three animal skins he had in his hand.

The three hides are clearly in the same vein, and the edges can be spliced together.

On the one hand, it is recorded the inheritance of the nine secrets of the Dao Palace, and on the other hand....

It's like a map!

Gu Xuan looked at the map for a while and was surprised to find it.

It seems that the map is the front of the animal skin, and "The Nine Secrets of the Dao Palace" is just a foil written on the back.

"With a refining bible like the Nine Secrets of the Dao Palace, what kind of secret does this map point to?"

Gu Xuan couldn't help but marvel.

But the whole map is clearly missing a part.

This part may be a piece of animal skin, or it may be two.

The missing part should contain the remaining inheritance of the Nine Secrets of the Dao Palace, and of course, the complete map.

"There may be an opportunity to collect them in the future."

Gu Xuan thought and carefully put away the animal skin.

In fact, Gu Xuan still has a Divine Hidden Dao Palace Pill in his hand, and after taking it, he can immediately open a Dao Palace, and the degree of opening can directly reach one percent.

However, Gu Xuan hadn't figured out which Dao Palace to open for the time being, so he put it away for the time being.


Gu Xuan turned his head and asked Shangguan Yue, who had been silently guarding his side.

"How long did I spend this retreat?"

Shangguan Yue replied: "It's less than half a month." "

"In other words, there are still about five months before the martial arts tea party of the younger generation in Zhongzhou.."

Gu Xuan thought for a while, and said to Shangguan Yue: "Yue'er, I want to take the top position on the god list, are you willing to help me?"

Shangguan Yue said without thinking: "If I can help you, I will naturally help you, how do you want me to help?"

Gu Xuanyi said in a positive manner: "I think I have to practice the Destiny Sword Intent well. "


Shangguan Yue was stunned for a moment, but quickly understood, Xia Fei gave Gu Xuan a big white eye with his cheeks.

"Do everything you want to take advantage of me!"

"Without further ado, let's start practicing right away. "



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