Sky Splitting Sword Sect.

Two figures stood in mid-air.

One of them was surrounded by countless golden sword lights, and his sharpness was unparalleled.

The sword intent of the other person was ethereal, with an aura of overpower.


The figure surrounded by golden sword light let out a low cry and slashed out a brilliant golden sword light.

This sword light seemed to involve a trace of the great power of the Great Dao, and with the terrifying aura of cutting everything, it slashed fiercely.

Not to be outdone, the other pointed out with a sword.

"Qinglian Sword Song!"

In an instant, countless green lotuses seemed to bloom in the void.

Every petal on each green lotus plant was like a sword, and in an instant, endless sword light shot out in all directions, colliding with the brilliant golden sword light, emitting a dense and terrifying sonorous concussion sound.

The wanton sword light almost smashed the void into a sieve, and the ground under the two of them was even more shattered with shocking sword marks.

The onlookers retreated and retreated, their faces all showing shocked and moved expressions.

Finally, the collision ended.

In the end, it was the golden sword light that was superior, suppressing countless sword lotus beings, and the latter retreated unwillingly.

"In this battle, Xiao He wins!"

An indifferent old man with a white beard walked out and opened his mouth to announce.

The golden sword light dissipated, revealing a young swordsman with eyebrows like a sword and a sharp edge.

The young swordsman saluted to another pale-faced, handsome young man and said, "Senior Brother Ling, I have accepted." Your talent is still above me, and if you suffer, you will suffer in cultivation, and if you give you another year and a half, I may not be your opponent. "

The young man reluctantly squeezed out a smile and said, "Senior Brother Xiaohe has a good reputation. "

Below, the disciples of the Heaven Splitting Sword Sect were discussing.

"Senior Brother Xiao He is really too strong, just a few golden sword intents, he can be cultivated to such a realm, the lethality far exceeds many top-grade sword intents, and it can even be compared to the best!"

"What do you know, Senior Brother Xiao He's golden breath sword intent has already been consummated, and now it has touched the edge of the mystery, and the sword intent has a trace of the meaning of cutting all things, and the lethality is extremely terrifying!"

"No wonder the head always said that Senior Brother Xiao He may not be the most talented in our Heaven Splitting Sword Sect for thousands of years, but he is definitely the purest sword cultivator, and his future achievements are limitless. "

"If you want me to say, Senior Brother Xiao He's strength is much stronger than Zhuo Tianyi, who is ranked more than thirty on the god list, why is the name of Little Sword Monarch his Zhuo Tianyi!"

"At this martial arts tea party, Senior Brother Xiao will make a name for himself!"

"Having said that, the Ling Tian Domain from the Southern Regions is also quite terrifying, it's only been less than a year, and the cultivation has soared directly from the Divine Aspect Triple to the Divine Aspect Sevenfold, and he can even fight with Senior Brother Xiao He back and forth, which is really perverted. "

"After all, it is a genius who inherits the luck of most of the small domains, and the few people who came to Zhongzhou from the Southern Regions are not bad. Especially the person who was taken away by the Emperor's Extreme Holy Land, who has the blood of the emperor, and it is said that he now has the combat power of a genius on the god list!"

"The emperor's bloodline becomes more and more brilliant the further it goes, if the power of the bloodline can be exerted to the extreme, it is difficult for ordinary people to compete with it, after all, people are born on the shoulders of giants. "

During the discussion, the white-bearded old man at the top spoke: "This Zhongzhou Martial Arts Tea Party, Ling Tianyu, you will go with Xiao He." Although it may be difficult for you to stand out at this year's martial arts tea party, it can also increase your horizons and gain more experience. "

"Yes. "

Ling Tianyu nodded respectfully.

The white-bearded old man looked at Xiao He again, with a bit of relief and expectation in his eyes.

"This martial arts tea party is to fight for a bit of luck for yourself.

A little more luck, and one more guarantee when he sets foot on the road to fight for the king..."

"The disciple will definitely go all out!"

Xiao He responded in a deep voice, and a burst of powerful sword qi and battle intent immediately rose in his chest, which made people look sideways.

Next to him, Ling Tianyu watched coldly, with a little unwillingness on his face.

It's been almost a year since he came to Zhongzhou, and although Ling Tianyu's strength has improved by leaps and bounds, there is still a certain gap compared to the top geniuses born and raised in Zhongzhou.

"It doesn't matter, with my qualifications, it will be easy to catch up with Xiao He within two years. The Heaven Splitting Sword Sect is nothing more than a third-grade sect in Zhongzhou, which is similar to the Xuanyu Holy Land. My real opponents, in the final analysis, are still those second-grade or even first-grade descendants of the Holy Land.

Achieving the king realm is not an overnight thing, the first to embark on the road to fight for the king may not have an advantage, wait for my latecomer to prevail and be the real protagonist of this life!"

Ling Tianyu thought secretly in his heart, and at the same time, his thoughts drifted into the distance.

"I don't know what kind of strength Ji Lingsheng is now, and... That man!"

A graceful figure flashed in Ling Tianyu's mind, and now that he thought about it, his heart still couldn't stop trembling slightly.

That one, the terrible man who had brought endless nightmares to all the Southern Regions.


"The emperor is amazing!"

A tall young man slowly threw a punch, and in the boxing technique, many mysteries flowed, and the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth seemed to cheer for it.

The person who fought with it shattered his momentum, snorted, and flew back.

"Concession. "

The tall young man lightly closed his fist, and the divine light around his body flowed, and the mystery was born by itself, like a god.

"The Third Holy Son was defeated?!"

"In less than a year, the Divine Appearance Triple has soared to the Divine Appearance Tenfold, and even the Third Holy Son has been defeated in his hands, this Ji Ling Saint is inevitably too strong!"

"The Imperial Realm bloodline on Ji Lingsheng's body is too powerful, extremely splendid, and after leaving the southern realm, the bloodline shackles were completely broken, and it was simply soaring into the sky. "

"I estimate that it won't be long before even the Second Holy Son can't suppress him!"

In the Imperial Extreme Holy Land, an old man in a gorgeous robe and extraordinary looked at Ji Lingsheng with amazed eyes, and couldn't help but praise: "The imperial bloodline on your body and the inheritance of my Imperial Extreme Holy Land complement each other.

At this martial arts tea party, you will definitely have a place on the re-ranked god list. "

Next to him, a young man with a strong aura and a full heavenly court heard the old man's comment, and glanced at Ji Lingsheng with some jealousy, secretly frightened.

This kid from the Southern Regions is really too demonic, and when he first entered the Emperor's Extreme Holy Land, he cultivated as a saint-level person, not even a core disciple.

But it has only been more than half a year, and this has climbed to the position of the third holy son.

The First Holy Son had already embarked on the road of fighting for the king, and he was alone, and he really didn't know how long he could hold this person down.

Ji Lingsheng noticed the gaze of the Second Holy Son of the Emperor's Extreme Holy Land, and he didn't pay attention to it at all.

For him, the Emperor's Extreme Holy Land was just a post station, and even the First Holy Son who had already embarked on the road to fight for the king, he didn't pay any attention to it.

Because he has the confidence to surpass it soon, he is destined to become a king.

For the time being, there is only one real opponent in his heart.

Ji Lingsheng's gaze was cast on the sky high and far away, and a figure flashed in his mind.

"The emperor's bloodline is inadequate, I respect my bloodline!"

That phrase is still ringing in my ears, deafening.

"You're right, the emperor's bloodline is insignificant. The blood of the emperor is just an arm on my way forward, not my reliance. "

Ji Lingsheng muttered to himself in a low voice:

"You will definitely go to this martial arts tea party.

This time, I should completely defeat you, use you as a stepping stone, break the shackles of blood, and achieve the true way of self!"

Ji Lingsheng's eyes flashed.

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