Zhongzhou Ancient Land, Tianyun City.

Ancient and huge, several monuments stand in the center of Tianyun City.

Starting from the Xuandan Realm, each realm was inscribed by an ancient monument, which recorded the most talented geniuses and the strongest martial artists of this generation in the entire Tianxuan Continent.

The name can appear on the ancient monument, which is both glory and luck.

At this time, two figures were holding hands and slowly walking towards Tianyun City.

The man among them is handsome, tall, and a beautiful man who is hard to find in the world.

The girl next to the man is also quite good-looking, and there is a rare spirit in the cold temperament.

She stood with the man, like a pair of golden boys and girls, very compatible.

It was Gu Xuan and Shangguan Yue who came to participate in the martial arts tea party.

"It's worthy of Zhongzhou, there are really many geniuses..."

Gu Xuan raised his eyes and looked at the sky above the center of Tianyun City, his eyes flickered, and he said softly.

The impression of Tianyun City on Gu Xuan is the same as that of the Qianlong Ancient City in the Southern Regions, it is a place where terrain gathers, majestic and majestic, making people feel awe.

The difference between the two is that the Qianlong Ancient City feels mysterious and ancient, and it is not much deeper than the history of Tianyun City.

And Tianyun City is a new city.

Although it doesn't have that ancient charm, the leyline is more majestic than the ancient city of Qianlong.

In Gu Xuan's field of vision, there were more than a dozen purple gold dragons entrenched in the sky above Tianyun City at this time.

This is all the luck of the martial artists, each of these luck dragons is more than sixty zhang long, and the worst can be compared to Gu Xuan, who reached the top of the Southern Regions True Dragon List at the beginning.

Among them, there is a "dragon king" with a body length of eighty or ninety zhang, which is extremely prominent.

In addition to these Qi Luck True Dragons of more than sixty zhang, there are dozens of Qi Luck Dragons with slightly smaller bodies, forty or fifty zhang, and thirty or forty zhang.

There are more than 100 one-twenty-foot luck python-like existences.

"More than a dozen true dragon-level geniuses, dozens of dragon-level geniuses, and more than a hundred pseudo-dragon-level geniuses!

Gu Xuan sighed.

Shangguan Yue said softly: "If the heavenly machine on your body is revealed, your luck may not be weaker than these people, it must be much stronger."

Gu Xuan's expression moved, to be honest, he was also very curious about how far his current Qi Luck True Dragon had grown.

Shangguan Yue opened his mouth and said: "Don't worry, the martial arts tea party is full of stars, and Tianyun City is already a place of disorder in the heavens, you can rest assured that you can take action at that time, the secret method I imposed on you will not cover up the slightest bit of your elegance..."

Gu Xuan shook his head and said, "I'm not a person who likes to be in the limelight. "

"The devil believes in you. "

Shangguan Yue glanced at him and said lightly: "Besides, you can get this limelight if you don't want to."

Since ancient times, there has never been a warrior who has reached the royal realm by retreating and penance.

Heaven and earth are like ovens, luck is the salary, do not fight for the fire, how can you jump out of this furnace and achieve the supreme position!"

"You're right. "

Gu Xuan nodded and said, "This year's martial arts tea party is so lively, presumably it won't be as simple as simply exchanging martial arts." "

"That's nature. "

Shangguan Yue said: "In the past, the martial arts tea party was not held in Tianyun City, and it was far less grand than this time.

The Tianxuan Continent ushered in an unprecedented world, such as the Xuandan List, the Divine Appearance List, and the Life and Death List, which are the best evidence.

This martial arts tea party is not only about fame, but also about real luck.

Luck is like tea, how many cups you can drink, it all depends on your ability.

I estimate that this martial arts tea party, the general trend of heaven and earth may send gifts to nourish Tianjiao. "

Hearing this, Gu Xuan's eyes lit up, and he said happily: "This is the best thing. "

If the general trend of heaven and earth really gave gifts to many geniuses, this proves that this martial arts tea party is an opportunity.

If he has a chance, he will have the opportunity to cut off his beard and get additional rewards.

Shangguan Yue said softly: "In this life, not only you young geniuses are fighting, but also the strong men of the older generation.

The further you go, the more brutal and fierce the competition will be.

We're just getting started.

Under such a general trend, it is inevitable to give birth to an emperor figure.

I just don't know who will be able to step on the bones of thousands of proud people to get to that position in the end."

"Is the emperor strong.."

Gu Xuan's eyes showed a lot of fascination.

Soon, his eyes became clear, he took Shangguan Yue's hand, and said with a smile: "It's too early to think about this, let's go to the middle and have a look." "

Shangguan Yue nodded.

At the same time, in the center of Tianyun City, where many ancient monuments stand, some people are watching.

"Thirty-ninth on the Divine Appearance List, Ji Lingsheng!"

"Good guy, it's only been less than a year since I came to Zhongzhou, and this guy Ji Lingsheng has already become one of the gods!

A handsome young man in a blue shirt stood in front of the god list, with a look of surprise on his face.

Beside this person, there is also a strong and majestic young man and a young man with a gloomy temperament holding a knife.

If Gu Xuan was here, he should be able to recognize these people, they were Zhou Canglan, Chao Yan and Su Jiaoxing, who were competing with him in the Southern Regions at the beginning.

"Ji Lingsheng is among the gods and goddesses, but Gu Xuan's name has not been found, it's really strange.."

Zhou Canglan shook his head and sighed: "With Gu Xuan's strength and potential, it stands to reason that he should not be worse than Ji Lingsheng, why is he not on the list?"

Chao Yan said in a deep voice: "The emperor's bloodline becomes more and more brilliant the further he goes, and it is not impossible to be overtaken by Ji Lingsheng!"

Zhou Canglan nodded with a complicated expression.

Immediately, he couldn't help but ask Chao Yan, "Chao Yan, how have you been in the Ancient Demon Sect for most of the past half a year?"

Chao Yan replied with a serious face: "The Zhongzhou Heaven and Earth is much wider than the Southern Regions, and my strength has been greatly improved, and now the power of the Demon Arm can be unsealed to fifty and a half!"

Zhou Canglan's face showed envy after hearing this.

When Chao Yan was in the Southern Regions before, he could only unseal forty percent of the power of the Demon Arm, but now that more than half a year has passed, it has increased by one and a half.

Don't underestimate this half.

The more terrifying the power of the Demon Arm becomes, and the more difficult it is to fuse.

Although it is only one and a half times, the current combat effectiveness of Chao Yan has definitely more than doubled compared to before!

"Then in the Ancient Demon Sect, you should be quite respected. "

Chao Yan smiled bitterly: "It's not as exaggerated as you think, although the Demon Sect and the Ancient Demon Sect are in the same lineage, there are many people who are stronger than me."

The Holy Son of the Ancient Demon Sect of this generation even fused the entire Demon Heart.

The talent and combat power are 100 times more than mine!"

Chao Yan paused for a moment, and said slowly: "If the Ancient Demon Holy Son can completely fuse the heart of the Demon and incarnate into the Ancient Demon Demon, maybe my left arm of the Demon will also be recalled."

Zhou Canglan was stunned and couldn't help but be silent.

The greatest sorrow of being a genius is the stepping stone to becoming a genius who is stronger than you.

Chao Yan is like this, why is he not.


I've been busy with home decoration for the past two days, my heels can't touch the ground, and the update is slow, sorry, sorry. It's about to be the climax, the battle of the martial arts tea party, look forward to it...

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